MovieChat Forums > Megan Fox Discussion > Why Hollywood won't cast Megan Fox anymo...

Why Hollywood won't cast Megan Fox anymore

Michael Bay's first Transformers movie turned Megan Fox into an instant star. Men's magazines couldn't get enough of her, and directors rushed to cast her in their action blockbusters and indie passion projects. Who knew that a mere decade later, Fox would still be playing second fiddle to CGI creations? Outside of the running-on-fumes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, her box office prospects have been pretty dire of late. So what happened to the actress for whom the "Maxim Hot 100" list was basically created? What caused her tumble from the A-list? Find out below.

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She's getting too old and her age is showing. She had no acting ability whatsoever, her entire purpose was to look good on screen (and she did that well). What parts can she get given her age and ability in 2017? basically nothing.


she never even had 15 minutes of fame - more like 6 or 7.


Has there ever been a website more useless than looper?




Harvey Weinstein?


She never had a market to begin with, they really tried to make her happen. First of all, women don't like her, her "look" appealed to young men, trust me, real beauty is timeless(Audrey Hepburn). She had no real talent to back up her fame, young men went to see Transformers not for her but for the giant robots.


"women don't like her"

I don't even think many men like her because of intimidation and even jealousy because of her looks. Sour grapes?

Too bad. She appears to be down-to-Earth, smart, and I admire her traditional family values. I never read about her getting in trouble or doing stupid things.



ahahaa true
