MovieChat Forums > Jane Vande Voorde Discussion > Who is this up and coming actress?

Who is this up and coming actress?

To be honest I'd never heard of her before but nowadays she pops up on the headline page of this site as often as Brie Larsson, Kat Dennings, Kristen Stewart et al.

Who is this sexy new upcomer?


She is the next lea seydoux. Hot hot hot!


where can we see her whole body?


Cor blimey!

I hadn't seen the previous Lea Seydoux due to my personal boycott of Daniel Craig "Bond" films (which I believe is now beginning to hurt and being discussed at the highest levels in EON Productions) but having now looked her up I concur. There's no doubt about it:-

JVV is clearly just as hot!


Where have you been? How can anyone forget her Oscar-worthy turn as Woman Walking on Cash Truck? She beat out Meryl Streep for that part.


I loved her as "dancer" in Logan


She stole the show in that movie.


IMDB's credibility just went out the window. I can't believe her page there hasn't been deleted yet.


Im on it, I edited all of her credits and waiting for the outcome. 121 credits.

Theres no way to flag an account but ive raised the issue on IMDB community.

Hopefully they won't ban me for editing and I lose my almost 3000 (legit) movie ratings, reviews and lists.


Charlie Sheen is a HUGE fan and cast her in his award winning Tim Montana music video as " Sexy Woman !


if the imbd is not working then You can find video on Instagram and you can stalk the profile and also play the videos by using given Link.


She's gonna make it big time as soon as she's 18-26 years old again.


I flagged her fake IMDB cast additions. Hopefully someone will take a look and block her from adding any more, but seeing as she adds a few each day nobody could keep up unless she gets banned.

The lady has problems, shes on instagram videos screaming at people as we speak.


I like how this schizo lady's face is next to Jesus Christ in the trending section.


She obviously needs better handlers. Who the fuck posts a pic of themselves like they're about to receive the D for a long blowjob session?


It's not her. The photo is a gay porn actress who she doesn't know.
