MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Donald Trump is the antichrist

Donald Trump is the antichrist

Among the list of criminal activity and questionable behavior, Trump is responsible for seeding chaos and discord. He single handily caused hatred and public mistrust of the CDC and Asians.

The man is a walking time bomb. I'm not even sure why nobody has tried to assasinate Donald Trump yet.


Agreed. And what did he do when he arrived. He tried to sell us a bible!


That's exactly what the antichrist is prophesied to do. Right down the line Trump has followed in the footsteps of the prophesy.


Totally disagree, he is not the Antichrist, this is something he likely would be flattered about.
No, he is very clearly Mammon! (
In the Middle Ages, it was often personified and sometimes included in the seven princes of Hell. Mammon in Hebrew (ממון) means 'money'. The word was adopted to modern Hebrew to mean wealth.


The dude stared into the sun during an eclipse and didn't know he was the President of the Virgin Islands. He may not be the antichrist, but he is an idiot.


The other guy is even more of an idiot, and I've never met anyone who wants Cackling Kamala as their President. But dang! The way Biden's deteriorating, he's going to have to step aside sometime in the next four years.


Me dissing Trump isn't an endorsement for Biden. They're both idiots.




How to say you've never read the Book of Revelation without saying you've never read the Book of Revelation.


Oh I read The Book of Revelation. Apparently you haven't though.


Really? Point to the verse that says that once the Antichrist begins to reign, he is supplanted by a mere mortal man, as Trump was for the last four years. I'll wait.

Oh, and when is the Church spoken of last in the Book of Revelation? That's an easy one.


The Bible is nothing more than a book of fairy tales. Why are you so stupid that you worship a book written by goat herders 2,000 years ago? I can't imagine how much of your life is wasted by this nonsense.


That's, like, just your opinion, man. 😉

I can look in that "book of fairy tales," see the promises it has for me, and know it's true because I've lived it. The saddest thing in the world is to see someone whose loved one has died and they have no hope, nothing to hang onto, and feel as though they have no future. My husband died nearly a year ago. I'm disabled. I leaned on the Lord and discovered His promises to be true.

I spend more time on Twitter because you can curate the timeline a bit better. I see people who've lost loved ones and they're completely devastated.

There will come a time in your life where you'll wish you had hope. I hope you find it.

Meanwhile, as God is taking good care of me, I'm looking forward to seeing my husband again. You're looking forward to becoming worm food. I wouldn't trade with you for the world.


You've been brainwashed all your life. Why would you worship a god who killed your husband? Only weak people like you believe in the Bible. You are a retard because you worship a book of fairy tales called the Bible and you worship your Orange Messiah who is an atheist. Your stupidity cannot be fixed.


See, you also think I worship Trump. And because you think it, you believe it. We used to say, "Don't believe everything you think." But you have to believe the things you think because that way you can think you've won the argument. Construct those Strawmen! Knock them down! Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

I think Trump is like most nominal Christians -- a church-goer. He doesn't go often so he knows about as much about the Bible as you do.

You seem very angry. We all die, dear. Some of us die with hope. Some die without it. Some watch their loved ones die, stroking their foreheads and singing hymns to them. Some cry their eyes out because they're in hopeless, wretched agony.

As I said, you seem very angry. You use the sorts of words angry people do, and you lash out at others so you can feel better about yourself. I didn't get saved until I was 46, so I know the drill all too well. "Brainwashed," "god who killed your husband," "weak people like you," "retard," "book of fairy tales," "Your stupidity cannot be fixed." Yes, VERY angry. I was, too. And just as hateful and certain of my superiority. It's a hard way to live. Hate and anger like that does more damage to you than it does to anyone else.

I hope you find peace.


I've read the complete Bible twice and with all the bullshit I've read is just one reason why I'm an atheist. My life is full and since I'm retired because I am a US Army veteran so all my bills are paid with my pension and I have plenty extra for fun. Just because you are terrified of your so called loving God doesn't mean I'm miserable. I'm sorry that you are so stupid.


@ Destinata........
Sorry for your loss.

I surely hope you are not disappointed in the after-life (I'm sure there is NONE). At least I KNOW I will not be disappointed as I don't believe in that bunk. Never have. Never will.


Hey, show some respect for your next president. 😉🍌


America is doomed if Trump becomes president again.


Then you better get used to it and seek help now before YOU end up becoming the ticking timebomb


You're crazy.


You've got room to talk for even creating this thread to begin with


Oh you're one of those people that think religion is for crazy people?


What does that have to do with you claiming Trump's the Anti-Christ and wasting everyone's time with this thread devoted to it?? 🙄 And for the record, I'm Catholic and have been all of my life AND I'm Pro-Life with the exception of saving my wife's life should something occur during the time of Birth and I have to make that decision between saving my wife or the fetus and even the hardest, most staunch Pro-Lifer wouldn't sacrifice their wife for this and if they say so, they're lying through their teeth.. No one in their right mind would do that


Okay bye troll. You're wasting my time and you are a very nasty person.


Troll?? You're the pot calling the kettle black 🙄


Don't get mad at me because for whatever stupid reasons you want a felon to be president. It really shows what kind of person you really are.

You don't need to reply. I won't respond.


Yeah?? How are you going to feel when the U.S Supreme Court overturns Trump's felony conviction that never should've been a Felony to begin with?? Think about that genius while you have your liberal panties in a twist?? 🙄


Your Leftist, socialist, Woke version of America is doomed, yeah, but the real America gets a new lease on life.




😂 Please, for the Greater of Humanity and to everyone here at MC, please Seek Therapy for your TDS
