MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > How is it possible that a convicted felo...

How is it possible that a convicted felon can run for President?

It should be impossible for a convicted felon to even run in an election, nevermind actually becoming the President.


ask Clinton and that other guy...


Seriously though, were they ever convicted in a court of law?


No they weren't , Trump is the first,and he and his base should be very proud!


But it's not over until the fat lady sings. Plenty of esteemed legal pundits have commented thus far that this case was rife with errors that could overturn the verdict on appeal. But they also all agree that the appeals probably wouldn't be granted until after the election. It's all so bizarre. Trump could actually be serving as POTUS as a convicted felon and yet not be able to vote himself because of that status.


"Seriously though, were they ever convicted in a court of law?"

Donald Trump was convicted in a kangaroo court. Not a court of law.

The conviction will be tossed on appeal. If it has to go to the Supreme Court President Trump will be exonerated.

It is called "lawfare". Have you ever heard of the term? Hello, anybody home?

"It should be impossible for a convicted felon to even run in an election, nevermind [sic] actually becoming the President."

There is nothing in the Constitution of the United States that renders a convicted felon ineligible for running for President.

Do you understand now?



Well Put.


A jury of his peers convicted him in his home and business town of New York where he was a Democrat for decades.
He had a right to testify to clear his chaste and pure name , but he chickened out because he knew he’d perjure himself in 5 seconds on the stand and burst into flames


Understanding this would requiring the ability to critically think.

The post alone confirmed the OP doesn’t possess this. 39 posts and they’ll be gone before they hit 100.

This is why we have the block list.


no, but they have both committed lots of crimes. people associated to the Deep State will never be indicted. republicans dont even care as they are a part of the problem too. dems and repubs are a part of The Swamp and Trump is an outsider which is why he is persecuted so much.


Because the constitution doesn't say a convicted felon can't.

There's a lot of things it doesn't say though. It doesn't say you have right to bear arms, except specifically as part of a well regulated militia, for example.

It doesn't say you can't terminate a pregnancy either.


It doesn't say you can take a kidney from one person and give it to another. That's some godless Frankenstein shit! God intended that kidney for one person only and transferring it is blasphemous.


It doesn't say you can't.


My sarcasm didn't transfer well.


The constitution doesn't say anything about murder, but all state laws do.


because ourdemocracy®️ allows for it. Any questions?

Now let’s all sit back and watch as this Democrat lemming sock disappears faster than American flags at a Democrat rally with 3 people.


Why not?

Most politicians are unconvicted felons.

What’s the difference?


convictions and jailhouse press conferences


Aka publicity to rally the kool-aid drinkers.
