MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > why are the dems openly rigging the elec...

why are the dems openly rigging the election now?

they are not even trying to hide it that they are going to hijack the 2024 election.


I don't see it that way. Justice was served. Trump did the crimes and is now a convicted felon. This has nothing to do with the Dems hijacking the 2024 election. Trump is responsible for this outcome. He screwed up and his screw up has come to bite him in the ass.


As usual, you live in backwards world


I know. everyone thinks that genocidal maniac is a good leader.




context is needed here.


Already making unsubstantiated excuses just in case your felon hero loses.


Joe did the same thing before 2020. he said he was going to lose by chicanery. or did you already forget?


So did Trump! He ‘The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged’ did YOU forget?


Obama said that elections cant be rigged. did you forget?


So what if he did? I'm not the one claiming an election was rigged.


Hillary did. and dont forget Nancy said the election was hijacked and then Joe said he would lose by chicanery and Hillary said not to concede under any circumstances.


Again, so what? At least the left isn't constantly harping on Trump 'stealing' the 2016 Presidency for YEARS like the right did over 2020.


they whined for 4 years that elections could be stolen but then suddenly said that elections cant be stolen in Nov 2020. Hillary said that Russia will hijack the 2024 election.


I don't know about "openly", but I have no doubt they are going to use Trump's conviction against him as a lame winning point. Besides, they bash him for doing things that we know they have no problem doing as well? It's sad.


Well, Trump made it clear in 2016 that he would absolutely refuse to bring justice to any Democrat criminal. He is promising a revenge tour when re-elected, but that is just another Trump lie.


but we all know if Trump wins, the dems will say he cheated.


Yeah, but see, 95% of America already see through this trial and what it's purpose was and it wasn't because Trump broke any law. Trump has been running his Business Empire for 45 Years when Alvin Braggs was in law school most likely and no one had a problem then, Trump was genuinely well liked and well respected.. He even donated to the Democrat Party for like EVER.. Here, a photo of one big happy family back in the day:


[–] BKB (6762) 4 hours ago
Trump has been running his Business Empire for 45 Years when Alvin Braggs was in law school most likely and no one had a problem then, Trump was genuinely well liked and well respected.

The people that Trump screws over when he does not pay his bills do not like him.

The widow he tried to screw over when he tried to have her house condemned so he could pave it over for a parking lot did not like him either.

The women that claim Trump sexually assaulted them have no reason to like him. They don't think he has a right to sexually assault women as a perk of wealth.

A lot of people do not like Trump and for good reason.


Trump will lose by chicanery. unless he wins, then there was no chicanery.


Democrats have been rigging CA elections since the late 90s. Outside of the political machine…

they have…
- no experience to draw from
- thus, no solutions
- a bitter hatred for the United States, its traditions, its culture, its flag, its people.
- no ability to persuade
- no evidence to back their views

The solution? Riggers


Trump paid for hit pieces on his political opponents in 2016!
Looks like rigging to me!
This is quite disturbing


