MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Nikki Haley says she will vote for Trump

Nikki Haley says she will vote for Trump

“I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form, absolutely,” Trump said, saying he “appreciated” former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley’s pledge of support.

“Nikki Haley believes in collective racial guilt. She thinks that Ukraine’s borders are more important than our own, far more important. She believes identity politics are our future. She says, "vote for me because I’m a woman." That’s her pitch.
— Tucker Carlson, February 23, 2023


Kiss the ring bitch. Tucker's not wrong and she's a warmongering neo con.


I remember when dems said that Haley would be beat Trump in the primaries. where did they all go? lol


I voted for Nikki in the primaries but I’m not voting for Trump, despite her endorsement. Biden’s made more an effort to reach out to her voters than Trump. Normal campaign strategy is to try to unify one’s own party base and divide your opponent’s. Trump evidently feels he needn’t bother and will win without courting them. He might be right but he’ll look foolish if he loses a close election.


so you are voting for Tyranny?


He said he is voting for Biden.
There is no one running for the job by the name of Tyranny.


Joe Tyranny (you will need F-15's and nuclear weapons to take on the Fed govt.) Biden


Trump will surely win now. unless the dems hijack the election.


Trump cannot win if the GOP does not nominate him.


Right. Like that's really going to happen.

Nikki Haley as big a whore as the rest of the Republicans.


He didn't even reach a 50% approval rating at it's peak while he was president, got voted out after one term, and has a mountain of lost court cases and you think he's gonna win?

Now that we're dreaming, I'd like a pony.


Trump can win, just depends on how much chicanery there is.


But who will Christie vote for


prob for


The snake is trying to make a play for presidency and Sununu as her VP.


yup, the sad part is that I used to like her. now we know she is a swamp creature.
