Trump wins

Democrats have gone all out to stop Trump like no election before. One has to wonder if they have too much skin in the game to accept/allow a Trump win. What do you think happens if Trump wins in 2024?


The orange grifter is sitting in court right now being tried for 34 felonies with 3 more trials coming up. Americans will not vote for that. It's not just the Democrats who hate Trump because most Americans hate him. Trump fucked himself and the Democrats had nothing to do with that. His political career is over.


Nailed it!!! And his worsening dementia is on display on the occassions his handlers let him do a hate rally. (like in NJ…lmao. Even the MAGAts were heading to the exit while he was up there babbling the same old tired crap).


Trump's only campaign platform is to get revenge on everybody who hurt his feelings. That's it. This will guarantee that Biden will be reelected in November.


Americans will not vote for that? Biden had a recent 60% disapproval from CNN.


So now you believe in polls from CNN? That's hilarious!

Acoording to most polls Trump and Biden are about tied in everything right now but all of Trump's crimes will keep him out of the White House.


CNN is left leaning. If they claim 60% disapproval for Biden then it's bound even higher. Biden has the lowest negatives in modern times going back to Eisenhower.

You're unable to even speculate on the given hypothetical condition of Trump winning. This is a potentially dangerous situation. If Trump wins and you're representative of a typical democrat voter. We could witness mass hysteria by the left.


That's just a bunch of bullshit. According to your very limited mind any poll that shows Trump in lead no matter how small but when a poll favors Biden you scream fake news. You are a simpleton and the fact that you worship Trump just proves how stupid you are!


If it's B.S. then go whine to the left leaning sites that published it. You can't even address hypothetical situations talk about 'very limited mind".


1. More riots by antia and blm.

2. Even more resistance from the Deep State.

3. Even more flak from the international left.


Then it's best for the country to not reelect Trump if he will be responsible for the these atrocities. Besides, all those BLM and Antifa riots including the Jan. 6 insurrection all happened while Trump was president. He didn't even lift a finger to help any of the communities effected by these riots.

The Deep State and the International Left are just more conspiracy theories that you're so stupid to believe in.


I like that you consider the antifa and blm people to be sub human animals not responsible for their own actions.

Even though I agree with you, that does not mean that we should accomadate them, but just that we need to be prepared for their violent acting out

You are right that Trump in the past was way to restrained with these lefty animals.

Hopefully the next time, he will do better.


Next time? 🀣


Yes. Correct. That is what I said. That is what I meant.

I also look forward to hearing you whine like a faggot, when you get what you are now prenteding you wanted then.


You are such a little pussy and I'm sure you are gay because you use faggot a lot in your posts. πŸ€£πŸ–•πŸ»It's okay to come out of the closet. I won't judge you I promise.

Here, have a tissue. 🧻 Feel better now, cupcake? I can't wait for Trump to lose again because you very stupid Trump supporters are at least entertaining.


lol. You are using that word wrong again. You are not only a fag, but stupid.

I will try to remember your name, and that you attacked Trump for NOT doing more about the rioters during his first term.

Because you know that ANYTHING he does, you will whine like a fag about it, and pretend that it is the worst thing ever.


Talking about Trump and his illegal behavior doesn't mean I'm attacking him you fucking moron. Saying that I am attacking your orange master is right out of the cult handbook. You know, everyone except your leader is lying and any criticism of Trump is an attack from outsiders. I hope you can be successfully deprogrammed when Trump loses in November.


Jesus Christ, too much of a pussy to own your snivelling attack on Trump?



What Is a Cult? 10 Warning Signs...

According to the Cult Education Institute, there are specific warning signs to look out for when considering whether a group might be a cult. Cults are characterized by:

1. Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
2. Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
3. Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget
4. Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions
5. A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
6. Abuse of members
7. Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group
8. Followers feeling they are never able to be β€œgood enough”
9. A belief that the leader is right at all times
10. A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing β€œtruth” or giving validation

I hope this helps you recognize that you're in a cult and you seek help to leave the cult of Trump. Pay special attention to #9 because Trump rarely tells the truth. Get past that and there may be hope for you.


DUde. None of those apply to me or Trump. You are a fool.


According to your posts the following does apply to you and these and all the rest on this list applies to the orange shitgibbon.

1. Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
2. Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
4. Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions
5. A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
9. A belief that the leader is right at all times
10. A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing β€œtruth” or giving validation

You are definitely in the cult of Trump, sucker!


1. I respect many limits to Trump's "athority" from balance of power to him, at most, having 4 more years.

2. I am completely open to any reasonable criticism or questions about Trump or Trumpism. Unfortunately, the vast majority of pushback is completely irrational and/or delusional.

4. "Unreasonable fears" allows for REASONABLE fears. There have been PLENTY of documented conspiracies, such as the Steele Dossier, and the cover up of the hunter biden laptop.

5. Ann Coulter turned on him. I fully respect her reasons.

9. He was wrong to not build the wall. He was wrong to not deport more illegals. He was wrong to not go after big employers of illegals more. He was wrong to nominate a woman Justice. He was wrong to have such a loose money policy. He was wrong to cheat on his wives. He was wrong to sleep with a porn star. I could go on, I think I made my point.

10. LOL. Trump's ideology is nothing but paleo-conservativism leavened heavily with short term pragmatism and political expediancy. Plenty of bigger and better thinkers on that subject, historically and in the future.


I know this is just just a lot of excuses for you and Trump's poor behavior so I didn't even read your stupidity. You're in a cult so seek help you total fucktard!


YOu posted a list that you claimed applied to me.

I responded seriously and honestly to each one.

Your refusal to read it is cowardice on your part.


Here, have a tissue. 🧻


I've responded to your points, in turn.

You are having a hissy fit and refusing to even look at hte response.

And you pretend that i am the one that is "triggered"?

LOL. Sure buddy. Sure.


Why do you insist on always getting the last word in? You are a stupid little child. You think that you won something here but nobody cares. I fact, nobody cares about you because you are a moron who worships Trump.


You said something to me and I responded.

Then you had a hissy fit and you keep responding to me.

I see the notification that you said something back to me, so I click it to see what, and then respond to what you said.

There is a level of stupidity at which I will consider your words, not worth the seconds it takes me to reply.

Perhaps you should feel...good about yourself that you have not fallen to that level.


[–] Corbell (8630) 14 hours ago
Jesus Christ, too much of a pussy to own your snivelling attack on Trump?

Observations of DJT's behaviors, actions, and words are not Criticisms. πŸ—½πŸ‘


i have no interest in a debate on semantics.


[–] Corbell (8634) 4 hours ago
i have no interest in a debate on semantics.
Do you think that what you're calling "Lawfare" which is nothing more than "Due Process" against a Criminal Defendant being executed in NY is a legal debate? You actually think that DJT is in a debate and that you are participating in the MovieChat foxholes by holding down and defending the ample rear Flank of DJT?



Robocat attacked Trump.

I responded to his attack on Trump.

Robocat like the snivelling worm he is, whined that he didn't attack Trump.

That's pathetic and stupid on many levels.

You seem to want to move the discussion to some nitpicking arguement of semantics, to try to hide the fact that robocat attacked Trump.

That sounds stupid and boring and nonsensical.


Yes, I agree with that. Definitely big riots. I suspect maybe more impeachments.




Are you okay? Did you have a stroke?


Oh its yet another of those "The dirty commies are gonna shit a brick when we MAGAs are victorious ,
watcha think they'll do? " threads.

and then goes on to list all the maga cult staples of whining and denying election results and insurrection and claiming thats what "the left" will do.

A far more pertinent question is what will the MAGAS do if Trump loses , although the answers far more obvious , just repeat the last 4 years.
No amount of additional transparency or monitoring at the election will stop Trump (and by extension, the cult) saying its fixed.


I expect massive protests and then they will say Trump cheated and then the election will be investigated. dems will spend the next 4 years trying to impeach Trump for no reason.


They'll also piss and moan and cry like little babies on tv incessantly, and get the news services in Europe to do the same thing.


yup, going to be a lot of heads exploding and more salty tears which will cause the oceans to rise again.


At least then we'll know who REALLY was in charge of "climate change," lol xD


I expect another round of this:

And I'll greatly enjoy the show.


Trump will lose in November, then he'll be in the courts for two years, found guilty (of a few of his 88 crimes) and sent to house arrest in mar a lago.
Rudy will become his cellmate and it will turn into a grotesque reality show
