MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Joe Rogan's Quote On Trump

Joe Rogan's Quote On Trump

"No one is going to run against Trump on the Republican side and win because you are not going to get the Trump supporters... The fact that he was the President for four years, and the country was in a great economic situation, and it looked like his policies were actually effective.

Unemployment was down. Business was booming. Regulations were being relaxed. More things were getting done. When you look at it from a policy perspective, what he did on paper was effective...

Everybody thinks there needs to be a wall. Even the Mayor of New York City is now calling to stop immigration into his city...

When you look at the Russia collusion. When you look at the Steele dossier. When you look at all the bullshit, they tried to throw at him that we now know is bullshit.

Not just bullshit, but coordinated bullshit. When you look at the fact that they suppressed this Hunter Biden laptop story.

And 51 intelligence agency representatives signed off on that to say that this is Russian disinformation, which we know they know is not true. That's scary.

Because now you have the intelligence agencies colluding to keep a guy from being president, who was president during a time when the country was thriving economically."

Joe is now considering having Trump on his massive platform.


Yep. What he said.


DJTrump is perfect!

Few people are aware of the records he achieved that have never been surpassed by a President! All you Democrats and Liberals, I'm going to list them once and for all!

Historically, he is the FIRST President to:
• Complete his one and only term and expand the deficit each year
• Keep the debt to GDP ratio above 100%
• Have the highest yearly budget deficit
• Most new jobless claims in a single term
• Most money added to the national debt
• Signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a $1.9 TRILLION tax bill favoring corporations and wealthy Americans
• Largest single day point drop in the history of the Dow Jones as a direct result of his policies
• To lose jobs during his Presidency in almost a century
• First major party candidate in half a century to lose the popular vote twice
• Longest government shutdown in history while his OWN party controlled both chambers of Congress
• First President in the history of approval ratings to maintain a net negative approval rating for his entire term
• First to be impeached, twice
• First President to have the most indictments, guilty pleas, and criminal convictions of members of his administration
• First President not to concede an election he verifiably lost
• First President to attempt a coup
• First President to not offer transparency and release his tax returns

• Flatlined a strong economy even before the pandemic
• Lost around 300,000 manufacturing jobs as almost 2,000 US manufacturing plants closed because of Trump trade war
• Managed to increase the trade deficit by 218 BILLION DOLLARS in just four years
• WASTED millions of taxpayer dollars on golf with much of it lining his own pockets
• WASTED millions on rebranding part of the Air Force to the likings of Star Trek
• WASTED millions on a 50 mi. Mexican/US border wall that Mexico NEVER agreed to pay for.

Provided by commentor:
I want to Thank FOX and OAN for the information gathered and fact checked by them not me.


The economy was doing well before the pandemic. That you would claim otherwise, reveals you to be a shit talker.


Until he fucked up the pandemic and tanked everything. Yeah so great...

Signed, million man.


He followed the advice of the medical experts.

But the point is, the list above claimed FALSELY that he "flatlined" the economy BEFORE that.

That is a LIE. Thus the entire list is shit talk. THe person posting it, is a shit talker.


Trump inherited a strong economy from Obama. Trump did not create that strong economy as he keeps spewing (LIES). about it.........


Yep checks out, hard to say he's wrong.


DJTrump is perfect!

Few people are aware of the records he achieved that have never been surpassed by a President! All you Democrats and Liberals, I'm going to list them once and for all!

Historically, he is the FIRST President to:
• Complete his one and only term and expand the deficit each year
• Keep the debt to GDP ratio above 100%
• Have the highest yearly budget deficit
• Most new jobless claims in a single term
• Most money added to the national debt
• Signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a $1.9 TRILLION tax bill favoring corporations and wealthy Americans
• Largest single day point drop in the history of the Dow Jones as a direct result of his policies
• To lose jobs during his Presidency in almost a century
• First major party candidate in half a century to lose the popular vote twice
• Longest government shutdown in history while his OWN party controlled both chambers of Congress
• First President in the history of approval ratings to maintain a net negative approval rating for his entire term
• First to be impeached, twice
• First President to have the most indictments, guilty pleas, and criminal convictions of members of his administration
• First President not to concede an election he verifiably lost
• First President to attempt a coup
• First President to not offer transparency and release his tax returns

• Flatlined a strong economy even before the pandemic
• Lost around 300,000 manufacturing jobs as almost 2,000 US manufacturing plants closed because of Trump trade war
• Managed to increase the trade deficit by 218 BILLION DOLLARS in just four years
• WASTED millions of taxpayer dollars on golf with much of it lining his own pockets
• WASTED millions on rebranding part of the Air Force to the likings of Star Trek
• WASTED millions on a 50 mi. Mexican/US border wall that Mexico NEVER agreed to pay for.

Provided by commentor:
I want to Thank FOX and OAN for the information gathered and fact checked by them not me.


Hey I was already a fan you don't need to sell him to me! The amount of salt he generates from your kind cancels out all of that out of context fake news stuff you typed.

Trump 24 MAGA


It appears that you are trying to compete with Keeliar.


[–] tvfan (2428) a day ago
It appears that you are trying to compete with Keeliar.
I have no idea what that is. 🤔

Given your penchant for non-sequiturs I'd gather it was a deflection, pure and simple, but dripping with hypocrisy.


You tell the true story


Is spam allowed on Moviechat?


lol.....And he had to double-dip on the same post.


[–] tvfan (2406) 11 hours ago
lol.....And he had to double-dip on the same post.
Different keystrokes for different folks. 👍


[–] maul (1457) 12 hours ago
Is spam allowed on Moviechat?
Try spamming for yourself and find out. 😉


All on point!




Unemployment was down. Business was booming. Regulations were being relaxed. More things were getting done. When you look at it from a policy perspective, what he did on paper was effective...

I see this line of reasoning from multiple MAGAs all the time, but they won't admit that Trump had nothing to do with it since Presidents can't generate free market jobs, control the stock market, control the Federal Reserve, or control inflation.

They also conveniently forget the shitshow year of 2020, when the Pandemic started. Trump approved the PPP loans that Republicans voted for and benefitted from but today blame Democrats for passing it. Even anti Wokejoke DeSantis used Federal Pandemic funds to his benefit while decrying it as Commie-Socialism.

At this rate all MAGAs have I'd talking out of both sides of their mouths.

I'll trust a comatose Biden over a decrepit Rapist Donald Trump any day, any time. Sorry.


I'll trust a comatose Biden over a decrepit Rapist Donald Trump any day, any time. Sorry.

That pretty much sums it up! Except, of course, that I'm not sorry...


A president's impact on the economy is limited, but Trump did have policies of lowering taxation and deregulation, AND talked a lot about Trade and immigration, which seemed to have interesting effects on business owners.

If you want to have a discussion, once we get closer to the election and we know who the candidates will be, and you want to discuss it, without discussion economic issues that the candidates did not have full control over,

Trump, indeed, any likely republican could crush either Biden or Harris on other issues.


"I see this line of reasoning from multiple MAGAs all the time, but they won't admit that Trump had nothing to do with it since Presidents can't generate free market jobs, control the stock market, control the Federal Reserve, or control inflation."

Yet Biden keeps telling us how great he is at reducing unemployment, and that x billion trillion billion jobs were created because he's in charge now. You can't have it both ways. Is Biden lying or not?


Biden pays lip service to entitled idiots like you who believe POTUS controls their lives. His both ways approach isn't new, but MAGA thinks the hypocrisy doesn't apply to them.


So, yes, he is lying, and you lot give him a free pass to do that, while bemoaning others who do.



T-Drumpxjdjfjsfft did the heavy lifting for the American people.

This is what happens when you elect accomplished pro American candidates who aren’t career politicians.


Truth and facts.


DJTrump is perfect!

Few people are aware of the records he achieved that have never been surpassed by a President! All you Democrats and Liberals, I'm going to list them once and for all!

Historically, he is the FIRST President to:
• Complete his one and only term and expand the deficit each year
• Keep the debt to GDP ratio above 100%
• Have the highest yearly budget deficit
• Most new jobless claims in a single term
• Most money added to the national debt
• Signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a $1.9 TRILLION tax bill favoring corporations and wealthy Americans
• Largest single day point drop in the history of the Dow Jones as a direct result of his policies
• To lose jobs during his Presidency in almost a century
• First major party candidate in half a century to lose the popular vote twice
• Longest government shutdown in history while his OWN party controlled both chambers of Congress
• First President in the history of approval ratings to maintain a net negative approval rating for his entire term
• First to be impeached, twice
• First President to have the most indictments, guilty pleas, and criminal convictions of members of his administration
• First President not to concede an election he verifiably lost
• First President to attempt a coup
• First President to not offer transparency and release his tax returns

• Flatlined a strong economy even before the pandemic
• Lost around 300,000 manufacturing jobs as almost 2,000 US manufacturing plants closed because of Trump trade war
• Managed to increase the trade deficit by 218 BILLION DOLLARS in just four years
• WASTED millions of taxpayer dollars on golf with much of it lining his own pockets
• WASTED millions on rebranding part of the Air Force to the likings of Star Trek
• WASTED millions on a 50 mi. Mexican/US border wall that Mexico NEVER agreed to pay for.

Provided by commentor:
I want to Thank FOX and OAN for the information gathered and fact checked by them not me.
