Already miss him

Less than two weeks into Biden’s presidency and I’m bored to death. At least Trump was interesting....and a bit of an old school nationalist. Biden is a through and through globalist sell out. An extension of the Obama-Bush-Clinton era. He’s gonna shaft the average American via the continuation of never ending wars and outsourcing...harder than we’ve ever been shafted.


Surely at some point you have bled America completely dry and you're just doing it to be sadistic?


Trump was divisive and unstable, we need some stability and calmness in our modern uncertain world, even if Biden is predictable and to you, "boring".


Yeah yeah I heard all this rhetoric before; “return to normalcy” “the adults are back in the White House” etc.

The same adults who gave us Iraq WMD’s, Libya, Syria, Yemen etc. Meanwhile Trump became the first President in 40 years not to start a new war.

Stop buying into the MSM bs. They’ll have you convinced of anything. They have blood on their hands. Don’t forget it was them cheerleading for the war in Iraq that had almost 70% of Americans initially supporting the move.

Biden is boring and dangerous. The worst combination. The guy consistently voted to shaft the little guy...wether through foreign wars or sending jobs overseas. Less than two weeks on the job and he’s killed over a million jobs. A taste of things to come.

But no no...Trump wrote mean tweets. That’s the grave issue.


Hear hear!


me too


Biden is a puppet as well........ the real scumbags are behind him pulling the strings.

and they already made sure they will get another 11 million votes in 2024.... thanks to the law making the millions of illegals into American citizens .....SMH


I don't believe that you should mention Bush along with Obama and Clinton though.
Don't forget that he was a Republican and hated by the Left-wingers.


Until he wasn’t. Because he became chummy with Obama and Clinton and showed that the US political system is the same coin with two sides. Trump upended that and Bush endorsed Hillary and then Biden.

Neoliberals and Neocons are cut from the same cloth. They banded together to oust Trump...who’s economically nationalist and internationally non interventionist Policies would have hurt their interests.


Seriously? I don't believe that I ever heard that about Bush before.


Yeah real chummy...especially with Bill Clinton. All part of the same Globalist club. Trump was the outsider.



The price of gasoline has jumped up significantly in the couple of weeks since Trump has been gone, and will undoubtedly be ridiculous by summer. We kind of needed that pipeline and fracking. Thanks, Biden!


Yeah they shut it down without having any alternatives in place. It’s like demolishing your home without having built your new one elsewhere.

And if they cared so much about climate change and the environment/pollution...they wouldn’t be so hostile to Nuclear energy. The most powerful and clean source of energy we have.


Grab them by the pussy...Mr. Christian

Wasn't this a popular song in the 1990's?

So glad he can't afford the helicopter pad at his beach house.

Mr Qanon hang the VP leader of the United States and the World.

Rita Wilson's marriage :(


Enjoy $4 a gallon gas and more Middle East wars


I miss him too.


No Trump was not interesting, he was despicable! He was the worst president the USA has ever had!!!


Wait a few months lol


Say that to the women, who will be assaulted by men in their locker rooms under the Democrat administration.
Say that to the unborn babies, who now must wait even longer to get their protection back.
