Avenatti arrested

Michael Avenatti has been arrested for bank fraud and wire fraud.

He tried to extort $20 Million from Nike.




His own fault. Problem is without him, the Cohen investigations never would have started. But with him, he's given Republicans endless free anti-Democrat fodder to campaign on.


bad few days for the liberals. their icon porn lawyer. lmao


Your icon porn President who paid her, what Trump paid her went into Avenatti's pocket. lmao


More Fake news.


Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels and Avenatti are fake?

You use them to demonize Democrats but when you're reminded of what catapulted them onto the national stage (and reminded of the financial records produced by Michael Cohen proving the allegations) you reduce them to "fake" lmao.


No one cares about Roastie Daniels.


Then why didn't Trump instruct McConnell and the rest of the Republican Senators to vote Yeah on releasing Special Counsel's report since nobody cares about fake crimes and the Barr letter "exonerated" Trump?


Probably because there's procedural reasons that ignorant civilians don't know about.

Plus, most people wouldn't even understand what they were reading anyway.

Look, the media chased a ghost for 2 years and has lost all credibility. The losing side of the election has proven they cant take an L, and will call everyone they disagree with nazis, racists, deplorables, etc.

Continuing to double down at this point is just laughable.


temp1 cannot take the L - even though it's imprinted on their forehead...

Different story with the D however.


Wow this is going to shake things up for the demokkkrat โ€œpresidential front runnerโ€.


Wasn't Avenatti considering running for president, too?

He'd fit right in.


lolzer! and I thought that liberals were the good guys!


Good. He was a clown and utter buffoon--the true democratic version of Donald Trump.


Some people have it all, and are not satisfied until they throw it all way. It's both sad and angering at the same time. Narcissism will do it to you, regardless of political party.



I think the 50 years is for all of the charges; 20 years for the first one we heard about. I could be wrong. I could just be sloppy reporting.

Nah, perish the thought!



Too true!

He had an accomplice on the Nike sting, too. Another well-known lawyer whose name escapes me.



Now I am a bit conflicted on this one. I haven't bought Nike since they rewarded and enriched Colin Kaepernick for disrespecting the flag

Says the supporter of a President who disrespects dead war heroes, while he sat out the Viet Nam war.

I'm convinced all the T-rump supporters were raised on a toxic waste-site. How else to explain they're lunatic reasoning and hypocrisy?



Good, ignore everybody. I don't have any on ignore. I'm not a coward.


I have no one on ignore, either. I guess it's tough to handle everyone when you're a little fragile snowflake like HarvardBarbie.


And "Destina", they're one and the same, they both responded to me as if they were same person, he/she forgot he/she was logged into one account when he/she responded with the other account.


LOL! Yes, Destinata knows Barbie 'very well' and backs up her idiotic statements all the time. Nothing suspicious there, right?


Awww - another snowflake has melted with the facts.

Poor thing.



https://therightscoop.com/cnn-legal-contributor-named-as-co-conspirator-with-avenatti-and-cnn-just-fired-him/. This releases the lawyer's name: Mark Geragos. If you think you've heard of the name before, you have -- he represented Jussie Smollett and Colin Kaepernick, and was a CNN legal contributor. Was, because he's been fired.

Check out the site, too. You may want to sign up and start posting there.



Bank fraud. Like exaggerating your net worth in order to get a loan? Like Trump is suspected of doing?


Also Avenatti's extortion attempt with Nike.
