MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Donald Trump will become ill in 2019

Donald Trump will become ill in 2019

According to one of Baba Vanga’s prophecies, the 45th President of the United States will succumb to an unknown disease at some point in the near future.

The ailment will leave President Trump with hearing loss, tinnitus and brain trauma.

Astonishingly, a number of US diplomats suffered similar symptoms when in Cuba and China earlier this year.According to the South China Morning Post, the symptoms could have been the result of “bugging or surveillance rather than a sonic weapon attack, according to a US researcher.”


Now they are praying for a disease?

Can't make this shit up!



if he becomes ill this year, then that means he might die this year.


Lol ,that could be said about anyone. Was there a point?


I think the point was either:

"When you wish upon a star"


"Get ready for some invites to some really great parties!"


He's already mentally ill.



But fascinating character this Baba Vanga. Never heard of her but it appears that by the time of her death she had the entire eastern communist bloc eating her prophecies out of her hand. From wp:

"Another prediction attributed to her is that the 44th President of the United States would be the country's last Commander-in-chief.[26][31][32] While Donald Trump's inauguration in 2017 has seemingly debunked this prediction, it should be noted that Trump is technically the 44th person to occupy the office - due to the fact that both the 22nd and 24th presidency were occupied by Grover Cleveland.[33] Vanga's supporters also claimed that she predicted the 45th president will be with a "messianic personality", who will be faced with a crisis that eventually "brings the country down".[34][35][36]"

Not sure if I believe 34,35,36 predictions as real or fraudulent ex-post facto Trump's election attributed to her like commonly perpetrated fake Nostradamus predictions.


If you consider being fucking awesome mentally illl, then yes he is!


His haters are already ill. The TDS is strong. 6 more years.


God I hope not.

I don't have a lot of confidence in the Dem frontrunners, though.


And yet his haters are the picture of mental health compared to his idiotic knuckle dragging supporters.

Actually, that's not fair. They can't be ill if they lack the necessary organ.


Trump already is ill, MENTALLY ill!!!!!


no, he is good at reading peoples emotions and telling people what they want to hear. He is not clinically insane.


Wait and see. . .
