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Giuliani says experts think 'someone messed' with Cohen tape

If the FBI weren't so corrupt, they'd be the ones investigating this and seizing the orignal tapes. Funny how Real News only gets reported on FOX (on TV at least).

President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani tells Fox News two experts and retired FBI agents have analyzed the secretly recorded Trump-Cohen tape and believe it was “played” with.

“Now that we’ve seen the full scope of [Michael] Cohen and Lanny Davis’ deception, we don’t trust anything,” Giuliani said.

The tape, first obtained by CNN, was secretly recorded by the president’s former attorney, Michael Cohen.

In it, the pair can be heard discussing a payment to Karen McDougal, a Playboy model who claims she had an affair with Trump prior to his election as president.

In a phone call with Fox News Saturday evening, Giuliani said he is trying to obtain a raw copy of that tape.

According to Giuliani, analysts say the public audio is a “tape of a tape,” and because of that, they are unable to determine if Cohen cut off the recording in the room, in real time, or altered and/or erased parts of it at a later date.

“Since we don’t have the original, we asked for it,” Giuliani said. “Our expert analysis is done until we get the raw copy, which we are seeking.”


lol okay...if the tape was altered in some way, Trump would have immediately jumped on twitter and shouted as much in all caps and you know it. But that has never been their defense. Try again.


Really. Trump didn't say anything about the content of the tapes when they came out. If Trump hadn't had an affair with McDougal and paid her off, they would have said something about it earlier.

In fact, they actually tried to argue that Trump said not to pay in cash on the tape.

Now they are doing a 180 and claiming the whole thing was faked. Ridiculous, even for Trump.


They really are just throwing everything on the wall and seeing what will stick so that the lemmings at Fox (and their viewers) will lap it up and thank Trump for it.


If Giuliani wasn’t certifiably insane maybe more people than you would actually give attention to this.



If you pay any "expert" enough dough they'll come up with the results you want to hear (just ask the Tobacco or the Petroleum industry about this).

Tapes don't lie; that's why they're so devastating in criminal trials, almost as convincing as witness testimony (oh yeah, Cohen's giving that, too!).

And the Trump team already surrendered attorney/client privilege when it comes to these tapes, so Guiliani should shut his gibbering traphole about them.

Looking forward to hearing the next tape!


The T-rumpees are going batshit crazy over this. They have no idea how to combat this.


It's fun to see them squirm. I've also been adjusting my perception of Guiliani: every time he makes a claim about how lying and untrustworthy Cohen is, I assume that he's actually really referring to Trump. Makes the spew that comes out his yap perfectly sensible.


"If the FBI weren't so corrupt, they'd be the ones investigating this and seizing the orignal tapes."

WTF do you even mean by this?

Do you understand the FBI already had seized all the tapes in a prolific April raid of Cohen's home and offices?

Are you aware the courts appointed a Special Master to determine which of the evidence prosecutors would be allowed to examine and which were protected by attorney-client privilege? This tape was one that was returned to him by the Special Master as privileged and therefore protected from the prosecution ever seeing.

Yet in your infinite ignorance typical of trumptards, you accuse the FBI of not doing their jobs and seizing this tape. facepalm.

I have a better idea. Why don't you pay closer attention to what's going on?


They are completely immune to reality. Too much Fox News will do this to them.


Too true. It's just so pathetic.


Foux news makes me puke. I've never watched it, but I understand it's a favorite of Orange Head.


I put it on every now and then to compare what they’re reporting to all the other networks - really to stay informed. They just share their propaganda, no news. Frightening to know what they’re brainwashing their audience with these days.


Hopefully, Fox will lose their credibility the same way Sean Spicer did.


Sean doesn't look so hot especially after that former black classmate confronted him at his book signing.


Now Giuliani is saying that collusion with Russia is not a crime.

Just. Classic.

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani says collusion with Russia is not a crime


Yes. The goalposts shift once again.

Now we'll get to see the desperate trumptards take the baton of this pathetic defense and peddle it, even though collusion is called "conspiracy" in the criminal code and criminal conspiracies are very much a crime.


It sounds like Giuliani is admitting there was collusion by Trump.


Ironic in light of how many times we've heard Trump yell "no collusion" and his supporters faithfully believing him.

It'll be especially funny if Trump changes his twitter mantra to now be "collusion is not a crime".


Normally this kind of stunt by Giuliani and the Trumpholes who parrot him would make me angry, but I actually find it kind of funny because it's so obviously the desperate strategy of a team that is verging on panic to come up with something/anything to defend their dear leader. It's sad that were living in such Orwellian times that have become the new normal, but one way to overcome the mind-crushing Orwellianism of the current state of American politics is to always remember to laugh at the absurdity of it. Some people step in shit and can convince themselves it isn't shit...but other people (sane, intelligent, NOT-Trumpholes) can curse...then laugh, wipe it off their shoes, and move on to greener pastures.


The problem is the stupidity of Trumputin and his minions are pulling the rest of us down with them, harming people and threatens American values like freedom of religion (Muslim ban), freedom of the press and democracy (condoning Russia's spying and attacks).


This morning Trump tweeted that collusion is not a crime. Hah!

Looks like Trump has gone live with his new marketing slogan after the Rudy the trial run.

Of course he also adds that he didn't collude. But this is hilarious.


Unfortunately, his dumb minions will parrot whatever nonsense he says. They believe that a repeated lie becomes the truth.

Hopefully, Independents have a clue and will vote in November to weaken him. Most Republican politicians have no backbone therefore they need to go.


It's the Goebbels playbook. Repeat a lie often enough and people just start accepting it must be true. Propaganda technique 101.

It's stunning how dumb they are.


Trumputin supporters know that he lies but choose to believe him anyway. That's a special kind of dumb.


Trump's legal team was saying that collusion wasn't a crime a year ago, because it isn't. Why is everyone acting like this the first time it's been pointed out by his people? I realize you want this to sound like he's back peddling and clambering for an excuse, but since it was brought up last year it obviously isn't anything new. You can't fault his team for simply pointing out facts.


Conspiracy is the legal term. That's a crime. conspiring with a foreign government.

Using a synonym doesn't make it any different, lol.

I'd like to see a mobster try that defense. hey, collusion isn't a crime. What I did was collusion!


If he has committed a crime, he should be punished plain and simple,but you can look at this the other way and say the left is doing it's own backpedaling. "Oh, we've been accusing him of collusion for 20 months, but it turns out that isn't a crime, so let's start accusing him of conspiracy even though that wasn't even the issue year ago". It definitely sounds a bit like that's the lefts new position.Everything can be twisted,on both sides.


collusion = conspiracy.

They're synonyms.


They can't be if one is a crime and the other isn't. They may be similar, but that isn't the same.


What Burk fails to understand is "collusion" is the term used by Rosenstein in the letter appointing Mueller as special counsel to investigate Trump. That's why it's used.

His Trump Derangement Syndrome has him resorting to playing semantic games to attack Dems. It's hilarious.


It's downright Clinton-Like, isn't it?


Yes. As usual, his hypocrisy is stunning.
