MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Can any Californians tell me just how ba...

Can any Californians tell me just how bad things are in your state?

Because I was just browsing through youtube and then came across a video in my recommended feed about how bad it is. I've never been to California, or even the states for that matter but always assumed it was a bustling utopia. Here's the video I'm talking about. Is there any truth to this or is just a bunch of ominous fear mongering?


I live in Los Angeles and things are great here. People seem happy and enjoying life in this wonderfully diverse city. We have awesome weather and there is so much to do and see. There is never a dull moment here! Also Los Angeles County and city are making lots of money from legal recreational marijuana from sales and permit fees. That helps the city a lot. There is a marijuana dispensary directly across the street from my apartment and and excellent Mexican restaurant next door. I'm easy to please. Yeah, I love living here. Oh, that video is just trying to scare people. Fear mongering at its best. Things aren't perfect here and we have problems like any other large metropolis but we are trying make things better.


"There is a marijuana dispensary directly across the street from my apartment and and excellent Mexican restaurant next door."

Sounds like you live in a dump, actually.


It's not the Ritz but it's clean and safe where I live and I'm happy. So is my family. So you thinking I live in a dump doesn't matter and you're not very nice.


It's a great state to live in, and yes you're probably just hearing about hate from right-wingers, they love to bash California.

CA recently became the world's fifth largest economy, eclipsing the U.K.:


California has the highest wealth disparity in America after DC and Puerto Rico. I think the issue of class is brushed aside by people who aggressively promote diversity and have the funds to shield themselves from it. India has a larger economy. Do these journalists and economists want to live in India? Sent them away!

It’s a shame that you waste an opportunity to defend California by attacking others, people who are opposed to a very clear downward trend.


Who am I attacking? It's a fact that right-wingers love to bash California. I see it all the time.

I don't see how that observation is an attack.


Why mention them at all? Why mention them first even before answering the question? It looks like you like California out of spite.


Why mention them at all? Why mention them first even before answering the question?

It seems you didn't even READ the QUESTION.

Can any Californians tell me just how bad things are in your state?

...and then came across a video in my recommended feed about how bad it is.

Is there any truth to this or is just a bunch of ominous fear mongering?

I responded DIRECTLY to these statements.

Seriously, dude. Keep up.


Okay so the bad guys are bad because they love being bad and that’s why California is good.

You’re denying arguments against California with character assassination. Why not say you recognize that California looks a lot better if you’re wealthy?


Still trotting out your straw man of the Indian economy I see.

Don't worry, California places in the top ten states ranked by GDP per capita which you were just trying to argue was the be-all-end-all metric in another thread in comparison to India.

As for your claim of 'highest wealth disparity' you're just wrong. Six states ran a higher Gini Coefficient in 2017.


You are maybe looking at income not wealth and you are not including illegal immigrants. I do not blame you for this because emphasizing income is a tactic. The difference between classes in savings and assets dwarf anything paid to IRS on a W2.

You are also abusing GDP. My purpose of looking at GDP per capita was to show that GDP is not a good measurement, not to show that GDP per capita is a good measurement. Why do you praise economies for being large? This is leftover Cold War economics.


You're straw manning by trying to put the false words into my mouth that I'm praising an economy for just being large. I am not. I'm calling out your inconsistency with your previous post and falsely representing California's relative income inequality.

But you apparently need your memory jogged as you were CLEARLY citing GDP per capita as your means of criticizing population growth under immigration in your previous post:

America GDP went up less than population went up, so in real terms it went down, plus the distribution was regressive. The difference between America and India is GDP per capita. Is India what America wants to be?

So citing GDP per capita suits your purpose here, yet when I use it to refute your depiction of California I'm somehow abusing GDP? Neat trick. I cite the irony that I'm only "abusing" it insomuch as you are. I fully recognize its limitations as a comprehensive metric. It's only one economic indicator of many.

I was under the impression you had some economics background, but apparently you don't or you'd know wealth Gini coefficients by state aren't compiled because wealth is typically such a bitch to measure. Gini indexes of income distribution are the common currency of measuring inequality available by state where last year California ranked 7th.

Nor was the distinction between legal and illegal immigration relevant to the example you cited that immigration negatively affected GDP per capita. That's because limitations placed by capital volumes responsible for that downward pressure (e.g. fixed limitations on infrastructure growth at a slower pace than population growth) occurs irrespective of the legality of the labor pool utilizing it.


Define great. If you’re in the 1% it’s great. The natural wonders are amazing. The people running it are idiots.


I love California. It is the Crown Jewel of America.


Ha ha ha, so many people jealous of it. It’s a booming state, 5th largest economy in world, great weather, innovative stuff going on all around, healthy fit people, every other car is a Tesla. It is a blue state and very strong with La Resistance, so it’s a target for smear campaigns.


Tesla is a joke of a company.
