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Trump voters: how much do you hate minorities?

A lot, right? Like whenever you see a brown person on a billboard or hear "Press One For English", you want to grab a white sheet and a tiki torch, am I right? Come on, you can be honest here. No need to put an act that isn't fooling anyone anyway. Like when you see a black person in suit, you have to whisper to your friends that he must be defendant due in court, but inside you're shrieking with tribal baboon blood rage. Am I right? Or maybe, you're a bit smarter and have rationalized away these things, but still support a racist, thus being morally culpable?

*smirks* *whispers in your ear* Obama went to Harvard, his education cost most more than your house, and he is the better man, morally.


Trump supporter here.
I don't hate minorities. I don't care what race someone is. Racism is stupid. Race has nothing to do with someone. You know what does have something to do with someone? Culture. I hate retarded cultures like Islam (or Christianity/Judaism for that matter). I don't give a shit about the skin tone of someone, if they embrace Western culture, freedom of speech and equal rights(women rights) , then I'm happy.

Also Obama is half-white, half-black, so lulz.


The funny thing is I remember that the people that used to treat mixed race people like Obama the worst used to be black people where I lived.


But come on, when you voted for Trump you voted for White Supremacy when you see the people he aligned himself with.... or better yet, how he treated Obama for eight freaking years. You cannot claim you hate racism, sexism or any ism for that matter when you KNEW what you were voting for. The Muslim Ban is purely a way of saying "I don't like them people...." No different than what the whites used to say about them blacks back during slavery. The only thing I detest about Muslim women is their wearing of their headscarves. If they would get rid of that and the potato sack, I'd be happier with their treatment of women. But here's the thing, my partner of 30+ years almost died last year about this time. She had heart failure and then a bypass last March. Most of her doctors were both Muslim and Sikh. They were very respectful and knew of our relationship and were very respectful of me. I'm a woman by the way. They're all not the same. It's the radicalization of the religion that is the problem, so go ahead and condemn the whole lot because you don't like one faction. Same with Christianity. I detest Mike Pence and his ilk because of how they believe women should be ashamed of themselves for being sexual beings. Believing that a woman needs to bury the contents of a miscarriage just to punish them for not being better incubators. So there's radicalization on both sides. And this is who aligned themselves with Trump... Trump has the maturity of a six-year-old who just got ahold of his father's Playboy. So


That's interesting Prometheus, except that everything you said is wrong, you incredible nincompoop. We voted for Trump because:

We didn't like Obama's Marxist policies. (We didn't give a damn about his skin color.)
We didn't like the way he insulted our friends, and sucked up to our enemies.
We didn't like the way he bowed to the King of Saudia Arabia, and apologized for our country
to anyone who would listen.
We didn't like Radical Islamic Terrorists blowing us up, and we were tired of a president who couldn't even SAY the words "Radical Islamic Terrorists".
We were tired of a President who was totally disinterested in stopping illegal immigration.
We were tired of a president who was a racist, always taking the side of of an African American over anyone else, especially when he didn't know the facts. And who refused to prosecute Black Panthers who illegally intimidated voters outside a Philadelphia polling place.
We didn't like a president who could never muster more than 1.5% quarterly growth in EIGHT YEARS.
We didn't like the DAMAGE he did to this great countries in his eight years.

Also, we didn't like the idea of an arrogant, lying, sleazy, cheating bitch like Crooked Hillary being president. She is also quite possibly an accessory to several politically motivated murders. 46 people close to CH have been found dead including John Ashe (who was set to testify against her the next day in a bribery trial) and her chef.
We also didn't like the idea of CH being the president after she allowed four brave Americans to be killed at Benghazi, and then had the the audacity to later say "At This Point, What Difference Does it Make?"
She's a serial liar.
We didn't like the idea of her 30,000 deleted emails. 65 of these contained secret government information, and 22 contained top secret information.
We were worried CH might not survive into 2018, because of her numerous incidents including one where she had to be loaded into a limo like a sack of potatoes, and another where she fell while boarding a plane. Oh year, and there was the whole "head bobbing" seizure she had.
We didn't like how she was involved in selling uranium to the Russians.
We didn't like the idea of a candidate who openly bragged she would "raise taxes on the middle class', and "put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business". Those are quotes.
We didn't like her lie about landing in Bosnia "under sniper fire."
We didn't like how her campaign staff discussed massive voter fraud.
We didn't like how her campaign staff incited violence at Trump rallies.
We also didn't like how she lined her pockets from foreign donations which were passed through Canada through the corrupt Clinton Foundation, where the money was laundered.
We also didn't like the idea of her being president and raising taxes and beating our economy into the ground.

Under Trump the DJIA has SOARED from around 18,000 under old Dumbo Ears to 24,824.01, another ALL TIME HIGH. Under Trump, fourth quarter 2017 growth was 4.5%!

And finally, we didn't want an obnoxious bitch who barks like a dog to be our president.

And here's more, you ignorant Libtard moron:

And here's more, dumb ass;



My gosh, so much vitriol for a woman who gave over half of her life in service to your country. What did Trump give? Oh yes, bone spurs, defrauded students of Trump University to the tune of $25million dollars payout to those students. He applied for Chapter 11 bankruptcy eleven times because all of his businesses failed. Then when American banks would not give him loans, he went to Russian Oligarchs to line his bottom line.

So there is what the guy YOU may have voted for gave you. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by almost three million more votes. The only way Trump won was through illegal Gerrymandering, voter suppression and voter machine hacking and hacking in general from his butt buddy Vladimir Putin....a Fascist.

As for the rest of that stream of BS you posted..... Under Obama you had peace. So tell me what kind of peace is Trump promising when he's Tweeting about using nukes against North Korea? If he does that, we're all done. Over. Buh bye. The half life of a nuclear bomb going off is about ten thousand years. In the meantime I hope you have all those provisions stocked up in order to avoid the nuclear winter that would be upon us all because of a moronic (Rex Tillerson's name for the Dotard-in-Chief) half-assed salesman who couldn't run a business, let alone a presidency who doesn't have a clue that he is not a dictator. He works for 30% of the American people. That 30% is his base. The other 70% are the ones who are having to live with this idiot and idiots like you. Yet Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by three million more votes. In my country that is called a win. In yours it's called a coup because of the archaic Electoral College who didn't do their job and elect the proper WOMAN for the job. Get used to that.

You talk of Hillary's "lies"..... All Trump has done all his life is lie. He was granted FIVE deferments for bone spurs, yet he criticized John McCain who spent five years in the Hanoi Hilton in Vietnam as a prisoner of war. Daily he criticizes Robert Mueller who spent three tours of duty in Vietnam as a decorated infantryman. He keeps calling Hillary "crooked" .... well he has yet to produce his tax records. Every single president since Nixon has had to do this. He seems to think he's a special snowflake. When Hillary Clinton ran for president, she produced her tax records. Same with Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George HW Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. So when is the liar-in-chief going to produce his? He keeps saying he's under audit. According to the IRS, he has never been under audit.

As for the Benghazi stuff..... Who cares? She was cleared of any wrongdoing by a bipartisan committee. Same with her emails. Yet who is currently under multi investigations for collusion, tax evasion, and other crimes? This investigation has seen three guilty pleas, and five indictments of key people attached to Trump and to his campaign. Then there's the fact that his family has taken payments from foreign movers and shakers in order to be able to step inside the White House. That is illegal and subject to prosecution..... just one of the many crimes Robert Mueller, a War Hero, is investigating.


"Under Obama you had peace. "

Actually, Obama was more militaristic than the Bush administration and expanded the number of countries we dropped bombs in and sent soldiers to.


My meaning was "peace" in terms of not worrying every single tweet whether he was going to hit the "button" on the desk. The troop building was in order to address those smaller skirmishes happening all over the globe, but mainly in Middle Eastern countries. For the most part he was deescalating.


"A woman who half of her life in service to her country."??? That's a laugh! You mean a lying, cheating, arrogant, greedy, power mad woman with a sense of entitlement, and complete disdain for the people of the United States, who sought ultimate power and money, and would do anything to anyone who got in her way. She is quite possibly an accessory to several murders, including John Ashe who was due to testify against her in a bribery trial.

And bad behavior by other people does NOT justify bad behavior by Crooked Hillary.

And for the purposes of this conversation, I'm not interested in discussing old Dumbo Ears or the Trumpster. This conversation is only about Crooked Hillary. She's arrogant, greedy, a thief, a liar, and quite possibly an accessory to several murders. She is a HORRIBLE excuse for a human being, and quite possibly the most hated woman in America.



Poor, poor, poor sadsack. Defending a child rapist, a man whose first wife charged him with spousal rape. Who ordered his second and current wife to abort their children. Then after his son and daughter were born of those two women, demanded they get their pre-pregnant figures back because he's a sick pervert.

This conversation is taking place on a board for DONALD J. TRUMP SR. Not Hillary Clinton. Since this conversation is taking place on said board, said subject of this board is fair game. Don't like it, tough. Fragile person you are.


"We didn't like Obama's Marxist policies. "

Anyone dumb enough to write something like this is immediately disqualified and is incapable of adult conversation on any subject whatsoever.


And anyone who thinks he wasn't a Marxist or Communist at heart is a fool and an idiot, and is incapable of adult conversation on any subject whatsoever.



Then show your work. Otherwise it's just your opinion and as such, you really have no right to get pissy when others express their opinions, Mary.


I'm not going to do your job for you, Sally. Google it.



Translation: "Even I know my sources are ridiculous, like Breitbart or Trump Tweets. So, I don't want people laughing at me and calling me an idiot. My parents do that enough. Stop picking on me and let me eat my lead paint chops!"


Translation: you're a far Left Loon, Sally. As HAL said, this conversation can no longer serve any useful purpose. It's also a waste of both of our times. And I'm bored with your stupidity, so I'm out. Bye, and have a really awful life.



I'm a far left loon? So, wait...I was undercover with thew Republican Party from 1983 until 2016 in anticipation of a Trump presidency?

I must have second sight if I knew THIS would happen to the country!

Oh, and you may want to do google yourself. Try "Donald Trump political affiliations"....your orange god has been a Democrat, an Independent and a Republican....depending on what served him best.

That's right...I've been a Republican longer than he has you should be siding with me since your too obtuse to put country over party.


His economic policies were completely centrist, idiot--he could have been elected as a Republican in the 1980's without changing a single idea.

You couldn't find a mainstream scholar of economics or political science who agreed with your lunatic world view if your worthless life depended on it. Obviously anyone who thinks YouTube videos amount to scholarship has the education level of a nine year old child.


That's total bullshit Sally, and you know it. He was FAR Left in everything. And i won't say your world view worthless, but your tiny brain has been poisoned by the Leftist Media.

You're obviously a Far Left Loon, so this conversation is a waste of both of our time. So I'm out. Bye, and have a really crummy life.



Touche, Vech!



A full dose of libtard bullshit, all packaged up in one neat post.


LOLOLOL SnagsWolf-you're a nut! (you have the libtard number!)

"Press One for English", yeah I get that a lot, but my question is , why do I have to press any button to hear my native language in my OWN country??

The irony is, I love the Spanish language. I couldn't wait to take it in high school. But now it is shoved down the throats of people who never learned it.

Many products have Spanish instructions written on one side. Sometimes I am too lazy to turn the box to read the English instructions. So I read them in Spanish. No problem for me. But not all Americans speak Spanish. Why is it "racist" or "bigoted" to want the official language of your country to be used?


Is libtard the best you can come up with, cuntservative?


Aw, did I hurt your feelings?


Yes, the fact that your mum didn't drown you in the bath hurts my feelings.


Oh no, a libtard doesn't like me.

I'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight.


Again, you use that pathetic word, without coming up with anything better. Just because I'm not a cuntservative like you doesn't automatically make me a liberal. It's not like cuntservatives and liberals are the only two kinds of people out there, despite what your uneducated peckerwood parents tell you.


Yeah, you're a libtard. Otherwise, you wouldn't be whining like a bitch about me calling you that.

Unlike me, who doesn't give one single fuck about the names you call me.


No, if you don't give a fuck, you wouldn't be replying to my posts.


I reply to your posts because you amuse me.

You whined about me using libtard twice. It obviously upsets you.

While I, on the other hand, haven't complained about your name-calling once. Keep it up. I find it hilarious.


Libtard certainly amuses me. It's the kind of word a 3 year old can come up with.


Keep whining about it. Let's me know you really don't care.



I'm just fascinated by your level of ignorance.


No, you're whining like a bitch because I used the word 'libtard'.

Three times now.


Lets see how many posts we can make now. Your turn...




Now you're just boring me.

You've earned ignore status.


Farewell then.


If the shoe fits....



In the American continent there's about 1000 million of latinos and 200 million of yankees/canadians, but for some reason latinos are called "minority"...


"In the American continent there's about 1000 million of latinos"

1000 million? That would be a billion.

North America population: 579,024,000
South America population: 422,535,000

Um, so yeah, you must've failed math. Try harder next time.


I added Brasil, which was already included.

So, well, it's around 700 millions. The same questions applies: how is that a "minority" compared to 200 millions of yankees/canadians?


"The same questions applies: how is that a "minority" compared to 200 millions of yankees/canadians?"

Because we're talking about them being a minority in the U.S., where they're only 17% of the population.

Again, math's not your strong suit, is it?

For example, Chinese are considered a minority in the U.S., despite the fact that there's 1.4 billion of them in China. Not really a hard concept to understand.


The problem is that US has an open borders policy. Even under Trump, the borders are far more open than almost any country in the world. And that applies specially to the south border.

You can have an open borders policy or a huge wall and no exceptions allowed. You can have a open room with no borders. That's up to you. But then, look at the south and start counting people, because it's not your room anymore, it's a global room, and now you belong to the minority. Enjoy it ^^


"The problem is that US has an open borders policy."

I'm glad you admit it's a problem.

"Even under Trump, the borders are far more open than almost any country in the world. And that applies specially to the south border."

And Trump is going to fix it the problem. Democrats are opposing him because they want more people in the country who depend on the government. It's their voter base.

"because it's not your room anymore, it's a global room, and now you belong to the minority."

Still our room. And you'll see how we'll protect it. Because our values, and this country, are worth protecting. Why do you think so many want to leave the shit-holes they live in and come here?

"Enjoy it "

I will.


Because our values, and this country, are worth protecting.

You can protect them as much as you want. That'll change nothing.

You know what happens? US is a democracy, and the moment you're the minority, it's THEIR rules that prevail, not yours. White non-hispanic newborns are already less than 50%. That means that white non-hispanic will be the minority in a few decades from now.

Your values are DEAD, even though you don't know it yet. The future of US will be based in hispanic values ^_^


"US is a democracy"

Technically, we're a Representative Republic, which is designed to suppress the idea of 'majority rule.'

"hispanic values "

And what are those? The values that created countries that people are risking their lives to flee from?


And what are those? The values that created countries that people are risking their lives to flee from?

Exactly. The values that created those countries, and the values that rule those countries and societies. At least, the common elements.

Your grand-children will enjoy living in a country that will be like the average of countries like Mexico, Venezuela or Colombia. I'm sure they will enjoy it a lot :DDD


Ahh, I see. Another America hater revealed. You're hoping that America is destroyed through immigration.
So you're claiming that bringing Latinos into the country until they're the majority will be detrimental to America? And I'm the racist?

I have no fear that America will disappear, or be dragged down to the 'average' of Mexico, Venezuela, or Colombia. You're forgetting about all the Americans who still believe in our values, and are armed to the fucking teeth. You don't stand a chance. :)


And I'm curious, what exactly are the differences between American and Hispanic values?

Please list them.


I am actually curious about this too as some of the foundations like family and religion are not really different from values already existing here.

And since racism or at least bigotry is certainly alive and well in these other countries will they be bringing that as well or will they leave that behind?

And when other minorities see they are no longer a minority..but another white group that "has it better" will they enjoy that as well?


"You're forgetting about all the Americans who still believe in our values, and are armed to the fucking teeth."

And exactly how do we expect these fine people to use those arms? To what effect? Under what circumstances?


Not a hater at all. But understand, when a society is so committed with self-destruction, it's so comical that it needs to be enjoyed. As Mark Twain said, comedy is tragedy plus time. And here you have both ingredients.

You're forgetting about all the Americans who still believe in our values, and are armed to the fucking teeth

You know what? All those Americans will become OLD and will DIE and will leave not many children after then.

The future of US is hispanic, and all those Americans will be less and less until there will be a moment when they will do NOTHING because they won't be enough to do anything but watch. ^_^


"when a society is so committed with self-destruction"

You're talking about the American Left. The American Right isn't going to let that happen.

"All those Americans will become OLD and will DIE and will leave not many children after then."

Sounds more like a jerk-off fantasy than a legitimate prediction.

"The future of US is Hispanic."

More dreams. From someone who's proven they're not good at math.

And I'm STILL waiting for you to explain what 'Hispanic values' are.


Right NOW, non-hispanic whites newborns are less than 50% in US.

And the difference will keep growing:

And that's without taking into account immigration, almost entirely hispanic, that won't stop in a near future.

This is the comical side of it: modern US is already DEAD. It's just a matter of time before it becomes a latin-american country. You only have to check demographics+immigration. But you're so scared that you keep in self-denial, telling yourself that nothing will change. And you're scared because you know it's too late, and you know your values and your country are already DEAD :DDD

At least it's something comical to watch and laugh, everything has a positive side ^_^


STILL waiting for you to explain what 'Hispanic values' are.


Get out of your room. Travel. Meet people.

Perhaps then you will appreciate what you had in your country, and at least you can enjoy the last decades before it vanishes.


"Get out of your room. Travel. Meet people."

Deflection. STILL waiting for you to explain what 'Hispanic values' are.


So, just to recap your thoughts: You think Latino immigration into the US is detrimental to the country - so detrimental it's going to ruin the country in a few years. Detrimental because 'Hispanic values' (whatever they are) are so much different than American values. And this immigration is going to drag America down to the 'average' level of Mexico and Venezuela. (Amazing that you think the shithole of Venezuela is average, but okay.)

Oh, and you can't do math.

Does that about cover it?

And I'm supposed to be worried about predictions of doom from you?

That's funny.


So, just to recap your thoughts: You think...

Straw-man fallacy WARNING ^_^


STILL waiting for you to explain what 'Hispanic values' are.

Dumbass warning.


I want to know what values he is referring to as well. He acts like Latinos have some radical beliefs that are massively different.


Values don't need to be massively different. Spain and Germany have values that are not massively different. Germany has about 80 Nobel prizes in scientific fields. Spain has 2. And the southern part of Spain has 0 (zero). Latin America inherited the culture from southern Spain.

Some times small changes in beliefs have huge consequences, a bit like the Butterfly effect.


BUt you are not pointing out the differences that would change anything..there are a few cultural difference..but that is as much between them as between us.

Hispanics have a tendency to be more religious and that is tied to forms of it would slow the secularization of the US

Some have a very strong sense of family..again something that is important to most traditional US citizens...

When people bring their entire families here they have determined the country they are going to is better than where they have they like much of what is already here, they are unlikely to adopt the failures of the countries they have left.

Will Spanish continue to spread..yeah..and it will continue to change as you get that spanish/english mix you already see in certain parts of the country. US has changed since its inception, its a melting pot after all. Hispanics are no different than European immigrants back in the day. The US will be no more a Latin American country than it is a European one.


Nope, hispanic people won't let those values behind because they don't look like bad things. It's not like Mexican people are criminals and rapist that behave as thugs and they're carrying the thug-life with them. Criminality is a consequence, not a cause. The causes are often very subtle.

Have you ever met Argentinian people? They have a very intelligent and sharp sense of humour, good conversation, they use to be educated people who love literature and music. And however, the country is a bloody disaster. Why is it? Nobody knows, not even Argentinian people.

This is not a tale of good and evil. But the truth is: you import that differences, the ones, subtle, small, but the ones that MATTER, that little unnoticed differences that nobody can stop because nobody can really identify them... and US will follow the path of Latin-America.

Unless you think that the poverty in each and every Latin American country is just a coincidence.


What values are you referring too... You say the values will change things..but what are they... I have lived in areas in Florida and Arizona and have had contact with alot of people from Cuba, Mexico, peru, el salvador and so on..there is definitely a difference between people born here and/or lived here a while and those that just arrive. The ones that stay out of the gangs, crime and the deportation circle and such have a tendency to become Americanized and that is without the mixing of groups..the ones that are mixing are blurring the lines further. In fact I have run into quite a few people of latino decent that can't even speak the language of the country their family recently came from. They are literally no different than a guy from Irish decent. Sure the family may celebrate little things related to cultural background, make certain foods. Buts its the same kind of traditional nods others in America sometimes do.

In the end what will likely happen is like other light skinned groups the documents will eventually drop the hispanic check mark and they will simply be listed as white. The changes they bring will be smoothed out just like most of the other groups that have come, some changes will be there, others things will stay the same. The US has been in constant change its entire existence, so this makes little difference. Given the demographics already here and the age we are in the chances this country would suddenly became like one of the failed latin countries like this immigration was occurring in the 1700s is unlikely. There is too much mixing of people today, and the immigration even at its peak is too slow.


What values are you referring too...

Well, that's the problem: nobody knows. And not knowing is indeed the biggest problem, because you can't change what you don't know that must be changed.

One example: Muslim countries have a huge problem with low IQs. A couple of centuries ago nobody would have been able to say why. Nowadays, we know it's (most likely) due to cousin marriage. In Pakistan, for example, right now 70% of marriages are between cousins, and it has been like that for decades (source: wiki). If you know the cause you can still enact laws that forbid cousin marriage. But what can you do when you DON'T know the cause?

So you know there's something in Latin-America that makes countries poor, because otherwise, what's are the odds of each and everyone being poor?. But you don't know what...

My personal theory is that it's related to Latin-American people being more warm and empathic. I know that this looks like a good thing, but at the Latin-American level, it fully discourages meritocracy. Northern European cultures are not empathic at all when the job is not well done. Latin American cultures are. And you don't create the Industrial Revolution or send the man to the Moon being warm and empathic with a job bad done. In my opinion, this is the main problem, thugs are a minor issue. The streets of England were full of thugs at the same time England was conquering the world. Any case, this is just an opinion. Nobody really knows.. and that's the big problem, because it's a matter of time before US starts to look like Mexico... without knowing why. Because not even Mexico knows why the country doesn't work.


hmm so which Hispanic values do you mean....the people you describe come from a variety of different countries and have different values..some of these groups don't even like which values are you referring to that would will radically change the country they felt was much better than where they were before?


Well it won't be long before latino and white are essentially the same thing. In some legal documents they are already the same, if they are light skin they are white.


lol You really live in a dream world. You do realize without at least some minorities and women he could not have won the Presidency? Every white male in the country could have voted for Trump (they didn't) and he would have still lost if they rest voted against him. Its because he was able to pull women and some minorities that he won like he did. This attempt to pretend Trump voters were all white males that hate minorities is stunningly stupid and deluded view.

Minorities have minds of their own, they don't have to vote democrat. People do really have a right to choose who they vote for.

And we all know what some democrats feel about minorities that don't toe the line...


Also you do realize without the white vote Obama would have never been President? You have to get at least a good percentage of the white vote for nation wide elections and Obama did get it. SO a huge number if not a majority of white people voted for Obama...and then some of them voted for Trump while he was running against another white old perhaps there is more to it than skin color? Hey if some of you had voted for Romney back in 2012 you would not be in this mess. A more qualified choice than who was sitting in office at the time and a more palatable choice then who you ended up with.


"if some of you had voted for Romney back in 2012"

Romney made the mistake of running against a Democrat. He's a good, decent man, but he was dragged through the mud by the Democrats, demonized and accused of everything they could throw at him. They combed through his past to find every detail they could use to make him look evil. It wasn't about the issues, it was about destroying their opponent.

And you're right, if Romney had been elected, we wouldn't have Trump. But I do enjoy how Trump throws the bullshit right back at the Left. Maybe if Romney had done some of that, he'd be president right now.


Every Republican is branded a racist, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, etc. It's the standard playbook.


Whats interesting is the racist hate that comes from these people when they encounter a black or latino republican..


The Democrats have built their plantation, and get upset when blacks escape it.

Same as it's always been.


That's easier than debating the issues.


Isn't your assumption that anyone who isn't "a brown person" that voted for Trump racist in itself. You do realize you can be racist towards white people,right? By labeling a group as something based on a shared demographic and no other standard, you are prejudice at BEST.


Love this post Axisunbound112! Describes them 100%.


I don't have a problem at all with minorities. The left seems to have problems with race/gender, just look at the way they treated Herman Cain and Sarah Palin.


"The left seems to have problems with race/gender, just look at the way they treated Herman Cain and Sarah Palin. "

The left (and anyone on the right with any integrity and perception) had no problem with their race or gender. What we had a problem with was the fact that the both of them were and still are knuckle-dragging morons.


So suggesting that she should have aborted her baby who had down syndrome wasn't sexist? Calling him an "Uncle Tom" wasn't racist? They were both quality candidates whose character was trashed by the bigoted left winged media.


"They were both quality candidates whose character was trashed by the bigoted left winged media."

If you really believe this, your stupidity and ignorance is as bottomless as theirs.


I think you've just been brainwashed by the sexist/racist media over at CNN and MSNBC and I feel very sorry for you. When the left can't win an argument they go after their opponents character and it is disgusting on all levels and should be condemned. Just look at what Kathy Griffen has said and done. It is so refreshing to have President Trump in charge, he is already making America great again and I can't wait to see what happens in his next 3-7 years.


Justify his response or lack thereof to the Puerto Rico disaster (note, Puerto Rico while foreign sounding, is a U.S. territory, which means Donald Trump is Puerto Rico's President).

Do you think he could find Puerto Rico on a map? Do you think he even knows Puerto Rico is U.S. soil? (I honestly do not think he does)


"Do you think he could find Puerto Rico on a map? Do you think he even knows Puerto Rico is U.S. soil? (I honestly do not think he does)"

Typical liberal arrogance on display. On one hand, we have an online poster (probably posting from his parent's basement), and on the other, we have a billionaire businessman who has had holdings all over the world, including Puerto Rico.
Which one of those two, do ya think, has ever been to Puerto Rico?

Hmm, tough question. Hahahaha!

And yet, this moron questions the billionaire businessman's knowledge of geography. Why? Because he's a liberal, and Trump isn't.

Like I said, it's the way they're wired.


Your logic is simplistic bullshit, which I guess is what makes you such an easy mark for the Trumps of the world. He thinks China has a President (it has a Chairman). The problem with Turmpers is the fact that he hates the same kind of people they do washes him clean of sin (like his obvious cognitive decline), and which makes facts irrelevant ("it's not what I want to hear so it has to be fake news"). You might look at Trump and see an unmistakable alpha male, a businessman with a killer instinct, but I see a fat, disgusting slob approaching senility. Also you haven't defended or justified his lack of a response to a U.S. disaster and should be held morally accountable for your support for that piece of shit.

Buddy, I think you're slime.


"Your logic is simplistic bullshit"

And there you have it, proof of my assertion that liberals resort to belittling their opponents instead of debating them. You had the perfect opportunity to present facts to defend your position, but instead you took the easy route of attacking me. (Not that I mind. It's funny to see liberals doing what they do.)

Tell us again how you know so much more about Puerto Rico than a billionaire businessman who was responsible for the PGA Tour coming to Puerto Rico.


Didn't you say I was posting from my parents basement?

You might see an unmistakable alpha male in Trump, but I see nothing aspirational in that pig-rapist and his ill-fitting suits. He looks like a hundred years of bad karma in a bad wig and his sham marriage to Melania would be laughable if not for the uncomfortable realization that she indeed bedded that thing.

On the other hand, maybe I should commend Trump for being able to look up from his bucket of KFC long enough to find his dick under copious folds of pubic fat and stick it in.


"Didn't you say I was posting from my parents basement?"

No, I said you were probably posting from your parents' basement. Did I guess right?

"but I see nothing aspirational in that pig-rapist and his ill-fitting suits. He looks like a hundred years of bad karma in a bad wig and his sham marriage to Melania would be laughable if not for the uncomfortable realization that she indeed bedded that thing.

On the other hand, maybe I should commend Trump for being able to look up from his bucket of KFC long enough to find his dick under copious folds of pubic fat and stick it in."

And liberals accuse conservatives of spewing hate. Hahahahaha!

And notice the deflection. Rather than pointing out your qualifications to speak about Puerto Rico, you fly off on some mindless rant. Love it.


"No, I said you were probably posting from your parents' basement. Did I guess right?"



Shhh. I hear your mom calling.

And have you googled Puerto Rico yet, in case I ask you if you know where it is?


At any rate, Trumper's arguments always boil down to "silly liberals, don't you get it? We white people are the good people." - and it always gets loud support from the worst white people, the absolute scummiest ones, the white-collar criminal element and dickheads like Jim Bakker. I love that you're being smug. Fuck right off.


"Trumper's arguments always boil down to "silly liberals, don't you get it?"

No, conservative arguments always include facts. While liberals just insult and parade around their arrogance.

"Fuck right off."

There you go. Liberal debating 101.


Right on, Wolf!



"Also you haven't defended or justified his lack of a response to a U.S. disaster"

Liberals live in a fantasy world, spoon-fed fake news by the mainstream media. The liberal governor of Puerto Rico praised Trump for his response to the disaster.

In San Juan, Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello appeared at a brief news conference Monday and praised the U.S. federal response to Hurricane Maria, which has included sending nearly 10,000 people to help recovery from the devastation. He also said his government has been in touch with mayors across the island and was working to get food and water to isolated communities cut off after the hurricane.

Rossello said federal agencies also have helped restore power to a medical center in San Juan and supply diesel to fuel the generators of hospitals as well as deliver food and water to hard-hit communities across the island. And the governor said he was “very grateful” to President Donald Trump for responding Puerto Rico’s petition for help.

Rossello appeared with Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert and Brock Long, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, adding the presence of those two top officials was “a clear indication that the administration is committed with Puerto Rico’s recovery process.” Neither the FEMA administrator nor Bossert took questions from reporters. “We’ve got a lot of work to do. We realize that,” Long said.


September of last year, eh? Things certainly looked like they might have gone differently then.

"In a recent interview with ABC News, conducted on the 100th day since the storm’s arrival, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz called President Trump the “disaster-in-chief.”

She thanked the many who “stood with” Puerto Rico and said, in regard to the president, “Where he needed to be a commander-in-chief, he was a disaster-in-chief.”

“President Trump does not embody the values of the good-hearted American people that have made sure that we are not forgotten,”


Seriously? It didn't take 100 days for Mayor Cruz to criticize Trump. She was criticizing him since the hurricane came ashore. It was obvious from the start she had her agenda.

Here's the governor setting the record straight:

Here's the Mayor admitting she never even met with FEMA:


Um Obama thought there was such a thing as a Navy "Corpseman".


'What we had a problem with was the fact that the both of them were and still are knuckle-dragging morons."

To a liberal, anyone who doesn't agree with them is a knuckle-dragging moron. It's how they're wired. Because in the end, the liberals can't defend their positions, so they resort to belittling their opponents instead of debating them.
Same reason why liberals want to shut down conservative free speech on college campuses. Those kinds of ideas aren't worthy of discussion, so they must be stopped, not argued against.
Despite all of their accusations of others, the Left is the true face of Fascism.

Also notice that their criticism of blacks and women is legitimate (even when they use racial and misogynist slurs), while at the same time labeling anyone who criticizes Obama as a racist.


This is true, there is very little difference between fascism and the behavior displayed on the school campuses and as for the Antifa group...they literally are fascist.
