MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > He's Banning Parts Of The Press ????

He's Banning Parts Of The Press ????

As an outsider in the UK, this is Very concerning indeed.


it's ridiculous and I don't understand why more politicians from both parties aren't coming forward and condemning this policy.


because obama did it?



BTW, Trump says he’s skipping White House Correspondents’ dinner. Obama attended all eight.




Good that he's scared of freedom of the press?


Nigel Farage appears to have similar views with the media, although I'd say that your PM Theresa May tends to think the opposite. Seems that every politician has different viewpoints these days.


He's banning CNN because they invented vile tabloid stories about him.


"He's banning CNN because they invented vile tabloid stories about him."

That's a lie. Stop believing lies. If anybody is "inventing stories" it's Trump. Are you too stupid to figure this out? Dammit, where is an exploding head emoji when you need one?


oh... and this is why you lost the election!!

keep it up, buttercup!!!



3 million more people voted for Clinton than Drumpf.

Don't forget that Drumpf had help by Russia's Putin, fellow autocrat. BTW, Putin banned free press in Russia after criticizing it.


CNN and other news sources are publicizing his strong connection with Putin and his attempt at influencing the FBI's investigation. All crooked politicians fear the truth. Obviously, Drumpf is a crook or he would release his taxes which were NOT being audited. Of course, his taxes would show his true wealth, charitable contributions and foreign connections.

Meanwhile, Drumpf and company continue to put out nonsense like the "Bowling Green attack" which his simpleton followers continue to believe really happened.




no worries... obama did the same thing, as did every president in history -- and hillary banned FOX from a fundraiser she held, but invited every single other network.

we have freedom of speech and freedom of the press, but they are not elected, and are ALWAYS SELECTED by the sitting president.


take your hitleresque-fear bullshit elsewhere and get over it, you ruddy lime-juicer.


Source re: ban?

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is NOT selected by the president.

If you mean the White House press corps, they are supposed to be independent and are not selected by the president. Access is supposed to be open to provide public information.

"Since 1914, the White House Correspondents' Association™ has operated independently of the White House and the White House credentialing process. We intend for the White House Correspondents' Association to remain independent of that process.

Consistent with the First Amendment, the White House Correspondents' Association℠ stands for inclusiveness in the credentialing process so that the White House remains accessible to all journalists. We hope that individual episodes do not obscure the broader principles of a fair and evenhanded credentialing process that serves the goal of free and full exchange of information."


So Infowars was invited?




