MovieChat Forums > Kristen Stewart Discussion > So she's lesbian now ???

So she's lesbian now ???

and a terrible actress.


Yes she is! I think she was always a lesbian, but had to pretend she wasn't. As for terrible actress, yes try as much as she does, she is still the same one trick pony.


Yeah, she's been out for a while, but the world didn't care. I'm not sure if she actually is or not, or was just an introvert who got thrown in the Hollywood sex mill and went bonkers. You never know.


She followed the usual Path: First, she's straight; then she's "Bi" (whatever THAT means); now she's a lesbian.

But who cares? She's beautiful, talented enough, and, hopefully, happy. Maybe her being out will save a few
teenagers from suicide. She's a positive young role model. We need more.


I guess Robert Patterson was her beard? Kinda funny in a way.


I'm pretty sure she's bisexual... having a beard is one thing, but embarrassing yourself by having an affair on your beard and garnering huge negative publicity doesn't seem like something her PR team cooked up. And I think she's a pretty good actress as I said in the other thread.


In the SNL monologue last month, she said something about being "totally" or "so" gay.


I remember that but I think she said that more to be supportive of the gay community in the wake of the Trump administration's intolerance


I recall she used the expression, "I'm like so gay dude...", on SNL which is sometimes used as a figure of speech. Some of my friends used to often use the expression, "He's so gay", which isn't necessarily meant to describe someone being homosexual in the strictest sense of the word. That being said, I believe she has dated women in her close circle of friends since she broke up with Robert Pattinson. However, like Sentient brought out previously, I highly doubt her heterosexual relationship with Pattinson was a mere PR stunt. And what about her other hetero relationships such as with Micheal Angarano? Was that too a publicity stunt? And if feigning love for a hetero partner was done with the intention that it was good for business, why did both Rupert Sanders and Kristen issue public apologies with regard to their moment of indiscretion if she was truly a lesbian from birth? Why fake damage control, if the scandal did not take place, as admitting they were involved in a scandal can have a detrimental effect on relationships, reputations, careers and film projects? Makes no sense in my opinion that all the men she had relationships with in the past were all just pretend.


I agree with you 100%


Just because she's been to bed with men, doesn't make her "Bisexual" (a popular little "buzz" word, concocted by
gay people who love to makes us believe they are "equally" attracted to both genders because it makes them look
complex and cool (or, in the case of shamed gays, "not as bad."). Homosexuality and heterosexuality are orientations;
bisexuality is a behavior, springing from one or the other. I'm glad she came out - all the way. Bravo for her!


She's one of those confused millenials who "chooses" to be gay but clearly loves the cock.

Those phoney lezzers always end up with men.


I'm pretty sure somebody has already posted this on here, but I believe that the whole relationship with Robert Pattison was merely a PR stunt to make the "Twilight" films more popular. I mean people love fantasy, and most of the book's fan base was obsessed with those characters. What better way to make fantasy a reality than by having "Bella" and "Edward" date in real life? I think it would have hurt the popularity of those films had they been serious with other people during that time, because people want to see "Bella" and "Edward" together. In addition they no surprisingly "ended" things for good after the last film came out.
On that note I feel the same way about the Blake Shelton/Gwen Stefani relationship. I feel like this too is a PR stunt to encourage viewers to watch "The Voice."
I could be wrong about one or both of these theories. This is just my opinion.


I don't think either relationship was fake... they wouldn't have caught KS cheating on RP if it was all manufactured for promotional publicity. As far as Gwen and Blake go... they seem to genuinely like each other and if anything it's annoying this season because you can see they are trying to help each other's teams and working as one instead of competing against each other. I fast forward through almost the entire show except for the singing unless there's a singer I like.


Thanks for getting back to me. I still feel like it's all PR despite cheating scandals. Then again that could just be an example of how she was never into Robert at all. I respect your views and understand your side however. I don't really take "The Voice" seriously either. I mean they have incredibly talented people on there-all of which deserve to win; however they have some winners and past contestants who are former child stars or the children/relatives of celebrities. I think if you are going to get picked for a talent competition show it should be because you have talent and not because you are a former actor or the relative of one. Now these people I am thinking of were talented and definitely deserve to be there, but I can't help but wonder if they were only picked due to their backstory. I know of people who have auditioned for shows like this and didn't make it because they did not have a good enough backstory or the powers that be did not think they would bring in ratings. I guess the most recent example would be David Cassidy's nephew. From what I understand I think that information "slipped" on air; however casting people would have located that information long before he made it to air.


Yeah but what would be the point of her cheating with another man? It's true that maybe she's just finding herself and only now knows what she wants, but in one of her last articles she said she was bisexual so for the moment I'll take that at face value. Agree the Voice does things for hype as all reality shows do, but I think the Gwen/Blake dynamic spoils the competition rather than enhances it... now, if they suddenly break-up and there is visible tension during the live shows, that could create an audience. As far as celebrity connections... they've been upfront with it and other than Alisan I don't think anyone has won... I even remember people being eliminated during the auditions so I don't think it's that big a problem. The Voice hasn't exactly created big stars, so I think that show is about the singing more than who wins.


Define "terrible" asswipe. Instead of bashing her, maybe you should just shut your fucking piehole and just stick with watching the actors and actresses you like. If you even like anything in life.



just my opinion - no need to call names


Your opinion? Well tell me, Mr./Ms. Intellectual. If Stewart is SO "terrible", how is it that she has a higher award wins percentage than even Oscar-winning actresses, including this year's winner Emma Stone? Add the number of Stewart's award wins 45 plus(+) the number of her other nominations 56: you have a total of 101 nominations. Then divide number of wins (45) by the total nominations (101): you have 44.5 %. Stewart has won 44.5 % of the awards she has been nominated for, including the Cesar for CoSM and the other critics choice awards she has won for the film; her two People's Choice awards, MTV, Teen Choice,Nicklolodeon awards all for the Twilight series as well as her BAFTA for Rising Star, and last but not least, her "Razzie" for Snow White and The Huntsman. That said, if you really want to diss an actor, you shouldn't nominate them for jackshit. Not even for a Razzie. And if you applied the same equation for Stone, her award wins percentage stands at 32%. About 12.5 points less than Stewart. And Stone does have her fair share of MTV and Teen Choice awards or nominations just like K Stew.


She hasn't win any major awards - her career has stalled at best. You're using Teen Choice and Nickelodeon to make your argument ??? Seriously ???


Stalled? Her career? Maybe you need to talk to Camille Belle or Leelee Sobieski, so you're poor, illiterate ass knows what a stalled acting career REALLY looks like. You clearly did not understand my previous post. Teen Choice and Nickolodeon are chosen by audiences and those count just as much as the Oscars. What do you have against young people so much that you disrespect their opinion regarding an actress you despise so much? Or are you one those pathetic, self-loathing millennials who lament SO MUCH about some shit that you were born to the "wrong" generation; And that the lifestyles and entertainment of today "sucks" and everything was "better" for the older generations? Newsflash, shithead: They were people of the World War 2 generation who didn't like Marlon Brando. And there are Baby Boomers who don't like The Beatles. You're a Millennial who doesn't like Kristen Stewart. Boo fucking hoo. Maybe Stewart is not the problem. Stewart with all her flaws is laughing herself all the way to bank. She's still very popular, that's why she can host SNL and give the show its most-highest watched episode in months. And yeah. Melissa McCarthy. Fuck Melissa McCarthy. No one was told about her coming on the show. Stewart is still very popular ; just not overexposed like in her Twilight days. Stewart won the French Cesar; which not a lot of American actors accomplish that. Stewart has not been nominated for an Oscar yet but neither has Scarlett Johansson , who has been acting in movies longer than Stewart and just grossly overused compared to Stewart and many other actresses out there. But I am pretty sure you're not on Johansson's boards and talking shit on her, are you? Asswipe. You are probably not even good or great at whatever it is you do for a living but you want to come here and demean people who are good at they do. Stewart is not the most versatile actress but she doesn't claim to be. And that's what a lot of people, including myself, likes about her. Kristen Stewart has found her thing in life, did you find yours yet?


I seem to have hit a nerve. I wish I was young enough to be a Millennial. She still sucks as an actress.


And you suck as a human being. Now go masturbate to Ellen Page , being that you think she's " a cute lesbian" and her acting sucks WAY worst than Stewart's and she's WAY washed up than Stewart. Like I said, asswipe.


the fact she hosted SNL shows that her career is on the downside.


You're just a dumb fuck Trumpansie who's just mad that Stewart went on SNL and called out your beloved 4-time bankrupt, pussy grabber on those stupid tweets he posted about her. Stewart directing a music video and then a short film is not a decline. Sounds like a decline for you, because you seem to have the wrong ideas about fame. Maybe it's a good thing YOU'RE NOT IN HOLLYWOOD. You probably be one of those actors who commit suicide after they made one flop too many. Stewart's not the greatest actress in the world but she can deal with the ups and downs of the industry because she has thicker skin than you, you old fool. You praised Ellen Page but her career is deader than Stewart's. Cameron Diaz, her career is deader than Stewart's. Leelee Sobieski, nobody is hiring her. Stewart is still finding work compared to Sobieski. Not that I ever liked Sobieski. Nobody liked Sobieski. You don't like Stewart. Fine. She probably wouldn't like you much either, anyways. But you don't come here and tell us what to think. Its because of assholes like you is why IMDb shut down their message boards. And here we are again. You sick, disgraceful fuck.


Personal Shopper ???? Never heard of it.


Yeah. Keep playing stupid. You will be the only one with no friends.


lets call a truce.



Ok. You have a good one.


"Its because of assholes like you is why IMDb shut down their message boards. And here we are again. You sick, disgraceful fuck."

"You're just a dumb fuck Trumpansie"
(Is that what you say to anyone who disagrees with you about anything?)

"And you suck as a human being. Now go masturbate to Ellen Page"

"Or are you one those pathetic, self-loathing millennials"

You're probably right, its guys like hownos who got the IMDB boards taken down for saying Kristen Stewart is a terrible actress. I don't see why you blew up like that, her acting after all is trash.


"the fact she hosted SNL shows that her career is on the downside."

Huh? Are you serious when you imply this?

Ben Affleck hosted Saturday Night Live a total of 5 times, his first appearance on February 19, 2000 and his most recent appearance was on May 18, 2013. From 1997 to 2001, Affleck had already starred in a bunch of feature films, including some high profile ones such as Good Will Hunting, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Armageddon, Shakespeare in Love, and Pearl Harbor. Was his, "career on the downside" since his first SNL appearance? Certainly not! In fact, he has been cast in one high-profile film after another, including some he directed and starred in, such as The Town and Argo. As you probably know, Argo won the Best Picture Oscar on February 24 2013, three months before he appeared for his 5th time on SNL.

Tom Hanks has hosted SNL 9 times from December 14, 1985 to December 8, 1990. While his breakout role was in Splash (1984), his career did not take off into the stratosphere until after his first SNL appearance and subsequent host appearances. So much for Hanks' career being on the downside after his first appearance.

Perhaps I should reference someone closer in age to Kristen. Next up we have Scarlett Johansson who hosted SNL 5 times from her first in January 14, 2006 to her most recent appearance being just a few days ago on March 11, 2017. Her breakout role, as far as adult oriented fare was Lost in Translation (2003). Did Johansson's career take a nosedive after her first SNL appearance in 2006? While it is true that 3 out of her 4 Golden Globe nominations were awarded to her before her first SNL appearance, she received her 4th G.G. nod after. And as far as receiving roles in Hollywood big budget blockbusters, her highest paying roles came years later in films such as Iron Man 2 (2010), The Avengers (2012), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain American Civil War (2016), and The Jungle Book (2016). She's also reprising her role as Black Widow in the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film Avengers: Infinity War (2018).

While I'm at it, why not make mention of the actor who has hosted SNL the most times? It's none other than Alec Baldwin who appeared as host on SNL 17 times, his first being on April 21, 1990 while his most recent was on February 11, 2017. Baldwin's breakout role was in The Hunt for Red October (1990). Did his career then come to a crashing halt, as he did after all, host SNL for the first time that year? Every year from 1990 up until now, Baldwin has starred in at least one feature film per year, with the exception of 2010. I'm guessing, half-jokingly, that he took a breather from acting to host the 82nd Academy Awards that year. For Baldwin, his SNL appearances seem to mirror his successful acting career instead of being an indicator of his demise--more like the more the merrier in terms of being a guest host on SNL. So I sure do hope they invite Kristen back and she jumps at the opportunity to churn out another wide ranging acting performance.


"the fact she hosted SNL shows that her career is on the downside."

4-time Golden Globes nominated actress Scarlet Johanson hosted SNL on March 11, 2017. Is "her career on the downside" since?

2017 Best Supporting Actress Oscar nominee Octavia Spencer hosted SNL on March 4, 2017. Is "her career on the downside" since?

2015 Best Actress Oscar nominee Felicity Jones hosted SNL on January 14, 2017. Is "her career on the downside" since?

2017 Best Actor Oscar winner Casey Affleck hosted SNL on December 17, 2016. Is his "career on the downside" since?

2017 Best Actress Oscar winner Emma Stone hosted SNL on December 3, 2016. Is "her career on the downside" since?

Golden Globes nominated actress Kristen Wiig hosted SNL on November 19, 2016. Is "her career on the downside" since?

5-time Oscar nominated/8-time Golden Globes nominated actor Tom Hanks hosted SNL on October 22, 2016. Is his "career on the downside" since?

5-time Golden Globes nominated actress Emily Blunt hosted SNL on October 15, 2016. Is "her career on the downside" since?

One of the biggest box office draws among actresses, Margot Robbie hosted SNL on October 1, 2016. Is "her career on the downside" since?

In my opinion, the actors who have hosted SNL are a who's who list of the most critically acclaimed/in demand actors working in Hollywood as we speak.


Stewart would have no part of SNL if her career was going well.


Would you say the same about all these other actors who recently hosted SNL? I don't follow your logic.


I am attracted to Kristen Stewart much like Keanu Reeves. Sure, they aren't awe worthy actors, but I like 'em and their movies. I don't need to be inspired all the dang time with everything that my senses take in.


The thing is that at the time of Twilight she basically had to date Robert Pattison her co star. This is what is known as a showmance. Just like how In High School Musial that main girl and guy were an item. Funny how when the movie/tv show/record/book/etc....drops they suddenly break up.

I had a friend remark to me at how at EVERY movie premier she could not wait to take off her dress and put on a pair of pants. I never really noticed as I just don't care. I just thought it was people normally do like for the 'after party' but she was decidedly dressed down. Also it was pretty clear to them that it was fake relationship. Free publicity. I am pretty shocked these days that people don't question these things. Even you tube stars talked about this. In order for them to get more fame, they would line up other people for them to date, to get more famous.

I think that's what the whole Katy Perry/Russel Brand marriage was about. At the time both were half famous. But together they made 1 real celebrity. After Katy got famous she did not need him and boom divorce. No offence but people tend to have a type. And look at who Katy's dated...mostly men seen as handsome. And then Russel.....

So I guess she had to 'half' come out as it were, so as not to embarrass the Twilight crowd. Since that would make it so clear that kstew/rpatz were a fake couple. That's why she did not do the whole, Ellen "Yep, I'm gay" cover thing. She has to have a 'soft' coming out so she does not have to admit/apologize/etc...for that fake relationship imo

I think a similar thing is happening with Selena Gomez and The Weeknd.....she has no album out, no movie out but gotta stay in the spotlight, so she featured on another artists song (we don't talk any more) with Charlie Puth, and now is 'dating' this guy. Funny how the media doles out each thing one at a time. They will probably be together until her album drops...then break up right before the drop for a media firestorm so people will buy the album. Or some months after wards for some more free press......


I said the exact same thing on this thread. I mean yes it is possible to fall for and date coworkers; however I find it odd that in Hollywood they managed to stay together for a long couple of years and coincidentally broke up once their famous film franchise had ended. I forgot all about High School Musical, but the same went for them as well like you said.


I don't know but I mostly don't think Kristen and Rob were a showmance couple because I'm just not sure they'd do that, as they don't seem the devious type. And Kristen is so up front in her interviews that I think she'd have a hard time keeping up the charade for years. Maybe they were and I think it would come out at some point. Are there very many showmance couples anyway? With Twilight they didn't have to resort to that, as it had such great success.

Kristen has dated guys before, Michael Angarano for one, so I assumed she's bisexual, or maybe she prefers women and it took time for her to feel that way. Or she's just mostly into women now. To me it's not an issue, and I'm sure it's not to most people these days. I don't care either way about anyone's preference.
