MovieChat Forums > Christopher Nolan Discussion > Stop calling yourself a true Batman or d...

Stop calling yourself a true Batman or dc fan if you love nolan shitty Batman trilogy

True story lol


There wouldn't be a DC or Marvel film universe if it wasn't for Chris, that much is obvious. Hollywood never truly tried with comic book lore until the success of the TDK Trilogy. If you appreciate great cinematography, a haunting score and the theatrics of a grand scale blockbuster, the trilogy is a masterpiece. If you strictly follow the animated films, then I guess BvS is more tonally correct.

I remember pre-2012, when the idea of a superhero ensemble film was a mere pipe dream.


Nolan made Batman respectable to the general audience. But only someone who thinks Batman and Robin is good would be this obtuse.


batman and robin was for true comic book fans not for moron marvel fans


Nolan made Batman respectable to the general audience. But only someone who thinks Batman and Robin is good would be this obtuse.


Nolan also Made Batman into A Proven 1 Billion dollar + box office draw....A Height he may never reach again after The damage Snyder did

Once Snyder got a hold of Batman....He literally lost 40%+ of his drawing power and Audience


But hey....we got slo-mo shots of shell casings falling to the floor.

THAT'S art.....I guess.


Considering that the Nolan movies are the finest CBM made, i wouldnt really call you a fan of movies or DC, just a childish troll that cant stand people having a differing opinion.

Your reasons for not liking Nolan make you a half wit , you dont like them because they differ from the comics? understand this simpleton, Nolan wanted to create a Batman that was realistic , what would be like in the real world, not the camp crap we got in the 90s. So take your opinion and eat shit ...oh wait, you will be doing that in a few weeks.

Good god you are fucking stupid, just like that fact fuck virgin Andre Cedeno.


andre is true and best dc fan in internet not a fakeass one


He's a jobless waste of space that repeats the same shit day in day out , never ever heard him actually discuss the DCEU in a calm constructive manner.


DceuFanticArmy's nothing but a provocateur. Starving for the attention his daddy never gave


shut up dumb marveltard


Oh BS! The Dark Knight trilogy set the standard on how a superhero movie should be made.


Let's not forget the bigger picture that TDK trilogy foreshadowed the events of Aurora and Sandy Hook
