He is a Rapist

How can anyone support him?


Lack of evidence?


If he is innocent, why so many NDAs?


If he's guilty, why so many people just taking money instead of sending him to jail.


The money would be guaranteed, him ending up in prison isn't.


So, the money is more important to his accusers, than the possibility of seeing justice.

Sounds like it's all made up and they were after money.


No, the money is more guaranteed than seeing justice.


MrZoolook seems to be (wilfully) struggling with this one.


LOL, big time. People like him are the reason women don't go to the police right away or at all.


Of course the money is more guaranteed than justice. If there is complaint not based in fact, they aren't going to win the case.

That literally IS justice.

Also, the lack of self awareness in your reply is very telling.

You say I'm the kind of person who makes women not want to report rape, yet I specifically advocated taking them to court to face justice, and YOU are the one apparently advocating that men who rape should just pay off women with hush money. Along with those other guys.


I disagree with this completely. As a rape victim myself, I would NEVER take money instead of trying to see justice through. The POS that raped me didn't get nearly enough jail time. Not even a year. But I still walked away holding my head high because I didn't just accept a money deal like a prostitute.

I'm not saying this McMahon idiot didn't do what he's accused of but I can't think of a reason why a victim of assault would take money from their assailant.


I think it all depends on the victim. Some victims don't want t re-live what happened by testifying in a courtroom. Some may even feel embarrassed.


not too embarrassed to snatch dat money though


It's usually done privately.


"I think it all depends on the victim. Some victims don't want t re-live what happened by testifying in a courtroom. Some may even feel embarrassed."

This is very true and I agree. Not everyone can do it. But to settle for money? That just does not make sense to me. It's basically taking money for the abuse of your body and soul. I cannot understand how any true victim of sexual assault can do such a thing.


Agreed. No amount of money can pay for rape.


I don't want to get like him.


Ex-WWE employee accuses Vince McMahon of sex trafficking in new lawsuit


Janel Grant, a former employee at WWE’s headquarters who received a payout from McMahon after she accused him of sexual misconduct, "said in a lawsuit filed Thursday that she was abused and sexually exploited by McMahon while he was chief executive," reports The Wall Street Journal's Khadeeja Safdar. "She alleged that McMahon lured her with promises of career advancement, and then he allegedly exploited her and trafficked her to other men inside the company. Grant signed a nondisclosure agreement in 2022 in which McMahon agreed to pay $3 million for her to not discuss their relationship or to disparage him. The WWE received an anonymous tip in 2022 about the relationship and started a board investigation, which uncovered other payments by the CEO to women. Grant’s lawsuit said McMahon stopped making payments under the 2022 deal after the initial $1 million installment. The suit seeks to void the agreement and unspecified financial damages." McMahon and his attorney didn't immediately respond to a request for comment."


The whole thing reads like a bad Lifetime movie.

For anyone who has not read the full document, you can read it here:

I'm sorry, but after a man takes a dump on your head the average person would have quit, regardless of him claiming he had photos/videos.

Why would you continue to produce this content if you feared what he would do with them? And why would you keep going back to this place, hoping for a promotion, if you feared for your life the way she claims?

Kind of sounds like she saw an easy road to money and power (as she admits almost as much herself when she was giving McMahon ideas for creative -- a job she herself admits she didn't even earn (which would probably explain so many horrible storylines during that time)) but his degenerate behaviour became too much for her, so she opted out eventually. When he forfeited to hold up his end of the bargain as part of the NDA, she went full legal warhorse on him because he didn't keep paying her.

Ironically, it was because he didn't pay her that the lawsuit even became a thing, not because of all of the alleged abuse.

Also, the depraved text messages showed more consent than anything, as opposed to painting her as the victim. If there were any evidence of her actually being the victim, she really should have provided it, because it just kind of looks more like she's suing because she didn't get the money, not because of sexual assault (which again, she admits allegedly happened years ago).


For close to 40 years this degenerate has been accused of fostering a culture of sexual misconduct, workplace bullying, and steroid abuse. WAAAY too much smoke for there to have never been a fire. He's just an evil dude.




And yet, Austin is a wife beater and an alcoholic and you still support him, right??




I watched an interview with Roddy Piper a few years ago and he wasn't holding back. From what he described, there was a lot of sexual harassment at that place.


Piper and other guys who dedicated the bulk of their adult lives to pro wrestling, were essentially at the mercy of McMahon. Aside from Turner's WCW for a few years in the 90s, the WWF was the only place to make real money in the back-breaking wrestling business. On top of that it was the most visible promotion (being synonymous with the world "wrestling" for most in the west), and vindictive Vince could erase a man's legacy in a heartbeat. After a disagreement with Vince in '97, 20+ year veteran Bret "The Hitman" Hart (who had worked up to 300 crushing days a year for the WWF) was subject to endless ridicule, impersonated by "small people" on TV, and essentially banished from history. After Hart suffered a devastating stroke which triggered a sliver of magnanimity from the WWF, he was able to gradually recover his legacy.


He even continued the show even after a man fell to his death in the ring. That is disgusting and IMO it's Vinnie's worst moment.

--Michael D. Clarke


Wow, between accusing Trump of being a Rapist and now Vince McMahon?? You Zoomers are on a roll



Here you go.. Something for you Zoomers hung up on Trump and Vince McMahon can salivate on, long before you were born no less. Look, the 2 women on Trump's arms love him!! What a Rapist!! LOL


The subject is Vince McMahon, not Donald Trump.


Holy shit this unhinged BKB clown is on here 24/7 whacking off too trump. This thread is about Vince dummy. Get outta the basement


BKB has the biggest crush on Dementia Donnie than should be humanly possible.


You showing us that video thinking that it helps your argument in any way is all the proof I need you aren't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.


He is a Rapist

posted 10 months ago by KaiMaster (730)
19 replies | jump to latest

How can anyone support him?

Um, wouldn't it be better to 1st allow the man due process without the Court of Social Media & Tik Tok to dtermine whether he's guilty or not and not just some shit where a female comes forward after decades out of nowhere and just decides to throw these allegations out because she can, because the "Oprah #MeToo Justice System" says so??


You give off the biggest incel vibe i've ever seem. You fuckin loser.


Why?? Because I'm not a self entitled Zoomer like you who believes Justice is the Court of Social Media & Tik Tok in handing down guilty verdicts right off the bat over due process?? Who gives a fuck what you think Zoomer?? You're not the solution, you're the problem is what this is


Again stupid. I was born in the early 80's. Thats your only comeback ever. You parrot. Keep saying zoomer over and over maybe it will make me younger! You're too dumb to think of anything else. People like you ARE the problem, but your stupid hillbilly ass is too ignorant. Im sure being an icel virgin is tough so you have to lash out at women and jerk off to trump. Must be a tough life. But if you went out into the real world every now and then, things could change for you!


No, you're a Zoomer because no rational adult from the 80's believes that a person is just guilty right off the bat because Social Media says so without a shred of evidence other than fucking "Heresay".. Understand that Zoomer??


When did i Say he was guilty. Too stupid to read?


[–] Cac1981 (317) 29 minutes ago

LOL, big time. People like him are the reason women don't go to the police right away or at all.

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There you go Zoomer.. You basically agreed he's guilty without a shred of evidence, without any due process as though you would even know what that was?? It's 7:30AM here.. Isn't it time for you to be catching the school bus??



Learn to read, stupid. I just said human trash like you are the reason women dont come forward. Nowhere did i mention Vince's accuser. Get some reading comprehension cletus.


You basically implied the man is guilty so fuck off Zoomer


Not my fault you have the reading comprehension of a 5 year old. I didnt "basically imply" anything. Either you dont know how to read or you are trying to make my words fit your narrative. Either way, it's proof you are an absolute fool!


Do you think calling young me is an insult?? LOLOL. I'm 42 but thanks, I'll take it!! Its 7:30 am where you are and youre already on this board.. you have no life whatsoever. You probably just stayed up all night jerking off to trump and ranting on boards. I actually feel bad for you now.


You thinking you are a rational adult is hilariously ironic. You spend your life on a movie board glazing trump and trying to tie him in to every thread on here. Just say you wanna suck his cock and move on.


You should practice what you preach and lead by example because I can point out numerous and I mean, NUMEROUS threads and posts where you hang out obsessed over your New Daddy in 10 months in Donald Trump.. Shall I post them for you Zoomer??


I am not american you fuckin moron. Better than wanting to suck his dick. You spend your whole life 24/7 on a MOVIE board babbling about a piece of human trash. Im on here once every 6 months or so. i have numerous posts, you have 100's you unhinged piece of white trash. Thanks for stalking me though, do you have a crush on me too?


And yet, you've ben here every day this week, so stop being a hypocrite following me thread to thread, post to post Zoomer. Normally, your ass would be on the ignore list by now for trolling


2 days in a row is hardly a week. Are you too stupid to know that there are 7 days in a week? Put me on ignore cause I proved how stupid you are. Go back to whacking off to trump.


No, you've been all over me the entire week.. You're obsessed with me and love me apparently and no, you can't fuck me Zoomer, so find some other sucker


You cant even add to 2? You poor fool. This is the second day this week ive been on here and second time in two months. My profile is right there. Are you really that stupid that you think you can make shit up when there is actual proof? Hahaha you delusional little virgin.


You cant even add to 2? You poor fool. This is the second day this week ive been on here and second time in 6 months. My profile is right there. Are you really that stupid that you think you can make shit up when there is actual proof? Hahaha you delusional little virgin.


Interesting. BKB posted this reply to me yesterday when I told him/her that I am not actually "some under 20 year old kid in his parents basement"(as s/he called me) but actually a parent of two kids under the age of 20.

BKB replied:
"No, you don't have kids.. No one who posts like you do has kids and why?? Because your are a KID and you;ll say whatever it takes to prove someone wrong so go fuck yourself ZOOMER"


Didn't follow you anywhere. Your unhinged incel ass is on every thread on this site, glazing the sexual assaulter.


No, you've followed me for over an hour now at every reply I post, so stop.. You're obsessed with me like you are Trump.. He's your soon to be New Daddy, not me


Thats like me saying you followed me, stupid. Its called a back and forth. Again, Im not American you stupid clown. I hopes hes not your daddy unless incest is your thing. And, you being a no-toothed hillbilly, it would make sense. Try and deflect from the fact yo can't read though hahahahahahaha


Considering how much you mention Trump in here, you're the only one here who is obsessed with Trump.



Nice try magat. Move along


?? I'm on your side here lol.


Yep...the Zoomers just flock to MovieChat. They think it's just such a happenin' website LOL!


he reminds me of someone who thinks rules and laws don't apply to him.



--Michael D. Clarke
