Rest in peace

I'll see you again #CharlesManson ... But not yet.. Not yet.


He shouldn't rest in peace, he should burn in hell.


Except your hell is an imaginary place. Get over it.


True, but people like Manson make me wish that it was more than a figure of speech.


And you know this how?


Well the concept of "hell" as you and I and everybody else knows it, was demonstrably concieved by a poet called Dante Alighieri in 1320 AD. So there's that. Of course you are free to make up something completly different, what "hell" is supposed to be.


Which circle do you think Charlie is in?


The jerk circle




Lol. Hell was known of ans spoke of, WAAAAAYY before 1320 AD.

And since when do you speak for "everybody else"?


I do hope he can find some peace now that he never could in life.
Don't forget, psychopaths are created, not born (the vast majority of the time, and in Charlie's case for sure).




He deserves the same amount of peace and mercy he showed his victims.Which is none.


I agree about that. Actually I can't even imagine what type of hell he needs to suffer for his deeds. That's up to God.

As for ItalianBuju's comments- actually according to psychiatry, psychopaths are BORN that way, sociopaths are created. Since I'm not a psychiatrist, not sure what ole Charlie was. But if you have read about him a lot as I have, he clearly had many mental problems from a young age. He seemed to be amoral and totally without a conscience or empathy for others from a young age.

Granted, his mother was a teen-age loser and alcoholic who abandoned him. But many, many people have emerged from horrible childhoods to become good people. I think Charles Manson was doomed from birth due to screwed up wiring in his brain.

There was something wrong with him from the start. if that's so, may God have mercy on his messed up soul. After seeing so many interviews that he did, I came to the conclusion that he didn't really know how evil his deeds were. HE thought he was normal. Just like a colorblind person can't distinguish red from green, he couldn't tell good from bad.

Sometimes I loathe him, other times I feel sorry for him. Well, the Almighty can sort it out!


BS! He was a psychopath. Stop feeling sorry for him. A lot of people have unfortunate pasts, but don't murder people and cause irreparable harm. He deserved exactly what he got.


Oh I agree. Sometimes I totally loathe him, especially when I read the accounts of his victims last moments. I've seen the autopsy photos on-line too. Just so horrible and sad.

Then I feel guilty for hating Manson. I wonder if somewhere in his screwed up psyche he had no idea how evil his actions were.

Did he really think that because he had so much pain in his early years that it was okay to inflict it on others? Then again, was he just nuts? Or evil personified?

But then again... that's why I say the Almighty can sort it out. It's waaay above my pay grade.


OK, but I won't get into the "Almighty" business. . . . . ..


A wonderful musician. Shine on, you crazy diamond!


In The Brothers Karamozov, Dostoyevsky gives us a description of Hell, which I believe is a very real place. At the center of Hell is a burning lake. The scum of humanity is tossed in this lake, sinks below its waves, then, in the most chilling phrase I have ever read nor can imagine ever reading, “These God forgets.” That’s what happened to Charlie.


We will never forget Charlie! He lives on in our hearts!
