

Corey Feldman looks more like a prophet everyday.


"beyond a handful of "edgy" jokes to active role playing and fantasizing in taking part in this sick stuff"

This is still joking though. He and his friends used to do lots of different kooky excursions and theme parties and stuff, always in the spirit of goofing around.

Also - "unearthed": I remember this. There are a lot of people who have followed him and his blog all along. I get where he was coming from at the time. It was definitely a niche sensibility, but all y'all reading into this stuff so humorlessly are just out of the loop and way off the mark.



"It's one thing to type a few words into your computer. It's a whole other level to actively involve yourself this way."

It's all an extension of a sense of humor and personal world building. I understand that to the average person and people whose familiarity with JG starts with GotG this is all "shocking" but to those who knew him from Tromeo and Juliet on, it fits well into the atmosphere of his world then. It was a very freewheeling attitude of life as a series of absurd, ridiculous, degenerate comic excursions with a specific inner silly logic. Taking strictly the pedophilia related antics out of context, I get why people are shocked, but this stuff is a small part of an overall thing they had going. I've heard he took down the blog but if you can go back through it and if you're willing to be open minded you'll get what I'm talking about. Obviously a lot of it is wicked dark, but willfully so, and never at all serious. This is all a context issue.

"Suppose he went to a party with the theme "To catch a terrorist" (Instead of "To Catch a Predator) and dressed as a middle east Muslim wearing a bomb vest."
That's not really out of the bounds of taste for something he might've done at the time, except for the implied racism. Actually I don't know which is more "offensive", that or a pedophilia party. Either way it's in the spirit of fun and cheekily dark humor. How is it any different from dressing like a serial killer or what have you for halloween? I don't see it as fundamentally any different at all. Neither is actively playing out serious fantasies.

We're looking at all of this through the lens of 2018 #metoo, Trump, SJW, twitter outrage culture, through a magnifying lens, and in context of his working for Disney. The world really was very different then, both for American society at large and for James as a small indie filmmaker in the context of like minded friends and fans. Yes this was in bad taste. That was intentional. It doesn't hold up to scrutiny through a view of what's going on in the world today, but that retroactive scrutiny isn't fair.


All of this is not to say Disney is wrong for parting ways with him. They kind of had to in light of the culture of the moment. Of course there's the issue of their taking on a guy whose WELL KNOWN origins were in super fucked up edgy humor in the first place.


I'll also just add that though I still don't think I'd buy into the idea that any of this was more than dark humor if I was further from the situation, I understand how the general public will see this stuff come up in a few headlines and zippy articles and quickly form this view of a celebrity they don't know.

A friend of mine dated James for years, including during the time that some of these pedophilia jokes were posted, and remains friends with him now, and while I've not met him personally I have a pretty close view into his personality and the world that he and his friends were creating at that time. Take from my comments what you will, but the tendency to want to grab onto this stuff and interpret who a person is from a distance is super misguided, though I get how it happens. I can tell you with certainty that James is a good guy and that none of this goes beyond a dark sense of humor, which has legitimately evolved beyond what it was over time.


zephyr_cape wrote:
"Take from my comments what you will, but the tendency to want to grab onto this stuff and interpret who a person is from a distance is super misguided, though I get how it happens. I can tell you with certainty that James is a good guy and that none of this goes beyond a dark sense of humor, which has legitimately evolved beyond what it was over time."

That's all well and good, and I trust that what you say is true. I myself don't think anything James Gunn has done or said even remotely qualifies as solid evidence that he's a pedophile. However, and I don't think I'm alone, what I really object to is the hypocritical "gotcha" world of social and mainstream media that seeks to take down and ruin the lives of certain people over others who are deemed offensive. Hollywood stars play this shame game all the time and have been at the forefront of establishing this mentality. If it's to be applied unmercifully to people who offend the "liberal" mentality then it should be applied to the James Gunn types as well. For all their crying I just say too f'in bad. They should ease up on everyone, not just those sharing their political persuasions. The collateral damage inflicted on the unfortunate James Gunn helps to ram this point home, and for that reason I have no problem with the shaming he's receiving. When this ugly trend turns around for everyone, then I'll defend the likes of him (not that my opinion matters, but you get the point).


I wholeheartedly agree.
It's overall a fucked up situation we have going on right now, and people and their careers are ending up as you say collateral damage in the wake of a political war that's turned all pervasive on every facet of society. Now that our president is a controversial pop culture entertainment celebrity, there's no boundary between serious scrutiny of political figures and entertainment celebs and art and culture are being directly manipulated more than ever as ammo for political agendas. Fuck it all.



HAHAHA oh man I forgot about that lmaooo!
Have you seen that movie though? It's seriously a good question!


He was talking about a foul-mouthed killer baby doll in a cheesy horror movie you dumb fuck. Also why the hell did you look through his posting history?


(A killer baby doll possessed by a demon, who at the film's "climax" is about to rape a protagonist to impregnate her with the demon. Why didn't they show the boaner!)


I haven’t seen the movie, but you have a point. They should have shown the boner!1


LOL! You can't sit through that movie up to that point and not be thinking oh man we're about to see a demonic baby doll's boaner. AND THEN YOU DON'T. : (


that's not true at all.
i know someone who likes to dress up as a pedophile priest almost every halloween - costume with a huge fake dong, sleeping pills, the whole thing.
i'm pretty certain he is not a pedophile.
you may find that a little tasteless. but you have no business suggesting that makes gunn or anyone a pedophile.
that is simply slanderous, imo.


zephyr_cape wrote:
"This is still joking though. He and his friends used to do lots of different kooky excursions and theme parties and stuff, always in the spirit of goofing around."

How about a kooky party with guests dressing in Klan robes chasing around other guests in blackface in an attempt to hang them? Just in the spirit of goofing around, of course.


In the case of this particular pedophilia themed party there's a certain celebratory mocking of the hypocrisy of the church, and clear satirizing of a situation so ironic that having a laugh over it is a natural reaction, as many have also done. Women, who were once young girls, are also willfully in on the joke and, further JG was not the organizer of this particular shindig.

I don't want to take the bait on these fallacious hypotheticals but the party you're imagining straight up would be offensive to most anyone without more detail, though what if, to get a little closer to equivalency, say, half or more of the guests at said lynching party were black themselves, and that it was conceived as satire in response to specific current events?


"I don't want to take the bait on these fallacious hypotheticals but the party you're imagining straight up would be offensive to most anyone without more detail, though what if, to get a little closer to equivalency, say, half or more of the guests at said lynching party were black themselves, and that it was conceived as satire in response to specific current events?"

Okay then, it would be a party explicitly mocking the KKK and whatever brand of white nationalism they think currently exists. The point is, that excuse wouldn't fly because of the specific theme. Joking about pedophilia is in the same category in my opinion. Why would the sensitivities of black people trump those who have experienced sexual abuse as kids, or even just have kids and are sickened by the very thought of it? It's the hypocritical, selective outrage for certain privileged groups that I have a problem with.


It was a to catch a predator themed party. Sick humor, but I doubt they were sincere about wanting to be caught by Chris Hanson.


there is a big difference between making ugly, transgressive jokes & committing crimes.

if i'm following this properly, he was dressed up as a pervy priest, right?
i have made approximately one billion pedophile priest jokes in my life.
my favourite:

a priest and a rabbi walk by a playground.
the priest says 'wanna screw some kids?'
the rabbi says 'screw them outta what?'

anyway, my point is that there are lots & lots of people who have dark sensibilities & a sense of humor to match.
that doesn't make them pedophiles. that makes them a bit twisted, and thank heavens for the twisted. they've given us much great film & music & all sorts of things.

and it's just wrong to compare them to a sex criminal.
unfair to the twisted.
& unfair to the criminal's victims.


damosuzuki wrote:
"anyway, my point is that there are lots & lots of people who have dark sensibilities & a sense of humor to match.
that doesn't make them pedophiles. that makes them a bit twisted, and thank heavens for the twisted. they've given us much great film & music & all sorts of things."

And what great art or music specifically do you have in mind that has been inspired by pedophilia? Or even by latent feelings of racism? Jokes are one thing and great art is another. James Gunn has not done a single thing that qualifies as "great".


my point was that a transgressive sensibility, whether it's in one's humor or wherever, often is tied in with an unhinged creativity.

that doesn't mean that they give the world great pedophile art. it means that skewed sensibilities often cross boundaries, and sometimes they offend, and sometimes they create genius things.

a personal example: i know someone who is probably the only person i've ever known who i could describe as a creative genius. he has a true gift. ideas flow out of him. he can come up with lyrics on the spot. make the most clever, insightful jokes. & he is filthy, often in the most tasteless ways. rape jokes, kiddie porn jokes, all that stuff. he's offended lots of people, but he also draws brilliantly & writes convincingly.

as for gunn, i think slither & super are terrific films, & the two guardian films are among the best mcu movies.
i think he has a real talent.


Bottom line, Disney did the right thing by kicking him off their lot.


Transgressive is the key word there.

Gunn went through a faze where he got off on offending people. He indulged in some pretty sick humor and jokes that shouldn't have been made, but I don't think it makes him a terrible guy. Just slow to mature, I guess you could say.


Also a video has re-surfaced where he jokes about anally raping his baby daughter during some weird project called Lolli-Love.

So next to his child rape fantasies and endorsements of convicted pedos and pedo groups like Nambla, and his weirdo pedo-themed party pic this very last tabo of raping your own child is broken.

I wonder if this creep can sink any lower and what is next to come.


All reality TV is trash TV. When I looked up To Catch a Predator here, I noticed a parody called To Fetch a Predator. So having a theme party as a joke is not that outrageous.

The women dressed as girls were in on the joke. People are so outraged over dressing as a Nazi today, but few were 50 years ago when Hogan's Heroes was a popular show.


Yup. Or like, hey how about remember when DONALD DUCK was a Nazi?


love to see all these trump haters go down.


I don't understand what the scoop is. Isn't this a clear case of guilt by association? If you want to call James Gunn a pedophile, show some real evidence please. Otherwise, you embarrass yourself.
