MovieChat Forums > James Gunn Discussion > Vanity Fair calls Gunn's firing a mean s...

Vanity Fair calls Gunn's firing a mean spirited campaign.

So Vanity Fair is an arm of the democratic party? That is really pathetic, these people in Hollywood are completely deranged.



The article I'm seeing from Vanity Fair is this one, which reveals the efforts to get Gunn fired originated as a smear campaign by alt-right trolls Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich. Nothing about 'mean spirited' and no link to anything regarding the democratic party.


You are saying Disney was okay with pedophilia.


I'm saying you're illiterate and can't read.


Listen to you. Disney had to be bullied into opposing pedohpilia by right wing trolls? Disney must have really loved pedophilia.


I wasn't even talking about that. I was referring to the OP's Vanity Fair reference that I posted a link to.

Like I said, you're illiterate and can't read.


it says "bad faith" attack on Gunn. What the hell is that?? Is that supposed to be journalism?


If you read the article it becomes apparent what they mean by "bad faith". You should try it instead of trying to judge an article by its title.


"Alt right trolls"
This is the supposed "free press" we desperately need...


If you knew anything about Posobiec and Cernovich that's exactly what they are. I appreciate the accurate description from the press.


I know a lot about them. They're neither of those two things.


“I went from libertarian to alt-right after realizing tolerance only went one way and diversity is code for white genocide.” —Cernovich Twitter, October 2015.

Jesus, if you're trying to claim with a straight face that the leading promoter of pizzagate is not a troll then what is a troll in your world?


sounds like a paranoid white supremacy nutjob with strong extremist convictions.

That is not what a troll is. The term troll derives from fishing, not the cave troll, and means to bait online for attention by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content.


Except he's all those things too.


He is a very bad man because he doesn't support pedophilia like you and Disney Corporation.


Then why are you the one always going on about your love of young boys?


That was when the word was brand new and had yet to achieve this concrete white supremacy definition. Also, you're quoting rationalwiki. lol


So what if the word was 'brand new'?

So that makes him a charter member of the alt-right, which is even worse.

All you have to do is follow the citations because Rationalwiki just compiled the information in a central place for you.


I explained 'so what' in the argument. Rationalwiki is an extremist site citing extremist sources.


There's a little problem with your argument.

The rest of what he said in the quote IS expressing white supremacy sentiment, so what makes you think alt-right hadn't achieved a white supremacy definition?

Saying "diversity is code for white genocide" is common white supremacy sentiment verbatim.

And you're wrong about rationalwiki. They're in the business of analyzing and refuting pseudoscience and the anti-science movement, so it's no surprise they'd have an entry for Cernovich when he's such a consistent propagator of conspiracy theories.

Also, if you had bothered to check their citations it's nothing of the sort when most of the citations come from Cernovich's OWN TWITTER FEED and the rest come from mainstream sources.


Rationalwiki is for something called "secular humanism", which is an extremist ideology who believe humans are a disease that need to be wiped out for the greater good of the Earth. Their founding members such as James Randi are actually convicted pedophiles. Why is that not surprising?


You're high.


Mike Cernovich is married to an Iranian and has a child with her. If he is such a white supremacist, he is not doing a good job at being so. "mainstream sources" Infowars and Breitbart are more mainstream than those sources I saw linked.


Holy shit, you're actually claiming Infowars as a credible mainstream source?

Infowars is filled with bullshit conspiracy theories that can't be proven.

No wonder why you think Cernovich is just a normal guy.


It's no less credible than most of the type of shit that is accepted on even Wikipedia.


actually, Arians come originally from Iran/Persia, and they, as did the Nazis, deem themselves as Arian - and think themselves as a different race and superior to the surrounding Arabs (at least the riht wing omegas there do).

Thus, the depraved right wing nutjob Cernovich goes with the white supremacist program. Still, good work shooting down mega-creep James "I have sensitive nipples" Gunn. Every broken clock...


This is goalpost moving at the highest level. Hitler only made that remark because Iran's help in WW2 was too important for him.


1. You should learn what "moving goalposts" means. But it's what you are trying now after your intellectual blunder.

2. Nonsense.

3. You should learn how to use knowledge pools when you lack knowledge.

Or maybe look it up on your right-wing omega sites, if you trust them more than the mainstreams ones.


Iranians are not white. Your original claim is moving the goalpost because you're trying to make up a way they can be classified as one.


they were white enough for the Nazis to accept them as the original Aryans and equal. If it's good enough for Hitler should it not be good enough for Cernovich?

Cartman, it seems you have higher race standards than Hitler, or is this just a form of special pleading?


It seems more like:

I don't like person = Make up demonizing words about said person!


straw man, bro! I always liked EricCartman, brah.


You lost the argument when you cited "RationalWiki", a far-left hate site!

They consider anti-feminism, anti-postmodernism, and climate skepticism as irrational.
Postmodernism is anti-science and denies objective reality!
Skepticism is essential to science, the eco-apocalypse is religion.
Full of SJW bullshit like Islamophobia and Transphobia.

Look at the entries for moderate people:


I don't agree with all their editorial decisions, I actually like Jordan Peterson and think he's been very unfairly maligned by the left.

But they do provide citations in Mike Cernovich's case. In fact calling Cernovich a far right troll isn't even controversial based on what he's said in his own tweets and his past history of smear campaigns that he himself is very proud of conducting.


The hypocrisy with this whole situation is ridiculous.



this must not be about left or right in the Gunn case.

This is about a depraved individual that made dozens of comments on his fantasies of child rape and encouraging and endorsing convicted pedophiles and pedo organizations like NAMBLA.

James "Did you create a penis" should not ever be allowed near any children movies or children again.

Disney did good, Disney did right here. Like with that awful Rozanne woman.


it IS about left or right, the left is making it so, did you read the Vanity Fair article? Vanity Fair is clearly full on democratic.


Hollywood = Hollyweird

Corey Feldman was right.
