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Tina Fey has a problematic history with race that goes beyond 30 Rock's blackface

When Fey apologized and pulled four 30 Rock episodes on Monday over their use of blackface, some pointed out that she has had a "sh*tty track record" of mocking Asians, especially on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. Fey's issues with race have been brought up before. Ten years ago, one writer described 30 Rock as "terribly racist." Yet Fey has "spent years ignoring, dismissing, and flat-out ridiculing critiques of her writing when it comes to race," says Laura Bradley. "Removing these episodes might save some viewers an offensive experience, but conveniently for Fey it could also stifle a conversation that has periodically arisen about her most well-known series. Given that context, and the wording of Fey’s letter, this move feels less like growth and more like a maneuver designed to pre-empt and avoid an uncomfortable conversation." As Bradley notes, race is baked into 30 Rock's DNA. "30 Rock’s two primary black characters are dueling racial tropes—the lazy, over-the-top Black man, as represented by the eccentric Tracy Jordan, and the educated and 'well-spoken' James Spurlock, known to his NBC family as 'Toofer' because he is both Black and went to Harvard," says Bradley. "At times, the show uses this false dichotomy to comment on the way Black men are seen by white people and portrayed in white media. But often, these stereotypes are simply used for laughs. That pattern pervades Fey’s work. Tracy Jordan’s wife, Angie (Sherri Shepherd), calls Fey’s character, Liz Lemon, out for looking for a 'sassy Black friend' in one breath—a self-aware nod to the show’s employment of that same stereotype—before breezily telling her, 'Well you got one now, girlfriend!' It’s a favorite joke pattern of 30 Rock’s: Make clear to the audience that the writers understand the issues surrounding a particular vein of humor before 'satirizing' it in a way that never quite makes clear what the satirical statement is. Indeed, the primary defense lobbed at anyone who’s criticized 30 Rock’s blackface in the past is that in context, the show made clear that it understood blackface is wrong. Still, one has to wonder why Fey and so many white liberal entertainers felt so comfortable performing ironic racism over and over and over again—or, perhaps more importantly, why any of them thought it was fresh." Bradley says she doesn't think the blackface episodes should be pulled -- they should instead come with a warning. Bradley adds: "Fey’s ascent in the entertainment industry, which remains a hotbed of misogyny, is important. But it’s equally important to recognize that much of her work has missed the mark on race. Hollywood is just as racist as it is misogynistic, and much of Fey’s work has upheld the very stereotypes that marginalize people of color and, in many cases, prevent them from attaining power in this industry or elsewhere. Whether Fey wants to face it or not, her legacy is a lot more complicated than a few questionable episodes—and scrubbing them from streaming services won’t change that."


Who cares


holy shit , her mum is called xenophobia!


All these liberal hollywood celebs seem very racist yet they are constantly accusing others of racisms. Seems like they are projecting.


Very tough on her. On the scale of 1-10 there are and have been a lot of people a lot worse than her who never got such a tough treatment in the press.


Two side points that struck me:
- The article mentions that they used a character just for jokes. Well, yeah, it's a comedy show. That's the whole point. If you want messages go watch a documentary. Because as soon as you start inserting too many messages in a comedy the funny falls out.

-She talks about needing two more days to get the words right, but not having them because SNL shoots its whole show in such a short period of time (6 days). SNL should just reform that system. There's no reason why everything in the show has to be that fresh. The news update and political open, sure, but the rest doesn't need to be. As Larry David has pointed out and as Monty Python proved, you can have a schedule that's a lot more sane. It would generate better quality as well.


Comedy is always going to step on toes and thus violate sensitivities.

Comedy relies a lot on violating our sense of norms and in many ways playing off our pre-conceived notions. This very often winds up using existing stereotypes because they make it easier -- everyone already knows the stereotype, so you don't have to explain it to them.


Woke princesses are always forgiven.

Move on.


destroy her and her family.


Herself and Amy Schumer would make for cinematic bedfellows.
