MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > I see no way he'd finish a second term.

I see no way he'd finish a second term.

Sure Trump may run risk of having a heart attack but at least his mental health is fully intact. There's literally no way Biden is healthy enough he could complete a second term. Im guessing between now and election day he's going to have a fall or enough senior moments that will be too egregious to ignore. The thought of Kamala Harris being President is even scarier.


Ridiculous that those two old coots are the only options. RFK Jr could pull it off if not for some wacko things he's said.


It is indeed ridiculous that Biden and Trump, again are the only options. Neither party has come forth with other good candidates. Whomever wins the next four years will be a mess.


Yeah, we're doomed either way. I can't believe no Democrat had the balls to challenge Biden.


Yeah specially when there is a chance that they en up with Kamala as president.


If Biden wins the chances are better than even that Kamala will be President. C'mon, he'll be 86 in 2008. People are nuts.


86 in 2028.


Nah, he's 82 now. But he was too old in 2020 when he began his first term. What is wrong with people?


Trumps mental health fully intact 😜. I guess you haven’t been watching his pep rally speeches over the last couple months. He’s as senile as old Joe


Have YOU watched Trump? Like when he calls Biden, "Obamnia" and can't get out the name of our country?


But he isn't


He'll be kept on life support - wheeled around for shows, but he'll finish the 2nd term.
His handlers will make sure of it.


Trump has to go down as the most resilient President we've ever had to endure one bogus trial after another on a daily basis while finding time to campaign AND being Extorted over $500 Billion from a crooked Judge and a black fat ass crooked prosecutor as well.. Most of us would've already had a stroke over it, but Trump is a Real American who loves America and keeps fighting back for YOU


He's fighting the good fight even when it feels hopeless for Americans. Joe needs to be retired to his basement in Delaware.


I ain't voting for either of them spring chickens! They don't have the necessary world experience at their tender ages. Let me know when Gilgamesh is running.


When Brandon was inaugurated in 2021, my wife said "no way he even lasts 100 days". Well, here we are, over three years later, and the demented SOB is still hanging on. Unfortunately, he's going to win again in 2024, thanks to the same voting manipulation that got him in in 2020, and he's going to make it all the way to January 2029. And as if that's not bad enough, in January of 2029 he's going to be replaced by Gavin Newsom. If you think it's bad now, just wait until Hair Gel runs the whole country.


I'm trying not to be black pilled and know that America is crumbling right now and enough people see that to bring back Trump as President.
