MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > We still have a State of the Union addre...

We still have a State of the Union address this year.

There still a State of the Union Address coming up on March 7th. Biden thinks he's going to use it as a reset to start his reelection campaign. He can barely speak a coherent sentence now so how does the DNC think he'll get through it?


Did he shit his pants tonight?


I watched some of it, became sickened and had to turn it off. Especially telling to me before I did that were House Speaker Johnson's facial expressions, reactions behind him that said it all. He knows the truth.


What truth is that? Explain.


This guy 'douchebag' is not worth listening to.
He's a fool.


Says the chickenshit who doesn't even like to watch the news, keep up on current events, prefers to hide his head in the sand and live in denial.


What truth is that? Explain. It's a simple question, Cletus.


Not constantly drooling over 'the news' makes a person a chickenshit now?
And living in denial of what exactly??

Seriously, if you make statements like that you should back them up with facts.


For starters, ranting about Snickers and the amount of chips in a bag, in order to deflect from his accountability for the record inflation we've been dealing with.


Oh my! That's terrible. That's the only thing you got from Biden tonight? Candy bars and potato chips? That's the truth you're talking about? I know that the huge recession you wished for never materialized and that Americans are doing pretty good right now. I'm sorry but your stupidity cannot be fixed.

So I ask again. What truth is that? Explain. It's a simple question, Cletus.


In the first place, don't make demands of me, creep! His record is self-explanatory. The "bag of chips" reference was just a snippet to illustrate his senile idiocy.


What truth is that? Explain. It's a simple question, Cletus. You made this claim so tell all of us why you said that. Why are you so focused on potato chips? Name one incident where Biden looked like he's senile in his address. Just one.


You don't speak for "all of us here", creep, and you don't speak for the American people in general. The facts, the truth are against you.


So like every other stupid Trump supporter you have nothing to defend your insipid comments with. I would still like to know what the truth is about Biden's State of the Union Address you claim to have. Go to bed, Cletus before you hurt yourself.


What? No comeback? Looks like you're the one that had to go to bed.


If you've been unable to see one incident where Biden displays senility, then you're the one with the problem.


The truth is Speaker Johnson can't keep his hand away from his Johnson. He needs an app for that.

Signed, million man


"He knows the truth"

Let's hope he fills Mulder and Scully in as to where it's located. After 11 seasons and 3 decades, those 2 never fucking found it, no matter how hard they searched


He flubbed lines tonight no question. He is also the lesser of two evils, no denying that either.


Like hell he's the lesser of two evils. Joe is the most evil President of my lifetime.


That's exactly how I feel about Trump. He is the first president who wants to rip up the constitution.


Also the first to have merch like a YouTuber

Signed, million man


He blamed Trump predictably for the Border mess which is down and outright bullshit right off the bat.. This man has the ability to take Executive Action and simply close the border and he hasn't and he hasn't because he along with the Democrats would have to admit Trump was right with "Remain in Mexico" and now, it's worse and by the tine November rolls around, the number of illegals will be up to 12 Million probably..


The 11 million number was weak when it was calculated and that was... over a decade ago now?, I think...

Real number is probably more than double that.


Every low Information voter will find at least one pandering lie to like. He hit all the bases. It was a Stump Speech, not the State of the Union. We were expecting otherwise?


The Father of a Marine killed in the Afghanistan withdrawal was arrested for heckling during Biden's State of the Union speech. 🤡🌍
