MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > President Biden's speech was powerful...

President Biden's speech was powerful...

And it's such a relief to have a mature, rational adult in charge during a time of international crisis.


It's such a relief to have a senior in charge who causes nothing but international crisis.


Explain exactly how Biden causes international crises.


Cry more, groomer.


No. That guy lost. He now spends his days golfing or in court.


Yeah what international crisis are you speaking of during his 4 years of peace and almost 3 of prosperity?


Prosperity? Except for the gasoline, food, electricity, and natural gas I can't afford, but that I could afford prior to January 20, 2021.





The key point in US President Joe Biden’s address to the country is that the victory of Ukraine and Israel is “vitally important for the security of America.” And the funds spent on it, they say, will bring “dividends” over the course of several generations.

Cynical, but accurate: firstly, this is not at all about Ukraine or Israel. And exclusively in the interests of the United States itself. Therefore, there should be no peace, dialogue and compromise, but only victory. For there are US allies, and there is absolute evil, whose interests do not need to be taken into account.
And secondly, this is purely business. An investment that will pay dividends in the form of continued world domination.
Biden said very fair words: dictators who have not paid for their aggression produce even more chaos, destruction and death. This is exactly what is happening in a unipolar world, which is trying to be ruled by a single dictator - the United States, which has not yet answered for any of its aggression. Israel was not attacked because it is a democracy. And as a result of his consistent line of oppression of the Palestinians and many years of squeezing them out of their lands. No one approves of the methods used to carry out the attacks, but everyone understands the reasons for the attacks.
In the same way, the conflict in Ukraine did not begin because the “right” values ​​were opposed to the “wrong” ones. However, geopolitical and nationalist factors were key there. Experienced American politicians from Kennan to Burns have warned about this for many years. But the line to involve Ukraine in NATO at any cost won. Without this, without the influence of America, there would be no conflict, its many victims, refugees, devastation and blood. But the world dictator here, it seems, will not answer for what he has done, but is already counting dividends."


Quite a superficial analysis.
In matters of international politics and using violence to fight your enemy, appearances and methods used to carry out an attacks ARE EVERYTHING.

You can take this stupid logic to any extremes: nobody denies that your neighbor is an asshole; maybe the use of an assult rifle on his family was a tad too much, but we all agree with you. NOT!

It's the ESSENCE of what Biden is talking about: bullies that do not respect common sense, human rights etc.

Putin can bitch about his "reasons" as much as he wants: the moment he INVADES another country, he just needs to shut the fuck up, he lost any right to talk untill he goes back to his country, pays back all the damages he caused and apologizes.
Same for Hamas.
Their METHODS define their ACTION.

Biden, as a STRONG AND RESPONSIBLE LEADER, is picking a side for his nation: the one that holds the higher moral ground. He is not doing anything else.


Hear hear!


This so called "Rational Adult" you speak of is a bonafide warmonger and takes pleasure in sending Billions$$ over to Ukraine and now a $100 Million to Gaza and Millions in an undisclosed amount to any Terrorist who just happens to be holding any American hostage and that in itself is not very good negotiating for this Rational Adult you speak of in Joe Biden..


I thought this topic was about what appeared to be a powerful dump he had to take while giving a speech.

The comments are great.

This one's my fav:

"Situation level BROWN!"


It's such a relief when someone finally comes to change his diapers, the stench is unbareable
