MovieChat Forums > Joy Behar Discussion > Should be fired for OHIO derailment comm...

Should be fired for OHIO derailment comments

Her "career" should be derailed (pun intended) for saying East Palestine residents "got what they deserve" for voting for Trump.

I hope she soon joins Don Lemon on the Unemployment line.


Unfortunately, if they are gonna let Whoopie Goldberg say anti-semitic shit and get away with it (which normally is a career-killer in an industry run by rich, powerful Jews), than Joy Behar isn't gonna get fired either.


"(which normally is a career-killer in an industry run by rich, powerful Jews)"

Now that's an old, ignorant, anti-Semitic statement! Wow, just wow!

Lots of non-Jews own major media companies! Please stop spreading such BS.


Don't kid yourself, bot. They still hold a lot of sway in Hollyweird, just not as much as they used to. You'll recall that other famous people have said anti-semitic stuff in Hollyweird, and either got cancelled, or had to apologize profusely and sacrifice their dignity on the Altar of Political Correctness. Don't believe me? Look up Mel Gibson and Dolly Parton. It's not antisemitism, it's a fact. Hollywood Jews don't like being called out or spoken of in a negative manner, and the studio heads and CEO's in particular get nasty towards those who dare put them in a bad light.

Obviously the black [non-Jewish, very stupid, liberal] woman from Sacramento that runs ABC would be more than happy to protect a woman who has similar attributes to herself. No doubt she's friends with all the other disgusting hens that cluck away on that show as well, or they would have been fired years ago.


Spoken like a true Jew hater. If you want to call out individuals that's your prerogative but to say it's "the Jews" is disgusting. Shame on you!

Edited to say: Mel Gibson said HORRIBLE things about the Jews. If you're OK with that, again I say shame on you!


I think back to my days in Buffalo when they sent the Jewish movie critic Jeff Simon to review "The Passion of Christ". He gave it a 1/2 out of 5 stars rating, first time ever in The Buffalo News that such a low rating had been given.

Biased much?


I cannot speak for any critic, Jewish or Gentile, except to say that I've never been able to figure any of them out. A lot of critics panned the film. I wonder why you bring up the Jewish one? I will say that no liberal I knew would see it, whether they were Jewish or Gentile.

Personally I thought it was a very good movie, albeit extremely gut wrenching to watch.


The issue is that they're the boss, even if what they are saying is not anti-Semitic. For example: calling someone ugly is an opinion, but if your boss overhears you calling him ugly, you can't be surprised when they fire you. In fact, it's actually pretty much legal for them to do it.


Saying Hollywood is run by Jews is not an anti-Semitic comment by any means. It's both the truth, and a compliment to their success.


It perpetuates untruths, which are very much the same as what the Nazis used, that "the Jews" run everything, "the Jews" are responsible for all the ills. You're probably not Jewish and are not aware of how disturbing, stereotypical and potentially dangerous comments like that are. I'm not saying there aren't a lot of Jews in Hollywood, predominately liberal Jews. However there are also a lot of non Jews as well. Why do people only count the number of Jews? And why, if one or two people are responsible for someone being fired, it's done by "the Jews"? How many others have issues with non Jews that are not even mentioned or the people called out by name as it should be?


I am not a Jew but I am constantly amazed how Jewish people seem to be the target of hate everywhere on earth. Every Jew I've known has been good people. Israel only wants to exist in peace. Leave them alone and there wont be any problems.


You're 100% right about Israel, she should be left in peace. Of course there's good and bad in every group but again you're right, historically Jews have been targeted and a lot of it started with what this thread is about - that "the Jews" run everything.

Thank you so much for your kind words, they're very appreciated.


She insulted what's perceived to be a community of Trump voters. Biden will be giving her a medal of honor. These rich people HATE the working class.


Hate is allowed from Leftist fascists in many areas of media. As long as it's directed at conservatives or Christians, it's always given a pass.


Ding ding

Hate is all the Democrat media/party and their lemmings have.



