MovieChat Forums > Harvey Weinstein Discussion > Silence from male stars....

Silence from male stars....

David Arquette (who's hardly an A-list actor, but still) was asked about Harvey Weinstein on a radio show recently and said, "Everyone's got their issues. I'm glad he's getting help, and I don't want to pile on the Harvey Hate Train." (And his sister Rosanna Arquette was one of Weinstein's VICTIMS!)

(It's at the 07:03 mark)

It just makes me wonder, Are the male stars reluctant to put themselves on the line because there's stories that could be told about all of THEM?? It doesn't make them look good. It kind of casts a potentially bigger pall over the whole thing than we even thought : ( I just have this image of them burrowing below ground until the spotlight's shifted.

The New York Times closed an article this week with, " 'So congratulations, Hollywood,' Mr. Oliver said. 'See you at the next Oscars, where — and this is true — Casey Affleck will be presenting Best Actress.' (The reference was cutting: Mr. Affleck, who won the best actor award at this year’s Oscars for 'Manchester by the Sea,' has settled sexual harassment allegations made against him by two female producers in civil suits. He has denied the accusations.)"



Very interesting post Cookie...
1. Its possible that a minority of our favorite male stars WERE victims of coersive tactics themselves...and males almost never admit to being victims...
2. Making great movies is extremely hard and why 'make waves?'
3. Young men have come forward about abuse before and been treated like outcasts and worse...That there is a real double standard....
No disrespect toward women at all...but some guys get totally screwed over too
Thx for your post


I suspect that the number of male actors who have been subjected to sexual harassment may be smaller than those who have committed it, or both may be true of the same person.

However, I suspect the main reason for silence us those pesky libel laws. To tell a tale if abuse you have suffered is legally different than talking about the tales told by others. I have not heard of HW sexually abusing makes, although I have heard he treats male employees as cruelly as female ones (in non-sexual ways, only females get sexual abuse in addition to other kinds). Actors who are trying to project an image of masculine ease would never talk about something like that.


Thanks for answering, Otter.

I think there are many dynamics that come into play with male actors being sexually harrassed or approached or attacked in Hollywood.

Just off the top of my head...for one thing, I don't think it happens as much, so there are fewer stories to report. I would say that the vast majority of employers/decision-makers I have met in Hollywood have been straight males. Just as most of the Hollywood actors I have met are straight males. So that is going to cut down on the incidents. If you have primarily straight males together in business meetings, this issue isn't going to present itself. So, there are fewer incidents, just out of the gate.

Even if you do have a gay power figure who wants to approach a male, I'd think it would have to cross their mind that they could get punched in the mouth. This would have to cut down the numbers further. (Women apprached by straight men don't traditionally pose that threat.)

I think gay power figures also know that the culture of Hollywood values males over females. This is apparent if you look for it...just study practically any mainstream movie, tally up the number of males vs. females in the cast list, the production team, and the crew, and see who is getting the jobs and the majority of the salary/profits. I don't think Hollywood should be burned to the ground over this or anything, but it rewards and caters to males over females (even in the audiences it aims projects to.) (I will say this has gotten at least better in the area of cable TV projects, at least.) So, in this environment, there is more risk in pissing off male actors. Courtney Love was dropped by her agent when she said something about how starlets should beware of Harvey Weinstein in 2015. But if a gay power figure were coming on to male actors inappropriately, I can see the same agent calling Mirimax and saying, "LOOK, stop coming on to our ACTORS or we are not sending any more clients to meetings!"

I'll try to think of other factors!


@ Otter:

I ran out of space, but want to stress I don't mean that male actors are not harrassed etc. in Hollywood. In the above post, I'm just giving one aspect of why we do not hear about it as much.

Of course there are a lot of contributing factors.


FYI I've heard lots and lots of rumors about the sexual harassment of young male actors, I could name a prominent actor and a prominent director who are notorious for Harvey-like behavior. That includes rumors of physical assaults and the old "Do it or you'll never work again" threat.

But honestly, I think the reason most male actors are keeping quiet is that they don't see a way to talk about the whole flap and look good. If they start talking, there's always the danger that someone will ask them if they've ever been harassed - which they may not want to talk about for fear of looking weak. Or someone may ask them what they've ever done to help female victims of harassment, and if they can't show that they have they'll look weak. And if someone asks them if they've ever sexually harassed someone or used their position to get laid... well that questions opens up all sorts of cans of worms. And if they just give a generic statement of support, what if some former extra or PA comes out of the woodwork with an unattractive story? Normally nobody listens to such people, but right now the media is eager for any such story.


Yes...these are all true points.

They very probably don't feel assured they'll come out of it without one of those scenarios kicking in.

I've heard rumors about Kevin Spacey hitting on male cast and crew members a lot, but they're unsubstantiated. (But then, I've also heard rumors Ben Affleck is into drag queens and Jake Gyllenhaal is gay...and those kind of went away and were never proved to be, who knows?)



Funny that Spacey's is the first name you thought of...


You know, I may have even read that in a magazine, in some veiled way. Since it WASN'T on the Internet, it MUST be true!!


Thank you for your compliments, Shogun: ) I like your posts a lot, too.

Yes, there are definitely male actors who have had predators after them (and in some cases the performers undoubtedly benefitted professionally from coming to an agreement and following through), though another aspect I was getting at is, How many male stars (and directors) have used their own influence to get starlets/callgirls WHOEVER cast in their projects (or blacklisted from them) due to consensual sexual contact, or the refusal of it? Are the male stars keeping silent because someone will say, "Oh, you're a fine one to talk about this...what about that teen extra you relentlessly hit on while filming (fill in the blank), or that mistress you shoe horned into a role in that other project...or the actresses you insisted on doing their love scene screentests with to insure they had the right 'chemistry'???" There could be any number of non-kosher stories that could come up, as the layers are peeled back.

I'm just wondering if that's part of the reason for the silence.

Ben Affleck released his statement about his supposed disgust for Weinstein's behavior, and Rose McGowan answered she'd reported the situation to Ben Affleck himself when it all happened...and as someone who owed his stardom (and upcoming Oscar) to Weinstein, did nothing. And he was even aware that Weinstein had done similar abuses previously.

I wonder if there are (a lot of?) A list males in the industry who aren't speaking up on the topic because they know they've erred, too? And maybe in big ways?

Just trying to make sense of it....


Yeah...its pretty messed up...AND maybe a lot of of out favorite A-List guys had to do 'favors' for gross old fat guys
I guess were all gonna continue to NOT think about it...i know i will...i LOVE Harvey's really put out here man!


<< AND maybe a lot of of our favorite A-List guys had to do 'favors' for gross old fat guys :( >>

Yes...maybe they do have to. I hope anyone who does at least gets a big payoff.

I keep wondering how many young actresses Warren Beatty, for instance, had strip down over the course of casting his films.


Jeez...i loved Beatty when he was you think he pulled this crap too?? I honestly dont know...he was just so charming...and sex is so fun...he and an actress would be a perfect fit id think!
Ive read he was quite the 'get'
Not sure he needed to be a creep about it...ive been wrong before tho'


I'm just wondering....and it brings up another topic I'll start a different thread about: which is, I really don't have a problem with the whole "play-for-pay" aspect of Hollywood -- and other industries -- if the parties are consensual about it. And I'm sure many many women, actresses and otherwise, would be happy to sleep with Warren Beatty (and did!)

The only reason he specifically comes to mind is because in the memoir You'll Never Make Love in this Town Again, the model/callgirl Liza is dating Ryan O'Neal in the 1980's (I hope I am getting the characters right) but his friend Warren Beatty is constantly coming on to her at every opportunity. Then she has a fight with O'Neall and calls Beatty out of spite...and because she has always had a crush on him anyway. And she gets herself ready in beautiful lingerie, fantacizing about this romantic movie star encounter....but when she answers the door he charges through, knocking her onto the couch and the wind out of her, rips off her clothes, penetrates her, climaxes in about 90 seconds and immediately departs without a word...leaving her stunned.

I just remember reading that and thinking, "Wow, maybe Warren Beatty is a bit...desensitized, and fucked up?"

I might be getting the respective parties wrong, and the book might not be 100% true, but I remember thinking that.


Wel...the 'pay for play' thing is pretty gross...
And yes...he does come off as pretty gross...


<< Well...the 'pay for play' thing is pretty gross... >>

Well, it could be...but wouldn't we imagine Georgina Chapman's whole marriage to Weinstein is just play-for-pay with a wedding ring? Did this gorgeous model initially actually care for David Weinstein? I kind of doubt it.

Legendary producer David O. Selznick discovered Jennifer Jones while they were both married to other people (and she was half his age), he began an affair with her, and then they married while he obsessively managed her career and used her in every project he could.

Warren Beatty met Annette Benning (20 years younger) while casting BUGSY, he gave her the role, they dated and then married. There's sex and business mixed up in all those relationships.

The married Clint Eastwood met Sondra Locke while casting THE OUTLAW JOSIE WALES (she was almost 20 years younger), he gave her the job, they entered into a 20 year relationship in which she worked in almost all his films, then he got mad at her, changed the locks on their house overnight without warning, and never hired her again.

What I'm saying is, if two people want to come to business agreements between themselves and it involves sex...well, I can live with that. That's all up to them. I don't think prostitution should be illegal, and since people use each other for different things all the time, anyway, what's genuine and what's in one's own self interest is....maybe complicated. Or, conversely, very cut and dried.

I'm not saying I think it's FANTASTIC, but it's something some people have always done, and I can live with it. It's really up to them.


they are all stunned, cause nobody knew


<< they are all stunned, cause nobody knew >>

Hahahahaha! YES....they are shocked, SHOCKED, they tell us : o

Running to their therapists, whimpering, "This cannot be TRUE!!!"




"I Am the FBI."


Maybe they think the first 50,000 people denouncing him are enough? No, it must be that they are rapists too.


But most of them are not speaking on the topic at all. Why are so many actresses stepping forward to show solidarity, and their male costars and employers aren' much of a significant degree. You'd think if they cared about a Human Rights issue, they would.

It's just odd to me...and leads me to theorize/wonder.


Rapists. And probably possum breeders.


I don't necessarily imagine they're RAPISTS....I more mean, could they have taken advantage of different actresses over the years because of their own power. And if so, would they rather that not be rehashed and examined.

AND we need a petition to get my imgur link to baby possum avatar approved and processeed by moviechat, post-haste.

How come no stars are speaking out about THAT ? !


You need the direct imgur picture link, which is different from the link it gives you when you upload something. What is the link you used?



I used:



Try this instead




Reunited, and it feels so good...

"Oh my gosh...I'd like to take this moment to thank TexasJack, whose faith never waned...He believed!"


I can't believe I helped to unleash this horror.

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."


You have no avatar! You can lift one from THIS:

(text do not apply, of course.)


Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood were outspoken about what was going on in Hollywood years before this story broke. Infact when Feldman tried being open about it with Barbara Walters, she dismissed him as damaging the industry. What more can they say without repeating themselves?


