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What went wrong with Jessica Simpson's music career?

The first being that she suffered in comparison to similar artists like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera who debut around the same time as her and achieved much greater commercial success and long-lasting popularity. Britney was considered a superstar with endless “girl next door” appeal and was massively popular and Christina earned critical acclaim and was praised for having a one of a kind voice. Jessica was always rated as third behind them and as having an average singing voice at best.

The sales of her albums sort of proved that she wasn’t going to have a lasting career.

Her first album “Sweet Kisses” sold well, peaking at #25 on the Billboard albums chart and going 2X Platinum. Her debut single “I Wanna Love You Forever” reached #3 on the Billboard Singles Chart, her first and only top ten single. In the US alone the album sold two million copies. Her second album “Irresistible” was released in 2001 and peaked at #6 on the Billboard Albums Chart and was certified gold; but sold considerably less than her debut album selling around 755,000 in the US alone. Now, compare that to Britney Spear’s first two albums, “….Baby One More Time” debuted in 1999 (the same year as Sweet Kisses) and sold over 10 million albums and was certified 14X Platinum. Her second album “Oops… I Did It Again” sold over 9 million copies and was certified Diamond in the US.

Another big issue for Jessica Simpson was how quickly overexposed she became. Especially when she married 98 Degrees lead singer Nick Lachey and they co-starred on an immensely popular MTV reality show called “Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica” from 2003–2005. The show which documented the early years of their marriage was a massive hit for MTV and became a pop culture sensation. Jessica was portrayed as ditzy, self-involved and lacking in common sense; Nick was portrayed as a level-headed everyman with real world skills. The most famous scene in the shows history featured the couple eating lunch and Jessica who is having tuna fish asks a stunned Nick “Is this fish what I have or is it chicken? I know its tuna but it says chicken by the sea or chicken of the sea?”

Nick and Jessica became hugely famous because of this show; particularly Jessica whose third album “In This Skin” was released in the middle of the series run and saw increased success because of the show. It peaked at #2 on the billboard albums chart and sold 3 million copies in the US alone. At first the album did not fare well on the charts, debuting at #10 and sinking to the bottom of the charts. Selling only 565,000 copies in five months. However, during the holiday 2003 season due to exposure from the reality show the sales of the album suddenly jumped up and propelled her second single from the album “With You” into the top 10 on the singles chart, where it peaked at #14. Another single from the chart, a cover of “You Take My Breath Away” peaked at #20. The album was also reissued with several new tracks, further increasing sales.

However, the attention she got from the reality show soon turned against her as she became overexposed and her image took a massive beating. She was on the cover of nearly every tabloid between 2003 and 2007. When Nick and Jessica filed for divorce in 2005 the media and fans all sided with Nick Lachey and Jessica’s image was destroyed. When they had married, Nick was earning more money and was a bigger star. But by the time they divorced she was out-selling him and was a much bigger celebrity. She ended up having to pay him a settlement of nearly 12 million dollars.

The media coverage from the divorce and her subsequent relationships with other men destroyed her image and essentially killed her music career. Her next album “A Public Affair” sold only 500,000 copies in the USA and stalled at #5 on the billboard charts and her subsequent releases all sold a fraction of that.

She later tried a career in hosting reality competition shows and launching several consumer product lines; such as clothing lines and make-up lines. She has had much success in that arena with her fashion and make-up lines selling very well.


The bottom line is she wasn't that talented to begin with... Now she has just become a big cow squirting out rug rats faster than a welfare mama in a trailer park. At this point who gives a damn what happens to her?


Better voice than Britney.


My farts sound better than Britney. Though the reality is with the proper auto-tune and production magic you could make the sound of elephants farting into a pop song.


A good voice isn't a prerequisite in pop music. Look at Madonna.

Britney had better songs than Jessica, that's why she's a bigger star in the music industry.




Jessica Simpson is kind of like Beyonce, dull and impressionable church choir girl with an overpowering voice from Texas with an over-ambitious father who wanted to make her and her sister stars. The different is Joe was an incompetent Bible-thumper and could not figure out how to market Jessica. While Mathew Knowles was an evil mastermind with a business background who had the idea to form a girl group and put his daughter front-in-center and got the best producers and writers on board. Jessica apparently was supposed to be an R&B or pop soul singer in the vein of Mariah Carey but they changed her to be a teen pop singer to compete with Britney.

Jessica's voice is just dreadful. No control or nuance. Ear-bleeding. She was a hot blonde girl with big tits and a bimbo personality and very insecure. No confidence or charisma. But her childishness and lack of common sense which was highlighted on that Newlyweds show made her a national laughingstock and meme. Which upped her celebrity profile. Her sister Ashlee who was already doing some acting. Ended up with a much bigger music career that was over as soon as it started. She was not really talented either and made a bigger fool of herself on SNL.

Anyway, these two are still mentioned thanks to the power of social media and branding which keeps these washed up celebrities in the public consciousness.

reply 48 a day ago


Her music was lousy, that's what went wrong with it.


Jessica's issue was her lack of identity. Her father ran the show and didn't how to market her. Unlike Christina who was tough, stubborn and fought hard to have her albums in her style which was R&B and soul flavored. Jessica was a naive country girl and just kind of did what people told her. She didn't have the charisma or dancing skills as Britney because Britney had more experience than her being on Mickey Mouse Club and also did a lot of plays and pageants. Britney also worked with Max Martin the hottest producer at the time. Jessica had the talent but didn't have the right guidance and sense of who she was. She and Britney are actually quite similar but Britney got much luckier and had better circumstances but her breakdown and conservatorship is tragic. Jessica is extremely rich and seems stable so she is doing well.

As for Mandy getting praise. I guess because her style was more low-key and slow jams rather than energetic which made her stick out more. She is more talented as an actress honestly.

reply 410 10 minutes ago


I disagree with all the naysayers who always said that Jessica lacked charisma. To me, she had a lot of charisma, so I don`t see why that was an issue. The other issues seemed much more plausible.


yes her music sucked, but it wasn't because her voice was complete shit. She was never as good a singer a Christina, but having heard Spears without the autotune and production out the ass Simpson was a better singer than Spears... It really came down to the choice of songs. Simpson was closer to an Amy Grant type of crap which was never going to sell that well, while Spears went for the Madonna over sexed music road and it was always going to sell as long as Spears was willing to sell herself as a masterbation fantasy, which she did and which Christina did to some degree when she was starting out. The bottom line is sex sells female sings and if you don't have the real over the top voice you aren't going to make it unless you put yourself out there like a piece of meat.


I knew very little about Jessica Simpson because I had seen her cd single of I Wanna Love You Forever at Kmart once and was gonna buy it but it disappeared before I could find it again and so for my birthday I got the Sweet Kisses album and when I heard I Wanna Love You Forever she reminded me of Mariah Carey with her vocal power on ballads and I think Columbia Records was trying to market Jessica Simpson as the new Mariah Carey but they put her in the teen pop market because they thought that suited her. But if you listen to the debut album you'll notice that Columbia Records tried to put her with other Columbia artists like Destiny's Child which in my eyes is a big giant no-no and why she sung the song Woman In Me with Destiny's Child I'll have no idea and they also tried to make her a Christian singer by having ballads like Your Faith In Me that seem out of place on a pop record. But after her second album was released I think Columbia Records was trying to make her a big star and by teaming up with another Columbia artist Marc Anthony to do the duet There You Where was a mistake and that's why Jessica Simpson's second album didn't sell well. But if she had not married Nick Lachey and dated someone else Jessica Simpson could've had a better career. But what I think caused her career to go downhill was when her sister Ashlee came out with her own debut album and had a hit with the song Pieces Of Me Jessica Simpson was jealous and wanted a piece of the action and so they recorded The Little Drummer Boy for Jessica's holiday album Rejoice. And like Beyonce and her sister Solange Columbia Records knew that sibling acts especially sister acts are a way to make music sell. And though Ashlee was signed to Geffen Records Ashlee knew that being on the same record label as her sister would've hurt Jessica's career more. But if Jessica Simpson could release a comeback album she could gain a wider audience one of these days


She was terrible and vastly inferior to Britney and Christina. When Britney and Christina started their decline the likes of Katy Perry and Taylor Swift took over. Jessica was never a main pop girl.


She did kind of drop off everyone's radar. Like by the time that Dukes of Hazzard movie came out, she was everywhere it seemed.


I tried to watch that a while back, couldn't get past the 10 minute mark. Just awful.


Her music was lousy. That's what went wrong.


She sang terribly live, even on TV and her reality TV show made her look like a cheap gimmick. Then she lost weight and she looked much better curvy.


Her sister was worse.
