MovieChat Forums > Kathleen Kennedy Discussion > She must apologize, pay her debt to soci...

She must apologize, pay her debt to society, and fuck off forever

Most people that have had to endure her abysmal output want her fired.

I think that is not nearly enough.

Her incompetence, ignorance and stubborness has single handedly crashed a once successful studio, causing the loss of an unimaginable amount of jobs and value.
It smells of fraudulent management, as if she purposefully mishandled the business to willingly cause all this damage. Possibly for her or somebody else's gain.
Isn't that ILLEGAL?

There should be an investigation.
I think she should be charged for it and personally punished. Maybe even jailed.


there will most certainly be a day of reckoning for this vile human woman


I'm not a fan of Star Wars/Indy, so haven't exactly followed her closely; but I see veiled (and not so veiled) references to her knowing about too many skeletons in the closet/buried bodies for her to be got rid of, that the higher-ups are basically s**t scared of her.


At least for now, we have that South Park episode. 😂


That was way too lenient.
They made it sound like she had her reasons at the end.

I think she has a criminal masterplan at our expenses.


There should be an investigation.
I think she should be charged for it and personally punished. Maybe even jailed.

You can't charge her for being sucky at what she does unless you can prove she's doing it intentionally - and without hard evidence, that won't happen. I mean, why would she intentionally burn the ships?

A long shot would be a shareholder lawsuit targeting whoever made the call at Disney to keep her in place after her record screw ups.


Everytime I see her name bumped on this website I'm hoping it's news that she has been fired. Not Yet.☹️


Destroying a beloved franchise should be considered a crime.


There should be a class action lawsuit against Disney executives by its shareholders.

Same with Blackrock. And every other company that puts their politics ahead of profits. Businesses exist to make money. Shareholders own shares of those businesses to make money. Not push “the message”.

Risking profits for politics is illegal and those responsible should lose everything.


As much as I admire KK, I don't think her leaving Disney would make THAT drastic a difference.

Disney has a culture of respecting women and promoting diversity. MCU is moving in the same direction as well.
