MovieChat Forums > Matthew Perry Discussion > Amazing he lasted this long!

Amazing he lasted this long!

Serious junkie! Almost died several times. Would be very surprised if the autopsy report did NOT find drugs.

Matthew Perry’s Most Shocking Memoir Reveals: Salary Details, Bashing His Skull Open and One Sober ‘Friends’ Season

At one point, as Perry shares in his book, he was taking 55 Vicodin a day, and had to try various ploys in order to get them. He’d fake migraines or other pain, and sit through MRIs with different doctors. On Sundays, he’d go to open houses and search the medicine cabinets of different homes for any pills he could find.

In 2018, his colon exploded and he was in a coma for two weeks, while his family was told he had a 2% chance to live. He was put on an ECMO machine, along with four others in the hospital; the other four did not survive. He then lived with a colostomy bag for nine months.

Through the years, Perry says he’s attended 6,000 AA meetings, gone to rehab 15 times, been in detox 65 times, has been on life support and has spent between $7-$9 million trying to get sober. He’s had 14 surgeries — his last in January 2022 which left him with a six-inch incision with metal staples.

During COVID, he was at a rehab center in Switzerland and faked pain to get 1,800 milligrams of Oxycontin a day and was having daily ketamine infusions. He then had to get surgery while there and was given a shot of propofol. He woke up 11 hours later in a different hospital and was told that the propofol had stopped his heart for five minutes. The long CPR process also broke eight of his ribs and the doctor refused more meds.


he survived all those drugs but I think it was the Mcfranklinvax that broke the camels back and sealed this n***a's faith


I think you're trolling...good job


just cause trollin dont mean I am wrong dawg


True but you're probably very wrong if you think a man who was plagued with decades of drug issues and extreme medical complications only died because of a single vaccine.


The vaccine was a half assed they didn't even allow you to take it without signing your rights away and acknowledging it as an experimental dangerous risk...


New Village Idiot!


This aged well. I’m stunned you didn’t come back with your tail between your legs and admit that you were wrong again. Go figure.


The mcfranklinvax weakened his heart and was the straw that broke the camels back. U can't prove otherwise, he was a huge vax propaganda spreader, should have lived by healthy example if he wanted to preach on his high horse, no pun intended...


Wholeheartedly agreed!
I'm also an anti-vaxxer (only against Corona/Covid, please).
But that guy simply 'celebrated' too often his birthday. 🥳​


The moment I read his book I knew he will not live long enough. That his death was imminent. Still shocking and sad.

All those endless relapsing - amazing he lasted so long.

You could see that its wasnt that he wrote a bokk because he is finally now sober forever and ever. Its was just that time again when he was sober for few months or 2 years and then he will start again. As he had no will power to stop for good.

Of course they will find drugs or alcohol in his blood.

What astonishing in all those celebs who died in bath ( Aaron Carter, Whitney, him) - why in earth you take bath when do drugs? Go to freaking shower idiot. Or have your assistants stay by you to take you out if you will lose consciousness. Go to that stupid bath sober. Whitney Houston would be alive to this day if she would pass out in her room instead of bath. Same with Aaron Carter.


I don’t think he was taking a bath when he drowned. I read that he was in an outdoor jacuzzi. So, I don’t think a shower was an alternative.


It was his whirlpool.
Anything else intelligent to say, Bea? 😉​


I guess my point was a little frivolous. But it was 5 am my time. And the guy was not taking a bath dammit


Perhaps I'll take a bath now.
Gute Nacht! 🫂​

Ohhhhh no!...sorry, I'm a hetero woman.
Nowadays it's always neccessary to point THAT out. 🙄​


I don't know, that seems to be a bit of an exaggeration. How could anyone survive all of that? I'm not saying the OP is lying - I'm saying, celebrities tend to add on to whatever the reality is. I guess in his case so he could sell his book. I certainly don't doubt he was a massive drug addict - but I doubt all of that is true.

It's probably going to end up drug use was involved in his death. It will be like Whitney Houston - he was a bit high, got careless, and ended up drowning.


And there was probably fentanyl in his last cocktail.
Not in Whitney Houston's, but many others got it when they died (e.g. Prince). 🙁​


Yeah, Prince, and I actually believe this story, took Fentanyl by mistake. I think the story was he had already taken Fentanyl, and then completely by mistake, took another dose thinking it was something else. Again, I actually believe this story is the truth. With Whitney, no surprise there - she was doing what she always did - coke. Who was the other one, Carter, yeah Aaron Carter. I guess he was puffing from an aerosol container, something like that, hahahaahah. Whatever it was, that guy wasn't long for this world for sure.

With Perry, I believe it will turn out he was on something. As to what it was - who knows - we'll find out eventually.


Yah, Prince certainly overdosed accidentally.
Prince was neither suicidal nor a druggy, but had constant pain.

The sad 27 Club probably got some members not solely through their own faults.
In particular the deaths from the hippie era got their heroin from the same source (betimes around a few corners). The substance was too pure and they overdosed unintentionally too. The Frenchman who was identified as the source certainly didn't want to kill them on purpose.


According to Prince's longtime ex drug dealer Prince was "majorly addicted".


Prince was addicted to painkillers.
But he wasn't a druggy in the usual sense.


His drug dealer said Prince was extremely nervous, shy, especially about being in public, on stage. Prince took drugs for these reasons and more. Sorry, he was a major addict. RIP Prince.


You can believe whom and what you want to.


To Timetunnel - Yeah, that hippie era - I believe Janis Joplin was one of them - and the stuff she took - killed others as well. Yeah I don't think she wanted to die. Neither did Morrison, nor Hendrix. Kurt Cobain did. Pete Ham did. Anyway, back to Prince. Yeah he was hooked on painkillers. I'm not sure what ebhanynz is saying. Is there a difference between being hooked and "majorly addicted"? Are they not one and the same? There is no doubt Prince was hooked on them because he was in pain. Prince was in his 50s - unlike the 27 club - whom were just looking to get high, he was in serious pain. WHich makes complete sense when you consider the life he led (all of those concerts, all that dancing). Yeah, and Ill never believe for a moment he wanted to die. Total accident - I believe the story, he took a pill, didn't realize it was fentanyl until it was too late.


ebhanynz tried to prove, that Prince was a "major addict".
Because a drug dealer always tells the truth. 🙄​

Yah, as said, Prince had constant pain.
Ultimately the result is the same whether you're addicted to painkillers or 'amusement drugs' (cocaine, heroin, etc.). Personally, I think it makes a difference. Prince never took drugs to get high. And even though he was actually rather shy, he never took anything to loosen up.

Regarding Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain and what we know now it's sad that they died so young.
Well, unlike Prince all of them really 'partied' (similar to Matthew Perry). Means, they weren't completely innocent of their early demise. And of course nobody can answer the 'what-if-question' with certainty, but if they hadn't gotten such pure heroin they would've lived a little longer.

Edit to add
Kurt Cobain is also in the 27 Club, but his death was somehow different.


To Timetunnel - 100% agreed. Cobain is the difference because, yeah, he was getting high, but he didn't overdose. He got high, and then if I remember correctly, laid down and shot himself with a shotgun. I think that's how it went - I'm going by memory.

The others, just living it up and partying. One shot too many. Or, I should say, one shot of the wrong stuff.

Same thing happened to Seymour Hoffman. It was just one shot - and boom - he was gone.


Oh yah...the wonderful "golden shot". 💉​😞​

It's correct what you remember about Kurt Cobain's death.
Well, that's the official version.
Many of his fans think that his wife murdered him. I think someone else killed him. Discussions about that topic often get very emotional.
Therefore I tried to put it "somehow" more gently here.


Hello again TimeTunnel: For the first time, we're off. I think Cobain did what he did entirely by himself. However, you could make the argument he didn't want to die. I base this on the fact he was out of his mind when he pulled the trigger. It's the same with Robin Williams, would he have killed himself if he knew what he was doing?

Getting back to Hoffman - he was down in the dumps, yes, but he didn't want to die. He was just having trouble accepting his own reality at that point.

Marilyn Monroe? Dana Plato? The same in both cases (I believe anyway). One pill too many.

I'm going to try to think of a case today in which there was no doubt the individual wanted to die. It's hard to tell when drugs are involved. And with Williams, he had dementia - he didn't know what he was doing. This is my project for today, hahaahahah. I'm going to try to think of a case where there was no doubt - ending one's life was intentional.


"I'm going to try to think of a case today in which there was no doubt the individual wanted to die."

For some reasons (discussions on another site) I was reminded to what you said. There was someone who wanted to die. Jean Améry (1912-1978) said that he was no longer able to practice his profession as a writer because of his illness. He intentionally overdosed on sleeping pills.
2 years before he wrote:

"Anyone who jumps off is not necessarily mad, is not even 'disturbed' or 'unhinged' under all circumstances. The tendency to commit suicide is not an illness from which one has to be cured like measles. Suicide is a privilege of the humane."


Hello again TimeTunnel:

Yes certainly, on many occasions by many human beings - suicide has been committed. There are a myriad of reasons as to why.

In our discussion I was leaning more towards young celebrities. With this group it is hard to tell because invariably drugs and alcohol are involved. When your mind is out in left field - you have no idea what you're doing - so there is no way of knowing if these people committed suicide intentionally. If you stay with this group - again, young celebrities - the only one I can think of that killed himself, while knowing exactly what he was doing - was Pete Ham. I'm sure there are more. Can you think of any?


Not really.
Leastwise not anyone I would call a "young celebrity".


Ok, well I've got one. For fun (and certainly if you wish to continue) - I won't name the individual. SOme hints though....

Oh, and by the by - this is all off the top of my head so I apologize in advance if I'm a bit off on the details:

22 years old



The only problem with this guy is the Kurt Cobain scenario. This guy was out of his mind when he pulled the trigger - so we don't know if he really wanted to die. Ok, if you like , name that comedian.......


Needed to look him up.
Do you mean Freddie Prinze (1954-1977)?

A newer case Huey Haha (1999-2021).


Yep! Outstanding. Freddie Prinze. He became totally messed up on drugs - then shot himself. I personally believe he didn't have a clue as to what he was doing when he pulled the trigger.

Ive never heard of Huey Haha. I'll have to take a look.

I just thought of another one - I believe this guy killed himself, but I could be wrong.....

Mitch Hedberg

I think he was a comedian. He wasn't really popular as I recall. He was kind of here today, then gone tomorrow. But off the top of my head - I believe he committed suicide. Ok, I'm going to look it up later to see if I'm right


Well I was wrong about Hedberg. He died young - but it was entirely because of drug use.

I checked HaHa - well, Tik tok comedian - does he qualify as a celeb?

If so, what a waste. 22 years old. Not old enough yet to realize suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

ANyway, I'm not on Tik Tok, so I personally never heard of him. Celeb or no celeb - It's a shame what he did.


This 'insight' isn't new, but the status of a celebrety apparently takes its toll.
And when already unstable personalities lose their stable environment things can easily come to extremes (suicide).
As for Freddie Prinze, whose wife got fed up with his capers and filed for divorce.

Oh yah...Tik Tok...Hmmmm.
Sorry, the name Tik Tok always reminds me to the very first song we learnt in English class and I still know the lyrics. Just found a strange version. 🪕​ ☺
My Grandfather's Clock


Yeah that sounds about right on Freddie Prinze. Well it's possible, he may have pulled the trigger even if he was of sound mind. I guess we'll never know.

Hey I just checked your video, thank you. Talented guy. First two thoughts....

"Dueling Banjos" from "Deliverance"

"Let Em In" by Paul McCartney and Wings

Hey you know what - I just realized something - our conversation started with Matthew Perry. So what happened? Did they figure out why he passed?


The "Dueling Banjos" are legend. 🪕​ ♥ 🪕​
Sorry, I neither like McCartney's voice nor his wet puppy eyes. 👁️​👁️​

And yah, is there an official cause of death now? Though it was pretty clear what happened...I thought.
Oh, apparently it's still not that clear:
"The paperwork also states that his cause of death remains 'deferred'. Perry’s cause of death was deemed 'inconclusive' after an initial postmortem showed no signs of meth or fentanyl in his system."
November 14, 2023


Hello again TimeTunnel:

I've got a moment here so I checked it. Perry's death certificate is in - but the cause is "inconclusive". Stunningly, no meth or fetanyl was detected in his system. Found dead in a hot tub - there were no signs of foul play. This may be a case of long term abuse finally did him in. Anyway, it looks like its going to be a good while until an official cause of death is released.


Snap, I was just fighting with my internet connection again.
Link above.


You probably heard it in the news. According to last results Perry had Ketamine and Buprenorphine (opioid) in his body. Perry underwent ketamine infusion therapy to treat depression and anxiety. The last Ketamine shot was a good week before his death.
So, what exactly caused his drowning...Ketamine or Buprenorphine?


Hey TimeTunnel, nice to hear from you. Actually I don't know, I just had a medical procedure done on my knee and have been out of the loop.

Let me take a look.


Well, we said there would be drugs involved and indeed this is the case. It's hard for me to understand how he drowned. I have no idea what Ketamine does to you. Now the other stuff, Buprenorphine - yeah I get that. This recent procedure I had done had me sedated not knocked out. Fentanyl and Lidocaine - opioids. I was feeling good and very groggy. IN fact, if I was in a Hot tub, I easily could have drown. But this guy, sounds like he overdosed on Ketamine. Well, who knows? OMG, "Ketamine Infusion therapy" - oh brother. Yeah, I see his heart was already mess from long term abuse. Well what can you say TimeTunnel? His lifestyle finally caught up with him.


Yep, and please do yourself and me a favour and never take Fentanyl again. 🫂​


Only when I'm about to step into my hot tub, haahahahahah


Ok, especially for you! ☺

Mach Dich Lieber Anders Tot
= Better kill yourself another way

Dedicated to one of my favourite bumpers liscarkat. 😉​


Hey TimeTunnel, I was just joking, ahahahahah.

Are you German????

ANyway I was just joking,

And to you....

Danke Schoen!


*Danke schön! ☺


I just thought of one - someone I mentioned yesterday - Pete Ham. Ham was in the band Badfinger. He woke up one day to discover his manager had taken all of the band's money. So - he wrote a note, and then went off and hanged himself. This is all off the top of my head so the details may be a bit off. As far as I remember, neither drugs nor alcohol were involved. And , I believe Ham was in the 27 club.


Yes, Pete Ham is also in the 27 club. 🙁​
Sorry, just now not really able to discuss that.
(watched "Killers of the Flower Moon" yesterday)

What you said brought me back to a poem, what was written in another connection but fits to so many topics.

Wecke nicht die Zauberlieder
in der dunklen Tiefe Schoß.
Selbst verzaubert sinkst Du nieder
und sie lassen Dich nicht los.

Means in English:
Don't wake up the magic songs
in the dark depths womb.
Even enchanted you sink down
and they won't let you go.

(Joseph von Eichendorff)


Ok sounds good. Nice chatting with you TimeTunnel. Best wishes.


8 Ribs broken?? Well, you have 24 Ribs, so he was down to 16 and you know how painful that had to have been??


This was one sick puppy.


As they say, he was never going to 'make old bones'.


Whose drug addiction was worse? Matthew Perry or Michael Jackson?

--Michael D. Clarke


Now news, but you're an idiot.

--TimeTunnel 🕰️​
