His death is

One of probably only 3 that have really upset me. The other 2 being Heath Ledger and Philip Seymour Hoffman. He just had such a commanding presence on screen.


Hard part about his was that it was completely unexpected. I think it threw everyone for a loop.


Well, he was overweight, so it wasn't a huge surprise. There was a part on the Sopranos during Christopher's intervention where Christopher told him he would have a heart attack by the age 50. Gandolfini was 51 when he died.

I read about his last meal before his death. It was two orders of fried shrimp(with a spicy mayo dipping sauce) and two orders of foie gras. He washed that down with two mixed drinks and two shots. He had also had problems with coke which could have caused some heart damage.

His death was very sad to me but I wasn't surprised.


I remember that episode where Christopher says that because of his weight, Tony will die of a heart attack by the time he's 50. It's a surreal moment when you watch it now, just because we know that Christopher actually was pretty accurate when it came to Gandolfini.




He was overweight. But the reality is I have known a lot of overweight people and have not known of any of them to drop over dead at 51 or any younger age... Now when they got up to their 60's they were not getting around very well because lets face it a knee was designed to support a reasonable amount of weight and if you exceed it for years you will wear it out. Now I have known younger people in good health to simply drop over from an aneurysm or to die from cancer under 50 though in those cases the weren't overweight.

Frankly the oveweight so you're going to drop dead soon is not a sure thing. I suspect there was probably other factors involved and unless he had never seen a doctor in the past few years he was probably aware of his health and where he was headed. It may have been a shock to some people but I don't think it was a shock to his family. I think I even read somewhere that his dad had died around that same age from some heart problems so it is entirely possible he had a genetic problem and may have known about it.


His dad died at 84


My grandfather was huge at one time (400+). Lived into his mid eighties.



Because of this post I checked to see if he just died, and it turns out he died way back in 2013! Interesting stuff


You didn’t notice that he hadn’t been in any movies for several years?


No, as his career died way before him


I agree, some big celebrities, athletes, politicians, etc.. passed and I have absolutely zero feeling but this one actually makes me really sad.

Now watching some of his interviews or Emmy or even the Sopranos make me feel sorrowful and gloomy which is crazy cuz usually I am very cold hearted


I'd say Robin Williams' death is the one that caused me to pause.


I cried when Patrick Swayze died.


For me it was Groucho Marx. I was only a kid at the time.


His death is...
... the reason there wasn't any movie sequels.

