MovieChat Forums > Christopher Walken Discussion > Anyone else think he had more to do with...

Anyone else think he had more to do with Natalie Wood's death

.. than he lets on?

He always seems so evasive about the topic, even after all these years. Sure, I wouldn't be happy about talking about her death either, but it seems more like he's trying to hide something to me rather than just put it behind him.

Also, witness testimony says that Walken was supposedly flirting with Wood earlier in the night that Wood's had drowned.

Alas, we'll probably never know without a confession of Wagner or Walken.


Shut up you psycho freak!


Natalie Wood's death will always be a mystery. It's been years and years since she died and no explanation so far.


There is no mystery. She was drunk/high off her ass, got angry after a huge argument, and tried getting off the boat into a dinghy, then fell and slipped getting into it. Walken and Wagner didn't notice she was gone for so long because they were also drunk/high as a kite, and they're probably secretive because they don't want to air dirty laundry about the fight that led to her leaving the yacht. Period, end of story:

From the toxicology report and the bruises we were able to determine the probable cause of death. The vertical abrasion on her cheek told us that Natalie Wood, possibly attempting to board the dinghy, had fallen into the ocean, striking her face. Because she had sustained no deep traumatic head wounds, we knew she had been conscious while in the water. The bruises on her lower legs, I believed at the time, were incurred during her fall.




They thought Natalie was passed out but she caught Walken and Wagner in bed. She started screaming she was going to tell the world about them. They could have none of that. Only one way out. Kill her and make it look like an accident.

Walken and Wagner got away with murder.


I assume that for your next act you're going to admit that you were (or have proof of) the second gunman on the grassy knoll in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963?


it sucks they dont talk more abvout tis. looks likie well have to wait toll ome is on their death bned sadly as walken is now 77 and wagner is older so walken probably only has 9 years left to live now.

why weren't charges pressed against walken or wagner from the family of wood or the state?


No. To the OP.


He should get canceled.


If you meant that in sincerity, fuck off.


This nonsense will ever end, especially since it's relentlessly fueled by Wood's attention-grasping sister. Natalie Wood died in an alcohol-influenced accident, all by herself. Nobody killed her. It happened a long time ago. It's over.


Exactly. Everyone on that boat cooperated fully with the police and the investigation revealed it was an accident, 4 times with 4 different investigators and 4 different prosecutors.
Now Lana Wood is trying to stir the pot to sell her book and looks like she has offered a piece of it to the captain who has "modified" his story.
