




You must be fourteen. Seventy isn't young, but death at that age is premature.


I didn't post that, but I'm in my 40s and think people live waaaaaay too long.


70 is not premature, it's way past natural.


It's way past natural? What does that even mean?


adulthood, the period in the human lifespan in which full physical and intellectual maturity have been attained. Adulthood is commonly thought of as beginning at age 20 or 21 years. Middle age, commencing at about 40 years, is followed by old age at about 60 years.
Source: https://www.britannica.com/science/adulthood

From the 1500s until around the early-1800s, life expectancy throughout Europe hovered between 30 and 40 years. This was due in part to infant mortality rates that remained at 25% until 1800.

But from the mid-1800s onward, Finch estimated that life expectancy at birth doubled every 10 generations due to improved health care, sanitation, immunizations, access to clean water, and better nutrition.
Source: https://www.verywellhealth.com/longevity-throughout-history-2224054

Like, if 25 is optimal and 45 is kinda old, 70 is like way beyond what's natural, because sanitation and immunizations are unnatural business. Life expectancy is too high.


OK understood. "Natural" death age is difficult to calculate I would think. At what period of time is it really accurate?


Cancer isn't usually a result of loneliness. If loneliness caused cancer, millions more people would be dying out there in the world from that than already do.


Stress causes cancer, loneliness results in less stress.


Having nothing to live for (such as a family) can aggravate that. But then again, having a family might do that too, depending on what kind of a family you made.


It can also be the harm and threat of harm towards your family. War, gangs, disease and more.

Having "nothing to live for" is pure bliss.


For who, exactly? Not everyone wants to be old and alone, you know.

Part of what drives the human psyche is to have a purpose, it's one of many reasons we have friends, family, and jobs, because then we feel we are doing something useful.

People who don't have that get depressed and are often driven to suicide, even if they have no history of severe depression.


Never married and no children? I can only surmise he was a homosexual.

In any case he died from cancer. That can hit you at any time and is largely indiscriminate (certain things like sun exposure, smoking and being obese can increase your odds).


Neither loneliness nor being child-free causes cancer.


I'm "childless" purely by choice, and I will outlive you all.


Betty White was childless and lived to be 99.


70 is NOT young. I'm only 50, bordering on 51, and I don't really want to live much longer as while I have a comfortable bachelor life, I have no dependents, nor do I want any. Why bring children into a horrible world like this now? I'm happy as I am. I may drink too much, and that will probably be the death of me, but at least I'm satisfied with my lot.


So you're happy and satisfied with your lot, yet ready to die soon? Interesting.


Classic sign of undiagnosed depression.



70 is NOT young. I'm only 50, bordering on 51, and I don't really want to live much longer as while I have a comfortable bachelor life, I have no dependents, nor do I want any. Why bring children into a horrible world like this now?

You are depressed. You just don't know it.

When I was under 30, I had a three month episode of depression (which runs in my family unfortunately) in the winter of '86. I felt exactly like you and didn't realize I was depressed.

I only realized it was depression when the spring of '87 came around and the depression lifted. My younger brother still battles depression and has been on medication over 40 years.
