MovieChat Forums > Brendan Fraser Discussion > From a-list star to c-list..

From a-list star to c-list..

What happened to him?

In Vino Veritas.


Good. People hate your hissy fits.


He was never quite the A list actor. Close, but not quite. His career had many ups and downs. (not his fault, though)

He was supposed to star in a fourth Mummy film, but studio decided to reboot the franchise instead and go with different actors. He also lost several parts in different movies because producers wanted a bigger star. It's a shame because he's a good actor. But Hollywood has different ideas.


Sorry...the Mummy crap did not make him an A-lister. Big box-office, but THAT does not define A list. A top factor is the demand for services. Wooing by producers. That did not happen.


He recently said he fell into a deep depression after being groped by a man who was in the industry. Although, I think this happened back in 2003, and I thought he had a few hit movies since that time. He didn't fall off of the radar after that unless I'm remembering wrong.


So because he became less successful years after the incident means what? Do you think he’s trying to come up with an excuse for the downturn in his career? Maybe he’s just sharing his story for awareness. Because it is a movement and exposing molesters is a good thing, especially if it prevents others from going through the same thing.


His story seems a bit odd to me. He was groped, first froze because he didn't know what to do, then ran off scared. He said he passed a policeman, but didn't tell him what happened. Brendan was a worldly 35-year-old man at the time. I can imagine a child acting like that, but not a grown man. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but every man I know would have punched the guy, or at least let the guy know what would happen if he ever did it again.


Agree and Brendan is a big guy and the guy who did it was probably an old creep. Decked him, pressed charges, and sued him.


That's easy for you to say. You don't really know what you would do until it happens to you.


He was only a B lister that caught a couple big roles. Most of his movies were turds.


Well, he was A-list for a while, and only a small handful of people can ever say that. IMO, his star shone brightest in "The Mummy." That movie was great in its own way, is rewatchable to this day, and Brendan played a large role in its success. He was funny, charismatic, and likeable. If I ever meet his C-list self in real life, I will buy him a beer, largely because he made the character of Rick O'Connell come to life.
