MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Was that slap real?

Was that slap real?

Everyone's assuming it was real, I have no idea. There's evidence that suggests both. Either possibility would be very confusing. I really hope we find out soon.

Here's evidence that suggests it was fake:

-Chris instantly responded with "oh, wow". It would be a natural human response to spend at least a few seconds in silence, shocked.

-Will laughed at the start. A little odd to go from laughing to angry. He was also smiling while he walked off the stage.

-Chris continues joking. If it was real, it could've caused more violence. Most people in that situation would've wanted to diffuse the situation.

-Will wasn't kicked out.

-This wasn't addressed again.

-Will appeared happy throughout the rest of the show.

-This seems very out of character for Will, especially since it's definitely not even close to the worst thing he's heard said about Jada.

Here's evidence that suggests it was real:

-This isn't funny at all, and I can't imagine anyone thinking it is.

-Jada seemed angry the whole time.

-The joke was about Jada's alopecia, which let's face it, is a little inappropriate, and I can’t imagine Will agreeing to it.

-Will and Chris both swore. Everyone knows swearing is censored on live TV, so that means the TV viewers would've missed part of the joke.

-Will appeared genuinely angry, not comedic angry.

-If you watch in slow motion, it does appear to be real.

-In Will’s speech, he apologised, although not to anyone specific, and mentioned doing anything to protect his family.

There's probably lots more of both, anyone wanna add more?


Yes it was real. Just Google the Japanese televised unedited video of the incident. Will is dropping the F bomb and is a total psycho. It really happened.


yes it was real but fortunately will cuck smith is such a betamale estrogen filled wimp nobody was hurt by the whole fiasco


I don't think you do that if you're Chris Rock. You're a performer on a live show. Rock was grinning like "What is he going to do?" as Smith was going towards him. But if Will Smith decides to spontaneously walk up to you and jap you -- or kiss you -- or anything else, you roll with it. You're not going to respond like someone on the street. Silence isn't good for tv. I think the slap was actually the more light-hearted part, but then when Rock defended the joke, Smith went to a higher level of real anger. And the way Rock looked offstage and then fumbled his words trying to get back to his presentation adds points to the real column.


I had the same take. The slap was more of a shut up than Will trying to do any damage. Genuine anger from will afterwards though and confusion from Chris. Chris did a good job holding it together though


In one of the high angle shots you can clearly see he slapped the black off his face, so yeah probably was real. Chris looked rather shaken and flustered, I didn't get the impression his reaction was rehearsed.


It was likely planned beforehand as a publicity stunt to stir up interest in the failing awards show. In other words, desperate "woke" Dems will do anything for ratings.


Will is the new OJ - if your wife hates it then the joker is hit.


But what about the Riddler and Catwoman?


Riddler = Chris Rock.
Catwoman = Jada Smith.


It all makes sense!


Maybe I'm entirely too cynical, but yeah, I don't buy it for a second it was.

Smith walks on stage, hits Chris, walks back to his place and sits down... and at no point there's a single solitary hint of security getting involved?

Pull the other one, Hollywood.


It wasn't staged, but security probably though it was staged as well, they're trained to look out for people rushing onto the stage who aren't supposed to be there, not to intervene in a live televised presentation. The white security officer isn't going to intervene between two Black men during a possibly staged interaction, they don't want the headline "Racist Officer detains Will Smith during Live Performance". Therefore, Security probably tried to get a hold of the director/showrunner, but that probably took so much time, the incident was already over/cooled down by they time they confirmed it wasn't scripted. Security would have felt at that point it would be easier to handle it after the show.


Also, between celebrities, they're allowing for some spontaneity, usually for laughs. It's like a host deciding to sit in some star's lap in one of the aisle seats. There's some latitude involved, where you would never think something serious is actually going down.


A lot of people are saying that the entire incident was staged to boost Oscar ratings, since the Academy knows they've been in the toilet for a while. What better way to do that than have a famous guy smack another guy onstage? And they're both black, so they can get away with it!


No reason for Rock or Smith to care about the Oscar ratings.


Definitely staged fake showbiz drama...both actors couldn't control smiling a few second before and after the slap.

The zoom and angle give it away and the slap was so gay it looked like Smith was making some faggot style Kung-fu move.

And real men punch...don't slap each other !
