She was drunk and doped up. She wrecked a car.


Cocaine. No alcohol. That's what I read about the blood test. I'm not sure about the source.


Maybe she had the skinnies on Jewish Epstein?


Because every time a celeb dies it's gotta be about pedos, Epstein, child secks...


But whether or not you think this was the correct protocol for dealing with a supposedly brain dead burns victim, let’s review the fates of a few other individuals who came out against child trafficking and elite pedophilia.

Hollywood actor Isaac Kappy, who became well known for speaking out against Hollywood pedophilia and Satanic ritual abuse, was found dead in Arizona at the age of 42. Before his death, Kappy leveled explosive allegations against Hollywood A-listers including Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Seth Green, accusing them of being abusive pedophiles. He also said he would never commit suicide.[/quote]

Paul Walker, who also died in a suspicious car accident like Anne Heche, was allegedly in receipt of information regarding elite pedophilia and was silenced by the powers that be.

Chris Cornell was also found dead in suspicious circumstances and was also said to be working on an explosive child sex trafficking expose.

As was his good friend Chester Bennington, whose death shocked the world.

And Avicii, the superstar DJ, who released a disturbing music video, declared “commercial suicide” by his label, in which he played the adult version of a child sex victim. The final scene in the video featured a politician with the word pedophile branded on his skin. What did Avicii know and what was in the process of revealing to the masses? He was found dead at the age of 27 so we will never know.

More "said to be", "allegedly" and "reputedly". "Said, alleged, reputed"... by whom when? An allegation with no proof. If you going to level the allegation how much trouble is it to name a specific project. No one knows the name of any of these "exposes" or has proof they actually occurred? Was she the only one working on it? Yes, there is video of Isaac Kappy making strange (and specific) allegations before his detath. What about the others?

Also, the article repeatedly says Heche was in a "body bag", which is objectively not true. Body bags aren't white nor made of clothe. They are also zippered up, and she would not have been able to pop out of it as she did. The explanation that this was done to prevent her burns from being infected is perfectly adequate and doesn't require conspiracy theories.


Jeffrey Epstein had her killed because she was about the reveal they were married at Area 51 on Jan 6 2021 by Hitler's brain.




jeff eps is alive. dw I'll take care of him ;)


FAR more likely to be bipolar disorder and/or substance abuse.

If she'd lost control of the Bipolar Disorder and was in the throes of mania, well. When you're manic, taking your favorite bottle of vodka for a high-speed tour of the suburbs seems like a great idea.
