MovieChat Forums > Clint Eastwood Discussion > Clint's ok compared to that vile c**t, J...

Clint's ok compared to that vile c**t, John Wayne.

All the usual, revolting American right wing bigoted ''heroes'' are venerated...Wayne, Hoover, Dulles, Lindbergh, Disney, Sinatra... or given their names to airports, etc.

Clint and JFK etc were flawed, but comparably ok. And no, it's not ''left wing'' to be a decent human....Jesus must have been a true Communist then?

Americans wonder why they're sooooo popular around the world...


You come off as a racist.



Eastwood is a great actor. So it's Wayne.

Why so much hate?


Wayne was a shit ''actor'' and a nasty racist. Hypocrite because he married three hispanic women!

One critic said of him - ''It never Wayne's but it bores''


You are a liar.


All right, ya lilly-livered sissy-boy, I've had about a nuff outa you! If I ever see ya, ya nasty varmint, I'll knock your block off.



I think you're a little revolting.


You sound like the kind of person who puts effort into being weak and pathetic.


Such a hateful post.


OP probably has a man-bun and wears Crocs. Radio button set to NPR. Calls somebody to put the spare wheel on for him if he has a flat on his Prius. Wears a face diaper in his car by himself.
