MovieChat Forums > Leonardo DiCaprio Discussion > as a women it upsets me two consenting a...

as a women it upsets me two consenting adults are doing what they want

how disgusting!!!!

Also it makes me insecure that as im aging and give up and get fat i can be replaced by a hotter women.adults shouldnt do what i want because it makes me feel insecure


It's disgusting that you think that's the reason people mock him. You might actually be even more pathetic than Leo. Stop trying to live vicariously through someone you don't even know and try to get laid instead.


the irony of you writing "pathetic" while that sums up your entire post.

notice how you couldnt address anything i said? you really think this female psychology plays no role in many womens hate of Dicaprios activity? are you a virgin perhaps or never met women? you clearly dont understand how they think.


Can't you read? I did address what you said, I said it's disgusting and pathetic you think that. Just like all the assumptions you just made in your reply to me. Most of us are not as immature in our thinking.


i think its disgusting people can be jealous or resentful of others?

are you okay?


"i think its disgusting people can be jealous or resentful of others?"

You're asking me? No, it seems to me you think nobody is allowed to criticize the celebrities that you wish you were.

"are you okay?"

I'm fine, you really should be asking yourself that question. Good luck!πŸ†


i wish i was dicaprio??? HAHA no. i can defend people over nonsense criticism without wanting to be them. esp when some of those criticizing them, are they themselves older ladies who even bragged about having a young "boy toy".

you are stupid as hell man.


The criticism is "nonsense" because you completely made it up.

Just go jerk off in your momma's basement and keep out of the business of us adults.


lol its what they say. and you cant provide anything. ahahhahaha you adults?? look at your comment. you sound like a 16 year old redditor. you need some serious mental help you sound mentally unstable


Just call the nurse and tell her to give you your meds. Have a nice day!πŸ†


"keep out of the business of us adults."


" go jerk off in your momma's basement a"

"it's disgusting and pathetic you think that. Just like all the assumptions you just made in your reply to me. Most of us are not as immature in our thinking.

you are mentally unstable. you need some serious help before its too late




Go ahead and try explain how he is creepy, or a pervert for dating a 25 year old. Let’s hear how this sounds.


"Go ahead and try explain how he is creepy, or a pervert for dating a 25 year old."



Not "a" 25 year old girl, but his constant dating of girls who he conveniently cuts off when they turn 25. Getting off at the youth of women is like a prerequisite for him. It's like older dudes who have a thing for catholic college girls wearing uniforms.


He clearly has a type, I just don't see what the problem is. 25 is an adult, and none of them seem to have anything bad to say about him. So why is it a problem for everyone else?


Because it's a cliche. Older man courts younger women and dumps them before their expiry date.


It's not simply that he has a type. I mean, if he prefers redheads, black women or tall women, there's not much to say except "I don't share his taste in women". It's just peculiar that he seems to see women he dates as cars, trading them in for a newer model when he grows tired of them. Does that make him creepy or perverted? Maybe not, but I do think he has some deeper psychological issues.

"So why is it a problem for everyone else?"

Why is it a problem that people express their opinion on that behavior? Should I just pretend I don't have any opinion so I don't hurt the feelings of Leo's fanboys? I'd have the same opinion if my next-door-neighbour acted like him. I'm not telling either of them they're not allowed to do what they do nor do I see other people doing that, so Leo's complaining fanboys are just being incredibly oversensitive.


'he seems to see women he dates as cars, trading them in for a newer model when he grows tired of them.'

He's doing what plenty of guys would do given the opportunity.


What's your point? That we can't have an opinion on it?


Not at all.


And you're both wrong.
My opinion...just saying. ☺


Well okay then, I have an opinion on Leo and guys like him and tough luck to anyone who can't handle it.πŸ‘


Your opinion is fine, but it's based on incomplete info.


No, not at all.


Imagine being rich and famous enough to land any woman you want and instead you pick emotionally unstable girls who are barely legal and a few months out of high school.


because other rich hollywood women are known for their emotional stability. you are assuming these women are emotionally unstable. less mature? sure. unstable? where did you invent that from?


nothing to invent. perhaps "less mature" is the better way of putting it but you're enforcing someone who's barely out of high school to partake in a 50-year-old's lifestyle. no way in hell they can handle all that. if they did, LEO wouldn't be rotating through 14 girlfriends a year. i think a lot of men just have fantasies about boning girls as young as possible before it becomes illegal. if the age of consent were dropped to 15 in the USA i'm willing to bet 15 wouldn't be weird to alot of people anymore.


1. they arent being "enforced" or "forced" to do anything. hes making them part of his lavish lifestyle. but i doubt hes like forcing her to do gardening and watch the weather.

2. we need a cutoff somewhere. i think what is is is fairly reasonable.

its two adults doing what they want.


Therapy is available, please get help with your insecurities.


you couldnt even figure out basic storytelling. and ran like a pussy when i educated you.

is part of therapy growing a spine and admitting when you are wrong? in that case get some immediately.


I didn't run anywhere, I just grew weary of you. Given your rudeness, people disengaging can't be something new to you. Yes, taking accountability is part of therapy. During our discussion, I believe I immediately took accountability for my error. Your attitude is unnecessary, please take accountability for it and try to change so that people might want to engage with you in a civil conversation.


how convenient! the moment i disprove your nonsense you "grow weary".

and yet here you are, replying to me twice.

you needed a cop out and took it. damn accountability and manning up isnt your strong suit.

Your attitude is unnecessary, please take accountability for it and try to change so that people might want to engage with you in a civil conversation.

says the guy whose first reply to me here was

Therapy is available, please get help with your insecurities.

you holier than thou people are really the worst and most sickening. ill admit im rude and confrontational. but you have to pretend you are better than people while being worse. really the low of the low


Correction, says the woman whose first reply was to you. Also, I replied to you first because you're the only responder. And you can't tell me you don't get what I mean = You are tiresome. And once again, I set a basic standard of civility for you to meet and you couldn't meet it, you had to respond with insults, so here I am again telling you I am done speaking to you. But the real question is, if I'm the low of the low, why do you keep chasing me for attention? Don't worry about answering, I'm sure it'll just be another flurry of insults and "you think you're better than me, huh pal? Well, I know you are but what am I?"

I stand by what I said about therapy, I think it's highly beneficial.


"so here I am again telling you I am done speaking to you."

But couldnt leave the first time?? and had to come yet again to say how holy you are?

ill say it again you sad person

says the guy whose first reply to me here was

"Therapy is available, please get help with your insecurities."

you holier than thou people are really the worst and most sickening. ill admit im rude and confrontational. but you have to pretend you are better than people while being worse. really the low of the low


"I'm rude and confrontational - but you're unwilling to engage in conversation with me? You make me sick!" - for everyone reading, this is the logic you're gonna face with this one. I salute you guys and wish you well.


"I'm rude and confrontational - but you're unwilling to engage in conversation with me? You make me sick!" - for everyone reading, this is the logic you're gonna face with this one

wow nice misrepresentation. no the point was you chastize others for being rude, while being no better and taking cheap shots and also attacking people. but then act high and mighty like you are the pinacle of civility.

my logic is airtight, its why you had to misrepresent what i said :) if not you would have presented my clear argument and not change it. nice try though :) you are out of your depth here intellectually.

get off your high horse. get out of your ivory tower. stop acting like you are better than everyone who attacks soemone, while you do it yourself. your life will be better when you embrace actual reality and stop living in your delusion where you are the pinacle of civility and dont attack anyone, you are jsut the innocent little victim.

im guessing this sad victim mentality and superiority complex happens in your real life too.

also for someone who hates engaging and "grew weary" you sure do engage alot and beg for more of my attention. but again how else would you play the perpetual victim and misrepresent me?

i hope everyone reads this and sees how embarrassingly ignorant you are of basic storytelling


You ain't no woman. Woman are not named Batfleck.... πŸ˜‚


It was a typo; he/she meant to create the username: Bitchfleck


remember when you admitted you stalked me because "i kept bringing you up". and when i asked for one example of me every bringing you up you ran like a pussy?

hahahahahahah tvfan is a little coward




Well that's nice that you have some kind of issue. I hope it keeps you entertained.

Exactly why did you put that on Leonardo DiCaprio's page? I figured he spends his time traveling around shopping between movies. Nothing wrong with that. Does he have a split personality or something?


sorry if my sarcasm didnt translate it is afterall a vocal thing and doesnt show well in text.

i was making fun of the indignant women attacking him over their own personal subconsious insecurties.




Oh. Yeah I didn't know people had some kind of of issue with him.

Sucks to be them.


I don't care what Leonardo does in his personal life but it's always disappointing to see how shallow some of these people really are. He's doing the same thing he did 30 years ago. His characters may change and grow and evolve...but not him.
It's like Johnny Depp still drugging and partying like he always did even into his 60's. It's more sad than anything.


Its one part of his personality/ life. someone isnt less than or "didnt grow up" because they dont want your version of marriage and monogomy.

just like because Leo doesnt like the same ice cream as you doesnt mean anything.

Leos got an acting career that would rank in the greatest of all ages. he can bang some 24 year old model it doesnt make him some sad person.


One doesn't quite understand your POV.

I can tell you from the POV of a middle aged man (a little bit older than Leo), if he desires young women over older women - well, truth be told, pretty much all of us do. The difference is he can actually get them. So, hey, good for him and more power to him.

It's a trait to be admired. There is nothing wrong with what he does, IMO. Depp on the other hand, I don't think drinking and drugging at his age (I think he's in his 60s) is a very good idea. It's a health issue.
