MovieChat Forums > Tom Cruise Discussion > Mickey Rourke brands Tom Cruise 'irrelev...

Mickey Rourke brands Tom Cruise 'irrelevant' in no-holds barred interview


PUBLISHED: 04:30 EDT, 12 July 2022 | UPDATED: 09:26 EDT, 12 July 2022

He's not a man to mince his words and Mickey Rourke did not hold back in this latest interview, branding fellow Hollywood star 'irrelevant,'

The Wrestler star Mickey, 69, said on Piers Morgan Uncensored on Monday 'the guy’s been doing the same effing part for 35 years. I got no respect for that.'

His words came after Piers, 57, asked Mickey about how he felt about Cruise's latest movie offering being at the top of the box office charts with Top Gun: Maverick.

He said: 'That doesn’t mean sh** to me. I don’t care about money and power, I care about when I watch Al Pacino work and Chris Walken and De Niro’s early work and Richard Harris’s work and Ray Winstone’s work.

'That’s the kind of actor I want to be like. Monty Clift and Brando back in the day.'

Piers pressed him further and asked: 'You don't think Tom Cruise is a good actor?'

'I think he’s irrelevant, in my world,' Rourke replied.

It's not the first time Rourke has criticised the movie world.

Last year, he crticised Marvel films as well as the actors who star in them after discussing how much he loves Law & Order: SVU which he had started watching in quarantine.

He praised the actors that star in the long-running crime drama, name-checking Mariska Hargitay, Christopher Meloni, Stephanie March, BD Wong and Ice T –

Mickey said: ''Respect to all of you, the work that you all do is real acting, not like that cr*p that all on Marvel s***.'

Rourke recently said younger directors are the reason his acting career was resurrected after being 'blacklisted by Hollywood for 15 years.'

'The young guys are cool. They don't care about what they hear. They judge me by my acting ability, not my old reputation,' the eighties action star explained to Fox News on March 28.

'I have a love/hate relationship with acting. I enjoy what I'm doing at the moment because I can give everything that I'm taught. I have my confidence.


Bet he didn't criticize the check he got for being in the MCU though.

He's just a bitter old man now because of what he did to his once topnotch face.


Who is micky rourke?


Are you serious? You gotta check out Sin City, he's so badass in that.


No. I know. Just picking at him for calling one of the biggest actors ever, irrelevant


Have to agree with Mickey Rourke. Tom Cruise is more of a consumer product than an actor.


I disagree.
Watch "Born on the 4th of July", and tell me Cruise isn't one heck of an actor.


intentional irony


Seriously. Mickey Rourke.......of ALL people, calling Tom Cruise "Irelevant"??



Dude slams actors for being in Marvel films… despite being in one himself 🤣

Stay off the drugs, Mickey.


This isnthe darkest ofmdays


Mickey Rourke is broke and scared. He one step from never being hired again.


Someone who is TRULY, IRRELEVANT calling a guy who makes movies people pay to see Irrelevant???

In the last 20 years he made ONE movie that was worth a crap --The Wrestler

The rest he was barely a co-star
