MovieChat Forums > Tom Cruise Discussion > Tom Cruise Best/Worst Hairstyle

Tom Cruise Best/Worst Hairstyle

Tom Cruise has always had a good hairline, I'm quite envious being bald myself.

As for his worst hairstyle, let me get that out of the way first. I've always despised his Mission Impossible 2 and Magnolia straight shoulder length cut. It's just not a good look at all, especially in Magnolia with the bangs pulled up kind of like a manbun.

For the best, I loved how tidy his hair was in Top Gun, it really fit his face at the time, which was much thinner than his rounded face he has today. I also like his teased rocker haircut from Days of Thunder. I'll bet the hairdresser spent a lot of time fixing that mess up to be perfectly teased, every day of that shoot.


I'll go around the time of Interview with a Vampire. Dyed blonde, long and curly. Just didn't fit for me.


Weird thread topic but I'll bite. lol. I always thought his hair was great in Mission Impossible 1. Also did not like his shoulder length stretch in the late 90s to early 00s.


The Color of Money was really bad


What even was that? It was almost a high top fade for a white boy. But I get it, Vince was young, probably just out of high school and had an attention grabber hairstyle.


I always liked his hair in Eyes Wide Shut


Fun thread! Let's face it, Tom Cruise has never had a bad haircut in any of his films. The only weak/bland ones I can think of were in the Lions for Lambs/M:I 3-era.

>> I've always despised his Mission Impossible 2 and Magnolia straight shoulder length cut. It's just not a good look at all, especially in Magnolia with the bangs pulled up kind of like a manbun.

Totally disagree. Tom looked really good with the then popular harcut-trend. And I would under no circumstance desribe it as a "manbun", which looks terrible on everyone except Jason Momoa.

Someone in a thread above criticized his haircut in The Color of Money. I recently saw that film in a new HD transfer on Disney+, and let me tell you, that haircut is underrated.

Other good ones: Collateral, Vanilla Sky, Top Gun, Far and Away, Legend and of course Rain Man.


I love his hairstyle in jerry macguire, I think it's his best. Far and away hair didn't seem to fit him, but it wasn't that bad.

I had no clue the color of money was on disney plus! I haven't seen it, but if that movie is really on there, say no more, I'm on my way to watch it. I totally forgot Tom Cruise was in that.

Edit: I watched the color of money and it isn't on disney plus, but paramount plus I believe. that is one good movie.


His worst was in Tropic Thunder


Best: Long hair and beard in "Samurai"
Worst: Tropic Thunder
