MovieChat Forums > John Carpenter Discussion > WTF Happened to JOHN CARPENTER?


When it comes to leaving a mark on cinematic history and scaring the bejesus out of people while doing it, John Carpenter would be on the Mount Rushmore of Horror. Known for directing some of the most iconic and influential films in horror history, Carpenter is responsible for helming Halloween, The Fog, Escape From New York, The Thing, Christine, Starman, Big Trouble in Little China, and Prince of Darkness, to name a few. Each of the films mentioned above has left an indelible mark on film history, with many filmmakers crediting Carpenter as a source of inspiration for their chosen careers.

In addition to helming a handful of cinematic gems, Carpenter is also an award-winning composer, producer, screenwriter, and actor. He’s a Swiss Army knife of talent, but not every career isn’t without a few scars. In 2001, Carpenter released Ghost of Mars, a sci-fi horror film that received raised eyebrows and a few thumbs pointing downward. Don’t you haters ever come for In the Mouth of Madness, though. We’ll mess you up!

Still an integral part of the filmmaking industry, Carpenter has contributed to several Halloween projects, including short films and David Gordon Green’s recent trilogy. There is seemingly no end to Carpenter’s creativity, and we’re about to explore much of it in today’s WTF Happened to John Carpenter presentation.


I suspect he's happy sitting around playing video games.

I am a big fan of John Carpenter's early movies, but I think he never recovered from the setback the critical reaction to The Thing caused.


Lol, you realize that he worked for more than 2 decades after The Thing came out, right?


Yeah, he made Christine, Starman, Prince of Darkness, They Live and In the Mouth of Madness after The Thing. All are great films, better than pre-the thing works like Escape from New York or The Fog.


the man, the myth, the legund


He died.


He most certainly did not...


My bad, that was Karen Carpenter. I always mix those two up. Theys like twins, they is!


No, he's still alive.


I think he did. But just like another very famous carpenter, he rose from the grave. DUNT-DUN-DUUUUUUUUN!


That's not even funny. He's the last of the great horror directors. Once he goes, it's all PG-13 jump scares and happy endings. Yuck!


He stopped making movies and turned to music. He was involved as producer on the last Halloween Trilogy.
