MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > how come there aren't any disaster movie...

how come there aren't any disaster movies about a heatwave?

I think this could be really interesting. What do you guys think?


I think probably cause we're already living it. Not on the level of disaster movies.

We get heatwaves so often nowadays which kill a bunch of people world wide each year that I don't think people wanna "relive it" as a movie.

Also, disaster movies just aren't as profitable like they were in the 90s or early 2000s


Yeah it kills 10's of millions each year. Hot weather has really got us all stressed out. Nobody wants to have fun anymore. I've been getting really depressed lately because of the high temps. I was eating potato salad the other night and I just started crying like a newborn baby. It was so fucking hot that day I had to drink water every hour. Do they have support groups for people who have suffered from hot weather?

Then I remembered I'm not a psycho nutcase and it gets hot every summer. So I went about my life like I normally do. It will get hot next summer and all the summers after that. It's not a big deal, if it gets too hot drink some water and go indoors.


There are a bunch of support groups popping up around the world.

But they just tell you to stop being a lil bitch & take a shower. 😆

All jokes aside, I genuinely dislike hot weather. Summer is my least favorite season.

Climate change or not, I hate how freaking hot it's getting each year.

So, I don't think I'd honestly be into movies with the heat as "the villain", ya know?


That's fine... you keep cracking jokes while people are dying from the heat. You heartless bastard!


You got it. You can count on me.


Cold kills far more people. Life and death are a part of existence. A lot of people die an perfectly beautiful days from a myriad of things like, falling, car crashes, heart attacks, bacterial infections, viral infections, murder, war, natural disasters, and suicide.

This is why we laugh in tragedy and fortune.


You forgot to mention cancer, it's also one of the leading causes of death. Approximately 10 million people worldwide die every year from cancer.


Summers were hotter here when I was a kid in the '80s. I remember going swimming in the local lake at the end of May, and it was very rare for it to be below about 78 degrees in my house in June. This year (as well as most, if not all, years from at least the past quarter century), it was in the low 60s in my house until this recent, short heat wave that ended a couple days ago (which means I've been wearing a fleece jacket in my house for all of May and most of June). Today it's 70 outside and 70 in my house. This is the weather forecast for my area for the next week:


That is honestly pretty nice.

I'm in the southern hemisphere right now on a trip. It's pretty darn cold & windy eight now. In a good way.

Hoping the summer is cool or at least windy when I get back to the North.


Lawrence of Arabia (1962)


During a heatwave, people generally try to take it easy and drink a lot of water. Not as thrilling as an earthquake or fire.

I guess you could come up with a story where some oldsters need to be rescued from a retirement home with broken AC or something.


The movie could open with a guy drinking water for about 3 minutes straight and then show a montage of people sweating all over the city. Then they could show a thermometer hitting about 88 degrees, that's hot where I live.

Your idea sounds great though. The building's entrance with the old people could be blocked and they have to find another way in.


Oh, reminds me, they did a movie with Tom Hanks where you couldn't go outside during the day.

The sun's ultraviolet rays would burn ya.

It's called Finch (2021)


I'll have to check that out. Was it straight to streaming? I don't remember hearing about it.


Yap. Only reason I even knew it existed is cause Tom Hanks is in it.

Kinda underwhelming, not gonna lie



oh very nice, thanks.


A young Bonnie Bedelia in that film. Very underrated actress.


Did you not see the Scorcher franchise starring Tugg Speedman?


Those are classics now, everyone has seen them.


It might be a little hard to do. The cast would have to be stuck somewhere to make it suspenseful.


Twilight Zone original series has an episode on it. It will be better than anything you ever watch thats modern so I would just check that out.

Night Gallery also had an episode called "The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes" which is excellent. Its more about the Sun destroying mankind though. John Badam directed it if my memory is correct. Bunch of well known TV actors from back in the day starred in that. One of my favorite from Serling's Night Gallery episodes. I guess it would fall more into Nick Cages film "Knowing" territory though. I suspect that director pulled some inspiration from night gallery.


Actually there IS. FINCH. Tom Hanks stars in it. It's a really good movie too. Sad ending though.
