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George Lucas turned 80. Let's debate: Star Wars prequel trilogy vs. sequel trilogy

Even though Lucas actually directed all of the prequel films, the excessive use of CGI doesn't make these feel like a true Star Wars world. Was there a reason Jar Jar Binks was entirely CGI? Why was Yoda CGI?

Putting that aside, the prequel trilogy has a lot more unintentional laughs. "Nooooo!!!" is probably the one that stands out the most. What was up with Jar Jar's accent? Jake Lloyd was laughably bad. Hayden Christensen wasn't much better. Why was Yoda able to hop around the room even though he is thousands of years old and walks with a cane?

There's also the major mistake where we find out Anakin created C-3PO. This made us question why Vader never acknowledged his existence in the original trilogy even though he was right in front of his face.

Conclusion: sequel trilogy wins for me.


Disney STAR WARS sucks bantha cock.


OK, I'm a little confused here.

I know the original 3, starting with Star Wars (1977) are Parts 4-6, & the 90's trilogy are parts 1-3 the entire Star Wars story.

So are parts 7+ sequels to the 90's prequels, or sequels to the original trilogy series?

The last one I saw was The Phantom Menece, which made me lose all interest in the franchise.


7-9 are considered sequels to the original trilogy because it would take place in order.


I think this is the best thing Lucas has done since Indy 3:




If you took the best bits of I and II (losing the boring political stuff) and spliced them together, you’d have a good film.

III was quite good.

VII wasn’t bad, but far too much a repeat of IV.

VIII and IX were a bit of a drag.

I declare a bore draw.

(Solo was just ok, but Rogue One was excellent).


You may like KISS, 80s music and synthesizers, but I agree with almost all of this above, but I'm choosing the sequel trilogy for being nicer to look at.


I was a teenager in the 80s and had to play the hand I was dealt; I’ll always prefer 70s classic rock.


Sequel trillogy? I don't know. The first 3 movies that came out. Those are my favorites. After those movies, studios needed an excuse to make more money off the franchise for a newer generation of audiences.


No one would disagree, but it's debatable on if the prequel or sequel trilogy is better.


I only watched the first entry in the Disney Wars trilogy, in the theater in 2015, and that made me swear off the franchise for good (i.e., the franchise from 2015 on), so I've never seen the rest of the trilogy, and I never will.

The prequel trilogy wasn't very good, but it wasn't bad enough to make me swear off the franchise, not even close.

The original trilogy (theatrical cuts) is by far the best, and all three of them are among my all-time favorite movies.


The first film of the sequel franchise was good and they had me fooled thinking something special was coming.


It was the most annoying movie I've ever seen, annoying being the worst flavor of bad that a movie can be IMO.


The prequel trilogy as it was a planned three film story arc.


I can explain why Lucas used so much CGI in the prequels.

Both the original and prequel trilogies were experimental films. Lucas is an innovator and responsible for multiple new filmmaking techniques and inventions.

Lucas innovative special effects and Dolby Sound system for the original trilogy changed filmmaking. Pixar and Photoshop exist because of him, too.

Once again, Lucas changed filmmaking with the prequel trilogy since he was experimenting with CGI for special effects, CGI replacing actors (reason for 100% JarJar. It's very difficult to make a realistically believable CGI person), digital filmmaking (Attack of the Clones was the first 100% digital feature film), THX sound, etc..

The CGI effects are used in 3D animation and game engines as well.

Lucas is one of my heroes. He has revolutionized movies.

Thanks George! Happy birthday!


Maybe he could have just experimented with a different movie instead. Like an original film that won't piss off the fanbase.


Star Wars movies were always political. Lucas had a message for us.

The original trilogy came out when Americans were in a depressed funk because of Watergate, Nixon's resignation and the Vietnam War. We weren't the "good guys" like we had thought and there were no heroes to cheer. Movies were very gray with no real heroes anymore. Lucas gave us a simple popcorn movie with heroes and villains again.

The prequel trilogy is about how democracy slowly becomes an authoritarian tyranny from within by its elected officials. At the time, there was controversy over laws which allowed spying on citizens and other governmental actions which worried folks. It was George's way of alerting us.

I prefer the prequels instead of the mindless unoriginal Disney crap. There was plenty to enjoy about the prequels. They're not perfect, but I'd rather watch an imperfect film that attempts to be spectator rather than an uninspired ripoff that plays it safe like the sequel trilogy.


well said Keelai and great post.


Thanks JoWilli.


you bet. Lucas revolutionized movie making and everyone shits on him. makes no sense.


Most people are probably too young to know how much he contributed and they never read anything about him. I'll never forget watching the opening few minutes of Star Wars with the crawling 3D words, humongous starship appearing and laserblast sounds crisscrossing the theater. That's when I became a lifelong fan.

It took me a few years to get over my anger after watching The Last Jedi.
