MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are teachers in life correct to always d...

Are teachers in life correct to always discipline even POTENTIALLY spoiled kids?

Or pupils or students, and also, let's say we DO show off at times and get just a little demanding, or put a lot of effort into craving for attention or at least try and act all, you know, tough...

OK, I know a lot of this is not encourageable. Thing also is, I at times acted like a wannabe friendly guy but in the name of fun and even then I was told off, sometimes, I just wanted to relieve the mental pressure of rigid discipline, and in one instance, OK I acted like I wanted to attract a little attention, but not much more than plenty of other pupils (minus some VERY small exceptions) did in times with fellow pupils OUTSIDE of teachers (in school, there seems to nearly always be that separate line here or there) and I even once said "No need to get angry at me alright".

Besides, in life... OK I am going on and on. And yeah I still remember than 1998 instance when I got in trouble for JOKING with a teacher and in a comedic way going "Yeah, everything's all right and don't worry", so its like, yeah, you can't be too friendly either. It probably did come across a little like mick taking anyway but... And the point kind of was was that at the time, I and the other kid who were during play time playing on the play ground were not being totally in the wrong but the teacher thought we were being a bit distracting, and I was kind of saying I don't feel like being always told what to do or have conflicts but that I can joke a little SILLY but do so in order to show off in front of my mate. But the teacher was like "No, you're out of order" etc and oh well...


P.S. In my view sometimes yes, sometimes not so much. But OK even if I succeeded in those few instances in irritating them I DO apologize but then again... And I DO sometimes "talk like that to my parents" (to quote that April 1998 or so teacher or maybe even February of that year) but it isn't that huge a deal when THAT happens and besides... In family we also take a more playful approach to things and the teacher could have also politely retorted "Excuse me, I am in no mood for jokes either, stop this pseudo fun friendly stuff right away please..." and I would've but anyways... And plus that was 25 years ago to boot, lol. :)


Its also interesting of note that I sometimes didn't even TRY too hard to attract attention or be silly but, say a little something once here or there or even act like you're not serious about studies or school rules or say something in the WAY you do like with a silly comedic approach or sort of authoritarian military like "yes sir!" way and teachers are like, "You're in trouble" etc.

As if studying ALONE wasn't hard for most of us, it WAS for me though as well.

On a DIFFERENT note. WITH other folks in life like older "pupils", I may have been AFRAID to act all TOUGH and DEMANDING like teachers tend to do on a NORMAL basis. And yet teachers acted like this with us for less like they weren't afraid to discipline and tell us off like that.

And even in that 1998 instance, I succeeded in disappointing and even angry-ing a teacher not through threats or rudeness but jokey inappropriate silliness via exaggerated POSITIVITY whilst very subtly encouraging a teacher not to tell us off for playing in a playground including little play fighting or playing "had" or anything like that and allowing to act loose and relaxed in the face of POTENTIAL if not even OFFICIAL discipline.


'Fun semi entitlement' is one type of term I would love to coin one day, or something along those similar lines. :)


Depends what the student does and what the disapline is.


IN GENERAL. What I did in those instances wasn't too in itself err wrong and bad. :)


It sounds a little like you were backchatting the teacher, I'd expect to be told off if I did that


Well, I was kind of just joking around at that time but yeah I get it. :)


I guess you also expect teachers in general in all instances to take themselves seriously and automatically engage in discipline in all moments whether during lessons, during play time or even outside school however big or small.

Come to think of it... Why not.


I hope you don't hold a grudge, besides it was a quarter of a century ago. )


I guess you also expect teachers in general in all instances to take themselves seriously and automatically engage in discipline in all moments whether during lessons, during play time or even outside school however big or small.

I guess they're an authrotiy figure in charge of keeping students in line and all that at least whilst during school hours.

I hope you don't hold a grudge, besides it was a quarter of a century ago

Of course not, not like I was one of your teachers or ever went to your school LOL


"Are teachers in life correct to always discipline even POTENTIALLY spoiled kids?"

If you treat kids like that, they'll become riots.

[Janusz Korczak] formulated the right to respect for childhood as a full phase of life and specified this in various individual rights such as

- Respect the child's inexperience
- Respect the child's curiosity
- Respect the child's failures and tears
- Respect for the child's property

as well as the child's right to be as he or she is.

Yesterday did read the so sad life story of this brave and selfless man.
Shame on us Germans that we murdered him and 'his' children.


Sorry to hear it.

P.S. What do you think of Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall" song from 1979 and its famous or infamous "Hey teacher, leave them kids alone!" line?

P.P.S. I don't even hold a grudge against that teacher from 1998 but I am sure she realizes yeah I was wrong but didn't mean to come across as totally out of order etc, and that now its all fine, same or similar with other of my teachers AND people in LIFE TOO. Not to mention, hehe, even online and even HERE at movie chat.


To answer your questions like this:
I think anti-authoritarian education is wrong.
Children are cute little sociopaths who need to socialize.
There's so much to learn, becoming an independent thinking adult in a human community.

That's why the basic message of that song is wrong (even though it's a great song).
Children and youngsters need friendly education from adults.
Discipline is necessary.
That does NOT mean, breaking their personality with constant and harsh measures.


^This. Right. Here.^


Teachers aren't allowed to discipline the kids at all these days. The most they can do is put send them to the principal's office, make them sit out in the hallway, or do detention. They're not even allowed to do that if the kid is black or retarded and stuck in the wrong class due to the parents' hubris and refusal to face reality. This is because the teachers' hands are tied by the state.

Historically, back when one-room schoolhouses were the norm, the teacher was the ultimate authority, and they could be very strict when it came to discipline and behavior in the classroom. Imagine how many of today's spoiled little shits would consistently come home with their asses chapped red from being beaten with willow branches for misbehaving, or being forced to wear a Dunce Cap in front of their classmates due to the way kids were punished back then? Some would just be plain thrown out and ordered never to come back, and the little shits would then have to shuffle off to the factories where they belonged to start with, considering they didn't appreciate a good education when given one.

In the 1960s, they actually had a good system going when it came to sorting the kids into classrooms that suited their learning speed. For the first week, the teachers would observe the kids with the various lessons, and sort out the smart ones, the average ones, and the slower ones. They had classrooms specifically for the advanced kids, the average ones, and the slow ones, and the kids would later be sorted into them accordingly based on their performance. It worked really well until some genius in the DOE got rid of it. I have no doubt someone whined about "racism" or "bigotry" because a lot of black and/or retarded kids probably ended up in the "slow" classrooms.

That's why our public schools are so messed up these days, among other reasons.


Yeah, because the OP is American, and this topic was about American schools.


I am a Russian who in the 90s moved to England and that school was an English school.


I was being sarcastic. Perhaps I shouldn't have been. I think I'm on ignore regardless


Its OK you're not on my Ignore list at all.


And I was being a little too honest, then again, mentalities of America, Britain and especially Russia (where I am originally from) do tend to differ.


I think she meant she was on Amerigirl26s ignore list.


Disciplining kids who are potentially a problem is an interesting idea. Profiling certain groups will get you in trouble, but no one said anything about rich kids.


When was the last time you had a teacher? Maybe it's time to stop endlessly dwelling on meaningless shit that happened in the past?


Yeah haha, I only do so out of curiosity.


This institution system of teaching and information is wholly bankrupt and corrupt. I endorse all murder of said officials.


Oh come on, let's not think violence especially through loss of life is any kind of answer. Also, isn't murder like THE worst offense, especially if it isn't in unavoidable self defence etc, one could like ever commit.


I think the worst offense is knowingly selling bad tacos.


"...and I even once said "No need to get angry at me alright". "

Knowing absolutely nothing about the situation in question, I'd still bet my 401K that you were wrong!


I probably was a bit yes as in "wrong in terms of incorrect" yes but still, and it was long ago, and in one instance I was more wrong in the way I acted rather than what I did. Like, how I spoke etc.


And "right" and "wrong" even when they are 99 if not full 100 percent identifiable are, at least in certain moments and with regards to how others act on them, more relative than absolute and even more so, in this life and especially in educational establishments like schools people never act 100% perfectly, correctly, well-mannered etc even with teachers much less with fellow students.

And speaking in an optimistic way on the order of "Yes, I am ready to work hard and follow all the rules but let's gather together for an understanding and sort for instance theoretically however small even potential problems and nuances that may even unwittingly get in our ways, and act like we are almost perfect utopian beings without giving too much way to anger and confrontations even if it may come across peculiar and even a little annoying at times" is, well... Apparently "wrong" also.

And notice that in the end even though I did walk away I didn't react too angrily or start demanding, well, rights and whatnot, I didn't start swearing or get physically violent etc. Even though I've seen others do it over related frustrations regarding various tellings off.

P.S. Even if I did want to "attract a little attention", is that really so bad overall? Don't most people do it anyways?


What's also the difference between officially being great and successful and wanting or trying hard to be or making an appearance as though you are?

What's the difference between being generally civilized and doing it in a somewhat showy type of way?

And are we not allowed to generally live in order to have fun and enjoy ourselves whatever potential troubles may come our way, must we be always serious and responsible or at least seriously and responsibly prepared?


It is not wrong to want to "attract a little attention" in general.

It is, however, usually wrong when other people are just trying to get on with their jobs, such as teaching, studying, trying to solve computer-related problems, waiting tables, answering calls, etc.


True true mostly. And fair enough I agree and it is what it is. :)
