MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > do you feel you are wasting your time on...

do you feel you are wasting your time on movie chat?

in a world where people get paid from ideas and social media content?(and how insane and stupid that can be if not educated well and/or have mental health issues)

this is just an empty space like reddit or facebook where your ideas dont really matter and you will not get credit for them and get some kind of revenue from them like youtube or Instagram or tiktok

only thing i like about movie chat is that it's "a little" safer to get crazy and say stupid things because it is traditionally not your social media


I do tend to fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way--I'm waiting for someone or something to show me the way. Truth be told I've got too much time on my hands, I got nothing to do with all day to do it.


Hey man, I can tell when someone is shoehorning STYX references into a conversation, domo arigato misuta robotto!

Sheesh, try to pull a fast one on me!


No, I get some really good music, movie, literature and TV show suggestions here.
That's pretty much all of my leisure time so my MC interactions are good times well spent.

Plus, I really do care for the cool Regs here, they seem like good, decent people.


I spend a lot of time using Movie Chat at work lol So technically I do get paid to use the site sometimes. I don't think making money from Social Media is as easy as it's made out to be, unless you are a hot female maybe. I just use the site to chat a little, I don't think much of what I say is something people would pay to read.


i'm just watching football.


Yes, I was wasting too much time here, so I took the summer off.


No, unless I write a long post and no one reads it.


“get paid from ideas and social media content?”

Getting paid is only one way of measuring if something is worth doing, and a very American-centric way at that.

If we put aside some of the more prolific posters found in the Dunning-Kruger cesspool known as “politics”, in my view, most of the members of this forum are insightful and intelligent, and also have wisdom from being experienced in life. It’s awesome to have a place where we can use movies as a jumping off point to talk about and exchange ideas on different things, including the movies themselves.

Also, all the joking around and shenanigans here can be downright hilarious, you don’t really get that in places like FB/IG and other social media sites, which are usually swamps of bad ideas, horrible news, and ads for bogus products that don’t work.


I don't come here to save the universe - it's mindless fun. I do know that during the first year of Covid this site was a great place to pass the endless hours while my husband, (who is high risk), and I had to isolate.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of censorship here and that is refreshing.
