MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If you hold women to men's standards, yo...

If you hold women to men's standards, you realize, they're basically terrible human beings


"I only date tall men". or "My type is tall, dark, handsome". Or on those dating shows when they have a blind date, "Oh thank God he's tall."

Replace genders and use the word 'thin', or 'big breasts'. Men would be tared and feathered.


Women still want 'spousal support' despite being 'strong, fierce, independant women'.

I find this absurd. Whenever men do this to women, particuarly famous women, they get destroyed online. Excuse me? Women always do this.

The days of women being the stay at home wife who supported her husband as he persued his career goals and thus was a 'co contributor' to his success are gone. Women are expected to have their own jobs. If a marriage ends, there should be division of assets, AND THAT'S IT.

Women expect men to pay for the first date. If a man were to say 'can we split this?' she will trash him and he is basically guaranteed never to have another date.

Some women expect a man to ALWAYS pick up the tab. Add to that "romance" of buying her things. Jewlry. Flowers. Clothing. If a man were to ever utter "she has no romance, she never buys me anything" he would be destroyed.

Compliments. Women expect them. Sure, it's nice to recieve one, but to expect them? To complain about it? Imagine if men were like 'she never mentions how pretty I look.'

Denying sex. A girl can say no, or no thanks, and that's fine. If a man turns down a woman, out come the knifes. "He's obviously gay." or "you must be cheating to not find me attractive."

Women take being turned down so personally.

Gossiping. Women run their mouths about men. Men generally don't share every personal detail of a women's life. Imagine if they did?

So a lot of atributes of women, is actually toxic, shallow, greedy and double standarded.


Some women expect a man to ALWAYS pick up the tab. Add to that "romance" of buying her things. Jewlry. Flowers. Clothing. If a man were to ever utter "she has no romance, she never buys me anything" he would be destroyed."

Oh well.. There's a price to pay if you want some pussy now isn't there??


Hence some men say they prefer to go to a hooker because it's cheaper.


Long-term, that can sometimes be a lot cheaper! 😂


I learned never to make any effort to buy a woman a special gift.




One thing a man never does is complain about inherent unfairness in nature.


this is all part of the 1st world, modern toxic feminist delusion syndrome. "situational fairness".

MEN can and will admit their faults, we know them well. But women can do no wrong (situationally) and if you speak against that, you are a "loser", or incel, or misogynist for some weird reason that doesn't align up with the definitions of those terms.

I've learned people stopping following what DEFINITIONS of words are here and elsewhere online. Sad.


Do you have a take on why this is so?


the delusions or definitions?

the delusions, I suspect, are from setting up unmatching expectations, like tell a fish they can fly etc. "Equality" is a farce because men and women will ALWAYS be very different. The "Equality" should only be in HUMANE respect and treatment... not expecting women to be the bread winners and men to tend to the children. That example already plays out as failing based on the amount of men who care for the kids while wives work is crazy small amount.

ignoring definitions, I have no idea. it's impossible to communicate without knowing what the words mean, and using them properly.


Good point. I have a friend who is a "passport bro", which is a man who has given up on toxic western women and prefers to fly to Colombia or Brazil for women. He's shown me videos where men discuss this and where western women chime in.


HA! I know people like that also.

So... modern american women are getting what they want.... but.... ARE they REALLY???


Get a load of yourself buddy


I know why Im valued being 6'2", green eyes, averagish but working towards being in better shape. I refuse to believe I have to accept whatever woman looks my way and can't have any preferences or standards of my own.




The Manoshpere is really popular right now for a reason , but it's not all their fault. Society in general is fucked up.


Honestly, I've seen both men and women complain about each other. Go on reddit and you will see women complain about men and men complain about women.

The reality is that dating these days sucks on both sides especially online.

--Michael D. Clarke


Women are humans. Lots of good ones, lots of bad ones. Glad you're sorta getting around to realizing that.
