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Came across this Reddit post about anti-dogs.

Lol. Anyone relate to this? Link:

I'll copy and paste below:

"Why can’t people just accept some people do not like dogs?

It’s become so taboo to dislike dogs or not even see them like everyone else does. It’s actually disgusting how dog-nutters shame people who do not see dogs in the same way they do. Dog-culture is only getting worse and worse and dog’s are being seen as god-likes figures. It’s the equivalent of me going absolutely enraged at someone for not liking mushrooms and saying they have no soul or they haven’t ‘found the right mushroom yet’... It sounds ridiculous.

I genuinely use to think there was something wrong with me for not liking dogs and how i was the only person who didn’t like dogs. I started to become slighty depressed from how annoying my mother’s dog was and having to constantly tolerate it. Every time i expressed how i felt about something the dog was doing to annoy me, i got shut down so quickly. This is how bad dog-culture has become.

People from different sub-reddits often come here to comment on our posts and say how pathetic we are for having a whole sub dedicated to ‘hating dogs’. But the funny thing is that THEY’RE the reason we have to make a separate sub just to express how we feel. We cannot express how we feel without being down-voted to oblivion and annihilated by words just for not liking dogs.

Dog culture is only getting nuttier and nuttier."

--Michael D. Clarke


i mean i can see this perspective.

it must feel like living in crazy land and a constant nightmare if you hate them. yet are constantly surrounded by them, or ofrced to interact with them and having them constantly in your face and told how great others dogs are.

itd be like some alternative universe where everyone literally eats shit and feeling like one of the only sane people who hates it and thinks it gross and no one believes you and everyone disagrees and jsut keeps tryna get you to eat shit sandwiches.


I don't understand how anyone could be anti-dog...They're delicious!


Agreed. I actually like dogs fine from a distance. But they're whiny, needy, noisy, dirty creatures which demand to much attention.

The problem is you can't even walk down the block anymore without running into some idiot walking their annoying dogs. And they bark at everything which moves.


You crack me up

Signed, million man.


They are indeed dirty. I wouldn't like it if someone was slobbering over my face when they just licked their crotch or licked another's butthole.

Your thoughts on cats?

--Michael D. Clarke


I like cats. They're aloof and they don't give a fuck. They're kewl.

I just wanna say I like dogs for like 5 minutes but after that I want their nose outta my crotch. They're too needy.




Onan- that's hilarious. LOLOL I have cats and they sure don't care much about me except when they are hungry. But I love the little furballs anyway.

I recently had to have my old dog put down and I am so sad. (two months now and still cry). It's lonely without her. People who don't love dogs don't know what they are missing. But I wouldn't judge them. People like all sorts of pets. I for one, would never have a pet gerbil, snake or rat. But some folks love 'em.

My dad disliked dogs and our mom always let us have a dog. I couldn't understand his feelings. I felt sorry for him. One problem he had was that he was afraid of dogs.

As for those crazy cats of mine, I tell people that they are great pets to have if you like being ignored!


I actually do love dogs. I'm just saying you have to put a lot more energy in a dog than a cat.

My theory is that since dogs are pack animals, when raised by a human, they look at us as their pack leader. So you get a sort of love and loyalty that you'll never get from any other animal.


Yes Onan, dogs seem to need more attention. Cats are happy with food, a clean litter box and a warm place to sleep (in the winter that's usually on my bed and ON ME!).

Your theory is right on. Dogs live in packs and their person is their pack leader. Cats are solitary hunters.

I read an interesting article about cats and their temperaments as opposed to dogs. It said that dogs have been really domesticated by humans and they do not act like dogs in the wild. Cats, on the other hand, are really not much different from their wild cousins, i.e., lions, tigers, leopards, pumas, etc. They basically have the same temperament and hunting skills.

The article said that your housecat basically looks upon you as a too large prey so he won't attempt to eat you. LOL Did you ever see the old fifties classic "The Incredible Shrinking Man"? Near the end of the film, when the guy is really tiny, the family cat goes after him. His wife assumes that the cat ate him. Funny, you wouldn't think that way about the family dog!


I have seen some emotion from cats which surprised me. We had a male and a female cat who had a litter. The father, as they do, rejected his male son as soon as he reached puberty. Once the father snarled at and attacked the son, the mother actually interceded between them, and then consoled both father and son separately afterwards. I was truly astonished because I wasn't aware cats had such emotions.

I've also had a cat who would return from a neighborhood roustabout and loudly announce his return to the entire family, meowing excitedly and looking at each of us as if he was trying to tell us something. It wasn't the usual hungry yowl.

So there is some complexity there.

Great point about "The Incredible Shrinking Man". Lol. I think that might be more bewilderment on the cat's part though. He couldn't connect the dots.

I also had guinea pigs as a child and let them graze on the lawn. The cats never bothered them. But, when one guinea pig had babies, I set them free on the lawn as well, and our cat attacked and killed one. Instinct related to size seemed to have taken over. Like I said, they never bothered the adult guinea pigs.

Also though, I hear that feral cats can never be as tame as domesticated cats. They're always wild and never accept humans. So it seems domestication does have some real affect on cats.


Cats really ARE interesting creatures. They can be aloof one minute and the next minute they are all over you purring and cuddling.

I had one cat, a male I named Ricky, and he had some maternal instincts. One of my cats had kittens and he liked to groom them. He would get a hold of one and pin it down with his paw and proceed to groom the kitten. The kitten would try to escape but he wouldn't let it go until he was finished washing it. I never saw that behavior in a male cat before.

Cats do show emotions but it's like they are too proud to admit it. It's like, "Yeah, I'm cool. Nothing bothers me." And definitely don't laugh at them! They get annoyed!


Yeah, we had a tomcat who was a very gentle soul as well. After the mother had kittens he would lay in the box contentedly with the mother and her babies. However, I've known other tomcats to be jealous of the kittens. So they do have individual personalities which override instinct.


I agree. I've had dogs my whole life but I'm at the stage now that they just aren't for me. My kids are grown and I'm away from home quite a lot and they just don't fit in my lifestyle anymore. I have a relatively elderly dog and when she's gone, no more.

Today's "dog people" are pathological IMHO. They have to take their dogs everywhere and I think it's for attention. I mean, why does someone have to take their dog to the grocery store? The dog and you will survive if you leave it at home for a couple of hours.

Also, dog people don't understand that their dogs can really be off putting. There's a store near me where the owners have two large poodles that jump on any and everyone who comes in and they think it's just lovely. I avoid going there because I don't want their big dogs jumping on me and pawing my pants and shirt. If you're gonna have a dog in public, train it to not invade other people.


I live in Southern California. Having a dog on a leash has become a bit of a fad.




What annoys me is dog owners who don't clean up after their dog, and those who use those retractable leashes that allow dogs to walk far up in your yard and do their business. Where I live, technically, those leashes are against city ordinance - the limit is a 6-foot long leash.

And then I see folks who don't even leash their dogs. I live on a street that is just a couple of blocks from a park, so I see quite a few dog walkers. There are two guys (I call them the "dog boys" even though they're older) who walk past my house almost every evening, each with their dog. One of them just carries his retractable leash. I suppose his dog is pretty well-behaved, but they have to cross a busy street just before they get to my house. I just wouldn't trust my dog around that much traffic, no matter how well-behaved he is.


I think some people are aware that dogs can for the most part, provided they're not fucked up by their owners, tell whether someone is trash or not and that spooks them.

If you've had a dog, you know what I'm taking about Willis.

Had a dog and he only barked at one guy his entire life and that guy was a grade A jerk - that's you Harold.

Plus crazy cat people are merely trying to covert everyone to their cat cult by throwing shade on dogs.

I mean, how could you see this cutie on the street and not want to stop to pet her?




Every quality that humans equate with goodness, dogs are born with. If you ever get to know them, you realize that they really ARE better people than people.

Of course that doesn't mean that they belong everywhere, they don't belong in grocery stores, restaurants, on crowded enclosed spaces, or in places where someone has a dog allergy or an old cat other issue. And dogs don't belong anywhere public, until their humans train them to behave appropriately at ALL times.


I wouldn't shame someone for disliking dogs, it's all a matter of choice. I happen to love our doggie companions. I find them to be valuable guardians that violently and jealously guard the borders.

My little dog can be an annoying jerk sometimes, a real damned pest even. But nobody is sneaking around the driveway, barn and shed without this tiny busybody raising a hell of a ruckus! She's only twenty three pounds but she's really loud and mean...I'll take care of the rest with my my Pals, Sr. Winchester, Mr. Marlin and Padre Mossberg...there are several more smokers in the crew.
Keep Out.

I like cats too but my daughter is allergic, otherwise I'd adopt a couple of them as well, they are deadly for the mice and snakes.


It’s become so taboo to dislike dogs or not even see them like everyone else does.

Dogs are nice cool animals. The problem often lies in that they have distasteful owners that can't handle them proper. It's alright to dislike them, but hate the owners.


I like some dogs, but not anywhere near enough to want the expense, responsibility, and hassle of owning one.

If I were rich to the point that the expense was irrelevant and the responsibility and hassle could be offloaded to hired servants, then I'd have a big, lazy, Redbone named "Ol' Blue" that mostly just wants to sleep on a braided rug in front of a fireplace.
