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Name some movies with beautiful cgi/vfx effects

I feel like cgi doesn't get enough attention UNLESS it's really bad. Then every youtuber & online "journalist" would not fucking shut up about it.

Like the recent Disney/Marvel & DC offerings for example.

So, let's show some appreciation for films that have gorgeous looking effects.

1. Tron: Legacy (2010) - I'll never stop being blown away by how freaking amazing this film looks. What a visual feast.

2. Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy - From the "Zombie" effects in the first one to Davy Jones in the sequels, I was genuinely amazed how fantastic the effects look even 2 decades later.

3. District 9 (2009) - One of my all time favorite films & the alien/creature designs look so damn good!


OH, just remembered Blade Runner 2049. That looked great as well.


The Fountain (2006)


Oh yes, The Fountain is absolutely beautiful!


The effects were so good in this film, I started a thread about it.


Now THAT is a film I have not seen since I was young. I was more of a 'Volcano' kid myself.

Might rewatch Dante's Peak.


I got nostalgia for Volcano too, but those effects in Dante's Peak are near perfection.


The Abyss


That's another one I haven't watched in ages but I did watch a video on it a couple of months ago by one of my favorite Youtubers, "Mr Sunday Movies".

And I learned two things (well, a couple but I'm just gonna name 2 lol)

1. The movie & its effects have aged amazingly.

2. James Cameron is a fucking nightmare to work with. Like holy shit, man!


Sin City used CGI to create a mood, atmosphere, and totally unique look. Although Dick Tracy did it as well or better with practical effects, Sin City is a perfect example of how to properly use CGI - even gobs of it. Most movies seem to just use CGI like a reflex, but Sin City had a design angle in-mind and executed it perfectly. In other words: they put storytelling first and CGI for its own sake second.

Jurassic Park still holds up, somehow. I think this is largely because they used CGI in combination with animatronics and other effects, and the blend helps to fool us.

Dune - the new one - is as breathtaking, beautiful, and awe-inspiring with its visuals as Villenueve's Blade Runner sequel. This guy knows how to make $200 million dollars look good enough to make it worth it. I like both of those movies, but specifically, the look is great. Villeneuve uses CGI well, but he also knows how to craft a scene and use camerawork to tell stories and give us atmosphere - that is why his effects work - again, storytelling first.

The Fall is an aesthetic triumph.


I literally just watched a two part video on Sin City a couple of nights ago. It's by this YouTuber called "Cinemastix"

His second video is titled, "When Green Screen Actually Makes the Movie Better".

And he's absolutely correct. Cause it's one of, if not the absolute best use of that, ever.

It's genuinely amazing how gorgeous that movie looks after almost 2 decades.

Link to one of the videos:


I've enjoyed some of Cinemastix's videos before, so I'll try to check it out. Thanks for the link!


Avatar (2009) I saw this move in 3D Imax and it was absolutely stunning!


That movie just became cool to shit on. It's hands down one of the best cinema experiences I've ever had.

I even caught the re-release like a year or 2 ago & it's still fucking gorgeous. Its visuals still blows a lot of modern blockbusters outta thr water.


The two that blew my mind are:

1) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, because I had no idea that Davy Jones was CGI. I thought it was a man with really good prosthetics and animatronic tentacles.

2) Life of Pi, because I thought the tiger was real and very well trained. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was entirely CGI.


A 2013 investigation by the Hollywood Reporter brought to light leaked emails suggesting that animals involved in the filming of Life of Pi had been mistreated during the filming despite the American Humane Association's "No Animals Were Harmed" certification on the film. In an April 7, 2011, email, AHA monitor Gina Johnson wrote, "last week we almost killed King", in reference to a tiger used for filming. The email goes on to suggest that the incident, in which the tiger apparently nearly drowned while filming a scene, would be "downplayed" in the official report to the AHA. (wikipedia)

At least, there was a real tiger on the set.


And the VFX artists were really mistreated & their studio had to shutdown.

It is a beautiful movie but what an absolute nightmare it was to work on.


Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004): almost 20 years old and still stunning!!!


That's the one with Jude Law & Angelina Jolie and one of them has an eyepatch, right?

I remember seeing a promo for it ages ago but I've never actually watched the film


That's it! Also stars Gwyneth Paltrow. It didn't do too well at the box office, but that's because audiences weren't looking for a diesel-punk tribute to 1930s adventure serials. Light years ahead of its time regarding CGI/special effects. If you're interested, visit this movie's page on this site: I've posted a number of articles about it.
