MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How did you find movie chat?

How did you find movie chat?

I was still on imdb when someone started advertising this alternative, I think it was the founder himself since he also mentioned the legality of MC


I felt an emptiness of connection when IMDb shut down. Every once in awhile I would search for some kind of movie board to read movie analysis and post my thoughts as well and found nothing worthwhile.

Then one day I found this site, and people actually regularly posted and there have been some good talks on movies here!

It has improved my life being able to watch a movie and then come on here and see discussion. People sometimes find things I missed in a movie or answered and asked questions. Its been mostly good.


I'm assuming most of us came from IMDB. I think it was advertised to us shortly before the boards were shut down.


I was at a movie website prior to finding titled "Movie Forum" and it seemed like more of a website for movie snobs and so I googled "movie websites" and this site came up.. It's one of the better websites I've been to over the years.. As much as I don't agree with a Politics Forum on a movie website, at least we can discuss it and agree to disagree without running to the MODS to have someone banned like many other sites do like Box Office Theory and World of KJ Index..


I had a message saying there was a 23 yr old Russian girl (and her sick mother) waiting here for a guy just like me. At least I think it was here.


Weird, I saw an ad that said hot 22 year old Ukrainian babes are looking for employed American husbands...odd coincidence!


I was looking for a site to read discussions about Game Of Thrones and The Walking Dead about five or six years ago and just kind of stumbled in here.


I wanted to research a film and Google found me MC. I used to post exclusively on the individual film boards until one day I stumbled upon GD.


Accidentally. I gave up on Message boards/movie forums after the IMDB ones shut down.

I tried a couple but they were either shite or just not that active. I don't even remember how I came across MC.

Maybe I followed a link someone posted or Google sent me here. Genuinely can't remember. I just found myself here one day.

I'm like that character from that movie that can't remember how he got there & has no memory of the events leading up to that point.


IMDb brought me here before the boards went dark... can't recall who posted it.
