MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's your experience with golf?

What's your experience with golf?

I personally find it tedious


I know enough about it, to hate it.

Signed, million man.


Miniature golf is more fun :) The rules are a little more relaxed, the clubs, balls, and courses are colorful and often have interesting themes (like pirates, movies, or fantasy); the course has fun puzzles to solve with the golf balls, and it's suitable for all ages.


I love Mini Golf, it’s really fun.
I’m not very good but it’s a fine time.


You lost your balls


I only have the two remaining.


Boring game and the VW car named after it is also dreary.


That VW is cool tho


Meh I'm not a fan the competition looks far more appealing.


I used to watch the four majors (U.S. Open, Brinish Open, Masters, PGA Championship) but the last couple years I seem to have lost interest. I've only played three or four times in my life, I'm no good at it, but found it enjoyable to walk the course.


I played a lot of golf in my youth but mid 80's was the best I could manage for 18 holes with my unorthodox swing. I loved it, especially out in the country on weekdays where the courses weren't crowded. Beautiful day, beautiful surroundings !


I once hit a golf pro who was giving lessons in the head. That was the end of my lesson.


I tried it a couple times and enjoyed the guy banter and sunny greens but I was pretty awful at it.
It’s not for me but I do find good golfers very impressive.


I love it...but it's the most frustrating game in the world. I've been struggling with hitting these "snap hooks," so I hit a large bucket of balls at the driving range this afternoon. I still didn't hit them very well (i.e., not how I'm capable), so I went out in the backyard this evening and I think I finally pinpointed my problem...I was bending my right arm (I'm left-handed, so it's my "lead arm") during my backswing, so I hit a few crab apples into my son's soccer net and hit them solid, so I think I'm back on track now. I've played for over 30 years now and I still struggle with just putting together a halfway decent golf swing at times. 😡


I know a very good amateur weekend golfer who loves it and says it’s one of the most frustrating games/sports you can try but he still plays as often as possible.

It’s not for everybody, I’d rather be on a lake fishing.


Yes...if I had to do it all over again, I'd have taken lessons a lot sooner and paid a lot more attention to technique. The problem is that you can't swing a golf club like a have to find a "feel" that works. I find one that works for awhile, then it goes away and back to the drawing board. I agree that it's not for everyone...and probably isn't for me either, to be honest about it! 😃


Eh, if you love it keep having a fun challenge, why not?

I’ve yet to hook a Northern Pike despite several nearby lakes having a reasonable population. Sport is about failing and trying and trying again👍

Maybe we get there, maybe we don’t. It’s great to try our best.
